
Constraint Track Animation in desktop VRChat controlled by a synced parameter via OSC input sent through a Python script that listens on a WebSocket for messages sent by a client in Neos which transmits the distance between two cubes that I can move in Neos using LogiX.
I am releasing "Blendshape Viewer". Free on Booth & GitHub! hai-vr.booth.pm/items/3582541 Documentation: hai-vr.notion.site/Blendshape-Vie…
I am releasing "Invitation", a VRChat world. It is a small apartment. I tried to mimic the style of MEROOM. vrchat.com/home/launch?wo… #VRChat_world #VRChat_world紹介
I am hoping to release "Constraint Track Animation Creator" in the future, a Unity Editor tool that will let you create complex constraints moving along a track. This is a gimmick that I have been using since June 2020 on VRChat, using SDK2. Learn more: hai-vr.notion.site/Constraint-Tra…
I am releasing ComboGestureExpressions V1.4.0: Smoothing can be installed even if you don't animate your face with CGE! (see hai-vr.github.io/combo-gesture-…) Also includes Bool parameters and better Write Defaults support! Free on Booth & GitHub: hai-vr.booth.pm/items/2219616
Avatar Dynamics: Enter "Play Mode", and use the "Game" window to grab and freeze PhysBones with your mouse.
I've added automatic straddling to my custom IK solver in ResilienceVR, so that if you're sitting on your knees, the knee gets grounded, meaning that moving the feet will not cause the knees to lift. No knee trackers needed! ✨ twitter.com/vr_hai/status/…
You can now grab and hold hands on my Avatar Dynamics public demo avatar.
When using a chest tracker in the VRChat IK update, try using the "Lock All" option. This will enable positional chest tracking, making additional movements visible such as chest isolation, chest pop...
Create a stretchable PhysBone with an angle limit. In Constraint Track Animation Creator, set the "Avatar Dynamics Mode" parameter to be the PhysBone _Stretch parameter, and Regenerate the animator. Free on Booth: hai-vr.booth.pm/items/3532857
I am releasing ComboGestureExpressions V1.3.0: Generate Puppets and Blend Trees, animate transforms like Ears and Wings, separate Left & Right hand combos, and more tweaks! Check out the new documentation with videos and tutorials: hai-vr.github.io/combo-gesture-…
I am releasing ComboGestureExpressions for #VRChat Avatars 3.0 on GitHub, a tool that lets you attach face expressions to hand gestures, and automatically generate an animator. github.com/hai-vr/combo-g…
When VRChat adds shoulder tracking twitter.com/Kung_VR/status…
Avatar Dynamics
I am releasing "Expressions Menu Hierarchy Editor". Edit your avatar menus as if they were objects in your scene hierarchy. It comes with additional features, making it easier to edit Expressions Menu assets (see thread). Free on Booth & GitHub! hai-vr.booth.pm/items/3696355
Work in progress on CGE Animation Creator. I can edit animation files.
In Blender, use "Recalculate Roll" to reorient selected bones, which may improve the application of PhysBone Angle limits.
VRChat #AvatarDynamics enables Avatar-to-Avatar Interactions. Have you tried the spray can in the Avatar Dynamics Hub world? This is a Contact Receiver. It reacts to a Contact Sender from @Yash884's avatar lighter! VRCContactReceiver / VRCContactSender: docs.vrchat.com/v2022.1.2/docs…
Avatar Dynamics: Use the VRChat SDK to convert Dynamic Bones to PhysBones