賴清德Lai Ching-te(@ChingteLai)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

In Taiwan we were able to control the virus with careful contact tracing and strict quarantines. But no one is safe until everyone is safe. Let’s stay focused and get through this together as one human family.
Don’t make trouble. The median line of the Taiwan strait is a sign of peace, to deny its existence undermines the status quo. Reckless gestures in the sky and sea cannot become the new normal. Peaceful and equal dialogue is the way forward.
Tonight I hosted a dinner for Japanese ex-Prime Minister Mori while President Tsai hosted U.S. Under Secretary of State Krach. Earlier today China responded to the visits with more military threats, but we will keep working with our partners for peace in the Indo-Pacific.
Don’t cross the line. China again flew fighter jets into Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone today. Make no mistake, Taiwan wants peace but we will defend our people.
私は野球ファンです。今日は台湾プロ野球の試合中継に招待していただき、一回から最後まで解説いたします。私は初めてプロ野球評論をした副総統でしょうか? today.line.me/TW/article/R8k…
President Lee Teng-hui's body was cremated today. I feel I lost someone I could count on, like losing a father. But people die, we have to say goodbye. He led a bloodless revolution. He showed us how strong people can be as long as we are united. Taiwan will carry on his legacy.
Repression in Hong Kong needs to be widely condemned. If the Chinese government cannot listen to its people, other countries should.
Today I hosted a friendly lunch for @SecAzar and colleagues. We exchanged gifts and ideas, and shared our commitment to continued cooperation on COVID treatment and vaccine development.
Welcome US Sec of Health and Human Services Alex Azar to our beautiful country, where you can breathe freedom and friendship.
Half of the players in Taiwan's major league baseball are indigenous. As a big fan I love seeing how they proudly reclaim their indigenous names, which were once forbidden. Indigenous peoples are present in every layer of Taiwanese society. Today we celebrate Indigenous Day.
Sad at the loss of a senior, a mentor, and a friend. President Lee taught me humility, calm, and endurance. He asked me to let people know what our party stood for, to offer a vision for our country’s future, and to improve the people’s well-being. Thank you Mr Democracy.
Many of us would love to see a change towards democracy in China, for the good of the Chinese people and the world. If or when that will happen is unclear. But Taiwan’s commitment to remain a free and open country will not change.
Seeing the Taiwan Defense Act and Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act being proposed in the US, reminds me of my post-election visit to D.C. I was deeply moved by the bipartisan friendship I was met with. I felt our win was not just for our party, but most importantly for democracy.
今天是 #美國獨立紀念日 244週年,我要獻上最大祝福,向 #民主#自由 致敬。#美國日快樂! This Fourth of July marks the 244th anniversary of #AmericanIndependenceDay. I wish to offer my best wishes and pay tribute to #democracy and #freedom. #HappyAmericaDay! #US #TAIWAN #HomeRun
Today marks the inauguration of the fifteenth president. In the next four years, I will do my best to assist the President @iingwen and to lay the foundation for the country. No matter where I stand, I will never forget my original intentions in politics. #TAIWAN
May 20, 2020 is coming, We would like to invite everyone to watch the live and share it with friends everywhere to let the world see #Taiwan’s democracy and diversity. Join me for the live #Taiwan520🇹🇼 inauguration ceremony of President @iingwen & VP @ChingteLai
#香港 #銅鑼灣書店 店長 #林榮基 先生的書店,歷盡艱辛,今天在 #臺北 正式開幕,特別獻上祝福。 #臺灣 最引以為傲的就是 #民主 #自由,敬請大家用行動支持書店,支持臺北的銅鑼灣書店,也是對臺灣 #出版自由 的支持! #HK #Taipei #Taiwan 照片出自銅鑼灣書店-台灣重啟
再度零確診!這是振奮人心的好消息。感謝 #台灣隊 全體人員的努力,持續保持健康是你我共同責任,努力對抗 #COVID19 不鬆懈。#Taiwan
Do you recognize where any of these photos were taken? Show me the best things of #Taiwan that you have seen!#ThisAttackComesFromTaiwan
#Taiwan’s efforts to help the international community fight #COVID19 has been seen around the globe. We will not accept the accusations made by @DrTedros on 4/8. Taiwan will continue to prove that we are vital members of the international community through actions. #TaiwanCanHelp
今天是 #言論自由日,為的是紀念民主前輩 #鄭南榕 為爭取言論自由而自焚殉道。 時到今日,台灣民主仍然面臨挑戰,假訊息正在威脅民主體制。 這提醒著我們莫忘歷史、莫忘我們要繼續守護的珍貴民主,切勿以言論自由之名,散播假訊息。 請共同珍惜得來不易的自由民主!#致民主