
Today, I'll talk about all the Meal Powers in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet! I've touched on various Meal Powers already; this will serve as a megathread for all the information, old and new. I had to return to SWSH to complete this research, and ended up learning something new.
Why doesn't Antique Sinistea appear with Encounter Power Lv. 3 in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet? This is due to an off-by-one bug in the encounter slot determination, which decides the species of Pokémon that spawns! This bug is active as of version 1.2.0.
Let's talk about the Porto Marinada auctions, where you can find rare Poké Balls, evolution items, and bulk training items! This thread will cover the item tables and NPC bidding mechanics.
The Tera Raid events have custom Tera Shield strengths. You might have noticed that Pikachu takes essentially no damage from non-Terastallized moves. Instead of the stock 20%, 35% (Tera + nonmatching type), and 75% (Tera + matching type), Pikachu uses 1%, 70%, and 120%.…
Interesting note for ribbon/mark collectors... this Mighty Pikachu is set to have really high scale, ranging from 240-255. That means 1/16 of them qualify for the Jumbo Mark!…
Here are the rates of Picnic egg generation in Scarlet/Violet. The rates improve significantly with any Egg Power, and are slightly decreased due to checks for hidden items in the basket (even if none are on the field). Read on for more details into this process and the math.
The exact conditions for the Partner Mark are: - The Pokémon must have 200 or higher friendship. - Every 10000 steps, party Pokémon that qualify have a 1/100 chance to gain the Mark. The Mark is automatically affixed when gained, so you'll see the title when it's sent out.
Title Power grants additional attempts to roll for a Mark on wild Pokémon in Scarlet/Violet, up to a max of 4. I've calculated the chance for the wild Marks thanks to data from @lincolnlm_. Rates depend on whether weather is active and whether it is your birthday in-game!
Wondering how you "saw" a Titan species shiny in the Dex? It's similar to how Arven's Pokémon can randomly be shiny. After the first stage of a Titan battle, the game has a 1/4096 chance to generate a Titan that's shiny. It won't sparkle, but it will register in Dex.
There's a new bug in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet with Ditto's capture rates that isn't present in SWSH/BDSP. If Ditto transforms in battle into any non-base-form Pokémon such as Fancy Vivillon, it is impossible to catch except with Heavy or Master Ball. This is active in v1.1.0.
In Pokémon Scarlet/Violet v1.0.0, Sylveon mistakenly has the same flag as Arceus and Silvally that prevents it from having its type changed. You can see that moves such as Soak fail. This error was fixed in version 1.0.1.
Interestingly, in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, Shiinotic is considered a Mythical and Marshadow is not. This error is probably due to the similarity of the Japanese names (マシェード / マーシャドー) and the internal species names (MASHEEDO / MAASYADOO)!
While the Tera Raid boss's shield is active, your final damage is reduced in this way: - Not Terastallized = 20% - Terastallized + move is different type = 35% - Terastallized + move is same type = 75% This damage value is rounded normally (0.5 rounds up, otherwise round down).
The reason the critical catch rate seems so high in Scarlet/Violet is this: Once you've registered a Pokémon species in your Pokédex, future successful captures of that species display as critical captures, even if they were regular captures.
Neat, Teensy Power and Humungo Power greatly increase a Pokémon's chance to qualify for Mini Mark and Jumbo Mark! Here's a table with all the details in fine print underneath.
Annoying: The Pokémon Center Birthday Flabébé only comes in Japanese or English. However, if you claim it in another language, it locks in the nickname even on evolution. Here's my Floette named "Flabébé" because it was claimed in a Spanish save, and there's no way to change it.
Good morning! I updated my shiny rates table for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet version 1.1.0. Shiny rates didn't change compared to 1.0.1. This table includes the new category of fixed symbol encounters and clarifies some wording.
I'd like to discuss the category of encounters we call "fixed symbol encounters" in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet. They have behavior that is distinct from regular wild encounters, which has implications for shiny hunters. (Btw, these Squawkabilly are shiny-locked fixed symbols!)
I figured out how Arven's shiny-locked Pokémon can be shiny: The game generates 2 Shellder: a display Shellder prior to the cutscene, and a battle Shellder when the battle starts. The display Shellder is NOT shiny-locked. The battle Shellder is shiny-locked.
Some battle mechanics science... Houndstone's Last Respects move starts at 50 Base Power and gains 50 Base Power for every KO from your party. It caps out at 100 KOs, or 5050 Base Power, if you can manage to get that many in a single battle.
Hope you all enjoyed the last few days of predictable Battle Stadium RNG :P Pokémon Scarlet/Violet version 1.1.0 fixes the problem with the static RNG seed in both Casual and Ranked Battles (Singles & Doubles formats). The battle RNG is now properly random for all PvP formats!
Multiple setups will work -- an easy one is Fake Out + Sheer Cold as long as the opponent does not move before you. The fixed RNG seed is why moves with under 91% accuracy always miss on the first turn, as was first noticed here:…
Uh oh. Pokémon Scarlet/Violet Battle Stadium currently is using the same RNG seed for every battle. This allows us to choose moves to ensure that OHKO moves such as Sheer Cold always hit!
SV made 6-star raids harder by upping the level to 90 (even though you catch at 75) and giving them a 25x HP multiplier. On top of that, 6-star raids have either 128 SpD EVs or both 128 SpD/128 Def EVs when battled. (SpD = Special Defense) The EVs are not present on capture.…
Still confused about shiny hunting Mass Outbreaks in Scarlet/Violet or purging spawns with picnics? Here's an FAQ.