ジャーナリストの丸山裕理さんが12月5日のTokyo MXニュース番組『モーニングCROSS』にて、ソーシャルサポートの観点から香港社会運動について語りました。感謝いたします。
Youtube: youtu.be/8vHekwFsXos
有一班來自台灣的朋友合唱願榮光歸香港(國語版) 希望為我們為香港人打氣,堅持落去,毋忘初心。
12月8日 3點維園見!
12月9日 3罷!
香港人加油! 香港人反抗!
光復香港! 時代革命!
Credit to Dgx Music
曲: thomas dgx yhl
詞: t, 眾連登仔
編: t,bp ,clk ,oct tad ,pp ,kotu
The documentary video of #HongKongProstest #antielab summarises the happenings in #HongKong starting from June to December.
Credit to: Fly Hong Kong, I-cable, RTHK, The Epoch Times
Please RT and #StandWithHongKong
We analyse the temperature variability attained by the submunition of #TearGas smoke projectile fired (including CN-made & US-made) by #HongKongPolice ,aiming at providing information to evaluate the weapon and its potential danger.
Report: cdn.hkgetv.com/report/HKGETV_…
Thanks again The Epoch Times 🙏🏻
New tear-gas related article released:
Fears Mount Over Effects of Tear Gas Exposure in Hong Kong
Please read & RT. #standwithHK
Rev. Patrick Mahoney has also graciously accepted the HK IAD’s invitation to record a video to support Hongkongers.
Video released on "11.28 Thank you & March on: #Thanksgiving Day Assembly for HRDA"
Thanks again for #standingwithHK🙏
Credit to @HKHIIAD & @revmahoney
Fmr White House official Mr. Steve Yates has also graciously accepted the HK IAD’s invitation to record a video released on "11.28 Thank you & March on: #Thanksgiving Day Assembly for HRDA" to support Hongkongers
Thanks again for #standingwithHK🙏
Credit to @HKHIIAD & @YatesDCIA
Politician NCM Yue has also graciously accepted the HK IAD’s invitation to record a video to support Hongkongers.
Video released on "11.28 Thank you & March on: #Thanksgiving Day Assembly for HRDA"
Thanks again for #standingwithHK🙏
Credit to @HKHIIAD & @SolomonYue
Senator Jeff Merkley has also graciously accepted the HK IAD’s invitation to record a video to support Hongkongers.
Video released on "11.28 Thank you & March on: #Thanksgiving Day Assembly for HRDA"
Thanks again for #standingwithHK🙏
Credit to @HKHIIAD & @SenJeffMerkley
Republican Senator Ted Cruz has also graciously accepted the HK IAD’s invitation to record a video to support Hongkongers.
Video released on "11.28 Thank you & March on: #Thanksgiving Day Assembly for HRDA"
Thanks again for #standingwithHK🙏
Credit to @HKHIIAD & @SenTedCruz
The time-lapse of 12.1 #HongKongProtest themed “Don’t forget our original intentions” in #tsimshatsui
There're tens of thousands here yesterday!
Please RT & #StandwithHK
#HKGETV has conducted the analysis of #teargas in #HK about the previous gas monitoring of ambient HCN at the areas affected by Tear Gas on 2 & 17 Nov 2019.
Report : cdn.hkgetv.com/report/HKGETV%…
Please RT & #StandwithHK
#HKGETV has conducted the analysis of #teargas in #HK about the investigation of CS residue inside the Canister from different manufacturers. The unexpected result - NO CS residue on the canister of Jing An KF-302-20 CS Grenade
Report : cdn.hkgetv.com/report/HKGETV%…
#HKGETV has conducted the analysis of #teargas in #HK about the review of #dioxins with the team of chemistry professors and scholars from Taiwan in order to answer the inquiries about the dioxins based on the literature reviews on #BlackFriday.
Report : cdn.hkgetv.com/report/HKGETV%…
Our journalist discovered 28.6ppm reading of HCN monitor at 1237 near #PolyU science museum (Max. Reading 30 ppm) in #HKprotests
This would be definitely humanitarian cruises!
YouTube full version: youtu.be/uxdH-sBzNsw
OSHA: 10ppm
Please RT and #StandwithHongKong
Capture uploaded.
Please RT. Thanks.
Our journalist discovered 29.7ppm reading of HCN monitor at 1154 near #PolyU science museum (Max. Reading 30 ppm) in #HKprotests
This would be definitely humanitarian cruises
OSHA: 10ppm
Nearly 3 times OSHA standard measured!
Please RT and #StandwithHongKong
Capture uploaded Show that “OL” reading.
Please RT also.
Our journalist discovered “OL” meaning “OVERLOAD” reading of HCN monitor at 1148 near #PolyU science museum (Max. Reading 30 ppm) in #HKprotests
This would be definitely humanitarian cruises
OSHA: 10ppm
Over 3 times OSHA standard!
Please RT and #StandwithHongKong
The screen capture of video showed the reading of 9.3 ppm of HCN. Please RT.
#HongKong #HongKongProstests #StandWithHongKong
9.3 ppm of [HCN] in air was found by our journalist a few minutes later near #PolyU at 2216 on yesterday.
almost meet the OSHA PEL (10ppm). & around 2 times of ACGIH (4.7ppm)!!
HKers are under the threat of exposure of Chinese made tear gas every day.
Our Journalist found the reading of HCN content in air is 5.5 ppm at 22:14 nearby #PolyU on yesterday
which is over the limitation of ACGIH (4.7 ppm)😨
Please RT and #StandWithHongKong
What happened in #HongKong on 12 November?
The documentary clip recorded the #CUHK students defended from the attack of riot police although the riot police were out of control and non-stop firing of tear gas.
The journalist found the new imported rubber bullets used by HK Riot Police in #CUHK.
Should be made in Brazil.
2 hrs non-stop tear gas fired by crazy & out of controlled hk riot polices made the surrounding of #CUHK very smoggy and the people could not see each other!
Tonight CUHK become #Tiananmen2019
Please RT & #StandwithHK