
There's a lot of superstition about what BDSP Poké Radar considers a grass patch 4 away. As long as you walk 4 steps in any direction, it counts. It takes the longest distance in any direction horizontally or vertically. All the tiles in each square count for the same distance.
It seems that somewhere between BDSP v 1.0.0 and 1.1.2, Poké Radar chain breaking was rewritten and is apparently worse. Now, you only get a 10% bonus if you go after the farthest tiles (4 away) and capture the Pokémon. It doesn't change the optimal hunting method at least.
Let's put this question/rumor to rest. In this video, Cresselia's entry doesn't display the shiny form in Dex even though the roaming Cresselia is shiny. I expect Mesprit to work the same way. No, you can't use the Dex to check that it's shiny without encountering it.
Here are all the BDSP v1.1.1 shiny rates on one page in the same format as my SWSH table. See the notes for common "what about" questions. It's a good day if you're a full-odds shiny hunter.
BDSP's Move Reminder services are free after you give him 10 Heart Scales. I guess this is a way to be somewhat faithful to the originals while still being a QoL improvement since SWSH had free relearn services.
Tables of shiny rates for all the SWSH encounter types I could think of outside of eggs, which are well-documented already. Remember that Brilliant rate maxes out at 100 KOs. You can decide if you want to KO more to max out shiny rate.
There's been some interest in my recent research over the last 2-3 months into Brilliant Pokémon and chain fishing in Sword/Shield, so I'll share my findings in greater detail here. It's long and math/data heavy, so skip to the end of the thread if you only want the summary.
A lot of people are still asking questions for how I'm hunting wild shiny Authentic Sinistea in Old Cemetery with the last KO method, so I made this shareable graphic to explain how it works. Hopefully it's more understandable!
Pokemon GO to Home transfer gives Kanto Ninetales moves to Alola Ninetales. Looks like they forgot about alternate forms!
How to shiny hunt the Swords: 1) Encounter the Pokemon. 2) Run away. 3) Go into camp and back out. 4) Sword should respawn on top of you!…
The Cianwood anti-softlock Tentacool can be shiny!
Some days, you just can't win. #PokemonSwordShield #NintendoSwitch