
ジャーナリストの丸山裕理さんが12月5日のTokyo MXニュース番組『モーニングCROSS』にて、ソーシャルサポートの観点から香港社会運動について語りました。感謝いたします。 中日字幕提供 #StandwithHK Youtube:
有一班來自台灣的朋友合唱願榮光歸香港(國語版) 希望為我們為香港人打氣,堅持落去,毋忘初心。 12月8日 3點維園見! 12月9日 3罷! 香港人加油! 香港人反抗! 五大訴求,缺一不可 光復香港! 時代革命! Credit to Dgx Music 曲: thomas dgx yhl 詞: t, 眾連登仔 編: t,bp ,clk ,oct tad ,pp ,kotu
The documentary video of #HongKongProstest #antielab summarises the happenings in #HongKong starting from June to December. Credit to: Fly Hong Kong, I-cable, RTHK, The Epoch Times Please RT and #StandWithHongKong
We analyse the temperature variability attained by the submunition of #TearGas smoke projectile fired (including CN-made & US-made) by #HongKongPolice ,aiming at providing information to evaluate the weapon and its potential danger. Report:… #standwithHK
Thanks again The Epoch Times 🙏🏻 New tear-gas related article released: Fears Mount Over Effects of Tear Gas Exposure in Hong Kong… Please read & RT. #standwithHK
Rev. Patrick Mahoney has also graciously accepted the HK IAD’s invitation to record a video to support Hongkongers. Video released on "11.28 Thank you & March on: #Thanksgiving Day Assembly for HRDA" Thanks again for #standingwithHK🙏 Credit to @HKHIIAD & @revmahoney
Fmr White House official Mr. Steve Yates has also graciously accepted the HK IAD’s invitation to record a video released on "11.28 Thank you & March on: #Thanksgiving Day Assembly for HRDA" to support Hongkongers Thanks again for #standingwithHK🙏 Credit to @HKHIIAD & @YatesDCIA
Politician NCM Yue has also graciously accepted the HK IAD’s invitation to record a video to support Hongkongers. Video released on "11.28 Thank you & March on: #Thanksgiving Day Assembly for HRDA" Thanks again for #standingwithHK🙏 Credit to @HKHIIAD & @SolomonYue
Senator Jeff Merkley has also graciously accepted the HK IAD’s invitation to record a video to support Hongkongers. Video released on "11.28 Thank you & March on: #Thanksgiving Day Assembly for HRDA" Thanks again for #standingwithHK🙏 Credit to @HKHIIAD & @SenJeffMerkley
Republican Senator Ted Cruz has also graciously accepted the HK IAD’s invitation to record a video to support Hongkongers. Video released on "11.28 Thank you & March on: #Thanksgiving Day Assembly for HRDA" Thanks again for #standingwithHK🙏 Credit to @HKHIIAD & @SenTedCruz
The time-lapse of 12.1 #HongKongProtest themed “Don’t forget our original intentions” in #tsimshatsui There're tens of thousands here yesterday! #HongKongProtesters Please RT & #StandwithHK
#HKGETV has conducted the analysis of #teargas in #HK about the previous gas monitoring of ambient HCN at the areas affected by Tear Gas on 2 & 17 Nov 2019. #HongKongProtests Report :… Please RT & #StandwithHK
#HKGETV has conducted the analysis of #teargas in #HK about the investigation of CS residue inside the Canister from different manufacturers. The unexpected result - NO CS residue on the canister of Jing An KF-302-20 CS Grenade Report :… #HongKongProstests
#HKGETV has conducted the analysis of #teargas in #HK about the review of #dioxins with the team of chemistry professors and scholars from Taiwan in order to answer the inquiries about the dioxins based on the literature reviews on #BlackFriday. Report :…
Our journalist discovered 28.6ppm reading of HCN monitor at 1237 near #PolyU science museum (Max. Reading 30 ppm) in #HKprotests This would be definitely humanitarian cruises! YouTube full version: OSHA: 10ppm Please RT and #StandwithHongKong
Capture uploaded. #antiELAB Please RT. Thanks.
Our journalist discovered 29.7ppm reading of HCN monitor at 1154 near #PolyU science museum (Max. Reading 30 ppm) in #HKprotests This would be definitely humanitarian cruises OSHA: 10ppm Nearly 3 times OSHA standard measured! Please RT and #StandwithHongKong
Capture uploaded Show that “OL” reading. Please RT also. #HKprotests
Our journalist discovered “OL” meaning “OVERLOAD” reading of HCN monitor at 1148 near #PolyU science museum (Max. Reading 30 ppm) in #HKprotests This would be definitely humanitarian cruises OSHA: 10ppm Over 3 times OSHA standard! Please RT and #StandwithHongKong
The screen capture of video showed the reading of 9.3 ppm of HCN. Please RT. #HongKong #HongKongProstests #StandWithHongKong
9.3 ppm of [HCN] in air was found by our journalist a few minutes later near #PolyU at 2216 on yesterday. almost meet the OSHA PEL (10ppm). & around 2 times of ACGIH (4.7ppm)!! HKers are under the threat of exposure of Chinese made tear gas every day. #StandWithHongKong
Our Journalist found the reading of HCN content in air is 5.5 ppm at 22:14 nearby #PolyU on yesterday which is over the limitation of ACGIH (4.7 ppm)😨 Please RT and #StandWithHongKong
What happened in #HongKong on 12 November? The documentary clip recorded the #CUHK students defended from the attack of riot police although the riot police were out of control and non-stop firing of tear gas. #HongKongProstests
The journalist found the new imported rubber bullets used by HK Riot Police in #CUHK. Should be made in Brazil.
2 hrs non-stop tear gas fired by crazy & out of controlled hk riot polices made the surrounding of #CUHK very smoggy and the people could not see each other! Tonight CUHK become #Tiananmen2019 #SOSHK Please RT & #StandwithHK