Ben Wexler(@mrbenwexler)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

I'm (literally) old enough to remember when 3,000 people died in New York City and the whole country treated it like an attack on the whole country
so this is how trump tries to turn us all into red states
Close your eyes. Imagine President Obama being briefed on a deadly, contagious virus. Now read this:
I'm almost scared to hear the answers, but... those of you who are privileged enough to have a cleaning person -- you're giving them paid leave, right?
"What do you say to Americans who are scared?" Today's Ad. Yours to share. #DoYourJob #TakeResponsibility #Vote
They Knew.
Today's ad. Steal it. Share it. #TakeResponsibility #Vote.
Trump fired the pandemic response team 12 months AFTER this Time Magazine cover
STEAL THIS AD How to Mishandle a Global Pandemic, In 60 Seconds From me & @DirectorRic, for you to take and share
He said this in a small room with over 100 people in it…
All I can say is thank God the governors of California, Washington, Illinois and New York are taking matters into their own hands
Hope this works better on viruses than it does on guns
Here's another version! It's property of YOU. Share as you see fit. #Responsibility
This ad is property of anyone who wants to share it #responsibility
Trump has touched Pence so many times I think there actually is a chance Nancy Pelosi will be president
Could you imagine how screwed we’d be if the person handling all this had once used a private email server
Don’t tell me on twitter who you’re “writing in.” Find a child in a cage at the border, a transgender person, an African-American who’s been purged from the voter rolls, or anyone with a pre-existing condition who relies on ACA for their healthcare, and tell them to their face
Biden wasn't my first choice, or my second choice, or my third choice -- and I'll work my ass off to elect him
Sara made me really mad. And, it turns out… that’s exactly what she was designed to do. Because, I found out months later, “Sara” was posting her tweets from inside a big building in Moscow. She was a Russian bot, and I’d totally fallen for it. 4/
I want to tell you a story about a woman named Sara. Sara was a licensed clinical social worker who lived in Brooklyn, supported Bernie Sanders in 2016 but was a fan of Elizabeth Warren, and tweeted a LOT. 1/
How I feel watching the first five minutes of the #DemDebate2020
If we can go Green Book to Parasite, we can go Trump to Warren
Folks, I’d steer clear of Fifth Avenue today if I were you
By this point in his term, Barack Obama had saved the US auto industry, given 20 million people health insurance, turned around an economy in free fall, and killed Osama Bin Laden. Trump has built 12 feet of wall that fell down in the first strong wind, and been impeached.
Hard to believe Dershowitz’s defenses of OJ and Jeffrey Epstein wouldn’t be the low point of his career, but here we are