China CCP A.I. Marxist Global 5G Agenda- They want to Enslave the World on BRI with Robots, Drones, Powered by a Quantum Digital Brain
Vote Trump, Bankrupt Fake News!
I am not a Republican or Democrat. All the work we did was on behalf of the worlds people because we found huge dangers to the worlds people from China's Regime! Hence I am the only person that warned right before the virus and lockdown hit, in writing-in 100 different ways!
VOTE: Trump, Pence, Pompeo!
The HATE between Conservatives and Liberals can destroy millions of lives globally. Chaos, famine, plague, civil wars, and worse- Replace hate with Benevolence! 保守派和自由派之間的仇恨可能奪去全球數百萬人的生命。混亂,飢荒,瘟疫,內戰以至更糟。用慈悲代替仇恨!
CNN asked Why Clinton-Bush Portrait Removed from White House Prominent Place by Trump Now CNN can Think..WHAT ISLAND? SEX TAPES? CHILD TRAFFICKING IMPLICATES U.S PRESIDENT? REALLY?…
B Hussein Obama knew about China death camps from @WhiteHouse intel briefings. Obama was accessory to Joe Biden's billion dollar China CCP deals during state visits-$ As Vice Pres, Biden took money sourced from Chinese Organ traffickers working under CCP Dictator Jiang Zemin*+
"CCP FEAR THIS" Join Cyrus & Heavy Weight Champion David Rodriguez @ninoboxer LIVE July 31 on Instagram 8pm MST, 10PM EST, 7pm PST Time Live On Instagram 👇🤳 davidninorodriguezofficial and CyrusAParsa1 “中共害怕吧” 参与塞瑞斯和UFC重量级冠军大卫的IG对谈直播,7月31日美东晚10点
Do you see what's happening to Republican party, and Trump? Exactly how I predicted in my book and detailed in secret service report 1 & Half Year before it happened. "Bio-Weapon-Virus from China" Why didn't any "Truth Media" Report the Truth I disclosed? Media Works for CCP!
"World in Danger via China- Big Tech, Aug, 24, 2019" Everything U Experienced past 1 YR published in BK Synopsis before it Happened @TuckerCarlson @MariaBartiromo 中共和科技巨頭讓全世界陷入危險19年8月24日. 去年你經歷的所有事,都提前發布在圖書簡介中了…
Population of White People Worldwide. Under 1 Billion. Population of Minority Groups Wordwide- Nearly 7 Billion RETWEET.
Any and all forms of collaboration to hinder, oppose or censor Election Fraud Investigations, is an Obstruction of Justice! Media, Corporations, their Employees are Not Exempt from Felony Charges! 封殺舞弊調查妨礙司法 @realDonaldTrump @RudyGiuliani @TheJusticeDept @FBIWFO
"Communist Regime's Desire to Enslave Human Race" AI The Plan to Invade Humanity- Trailer 5.… EVERYONE CLICK LINK TO WATCH. I was Right About China CCP, Virus, Lockdown 1 Year in Advance. May Be I Know Something. RETWEET...................................
Dignity Loyalty Truth Courage Benevolence Wisdom Virtue Tradition Faith Forbearance Enlightenment Respect Logic Without these elements deeply engraved in the hearts and minds of a populous, a Nation will not survive, nor will it be blessed! "Return to Virtue"
Harvard is a Garbage institution. You know why? Because I put out more accurate information in 1 year than they did in 400 years combined, even with their China CCP money! Plus didn't their professor get charged wirh selling Bioweapon secrets to China?
Trumps Military Hunted by China CCP Stuck at 23,345 Views-90 Min! FBI Investigate! @POTUS @FBIWFO @AP @JosephJFlynn1 @ArmyChiefStaff @GenCQBrownJr @EpochTimes 披露川普的軍事將領被中共勢力尋獵的視頻-瀏覽量卡在23,345長達1小時留言數量卻直升-FBI必須調查…
"The human brain is the most powerful computer in the universe" It can overcome anything! NO FEAR! YOU CAN MAKE IT! 人腦是宇宙中最強「計算機」,可以克服一切!不要恐懼!你能行!
Billlions of lives are at stake in next stage. I will not explain how to solve the issue unless I get a National Platform. Those who censor me, and did so when I warned that Virus would come causing a great reset, will have to bear for all the lives that die due too censering!
CONFIRMED BY OUR INTEL: CCP Spies connected to Chinese SF Consulate filmed female spy assigned to @RepSwalwell having Sex. Blackmail Data reached embassy, dispatched to China Shut down Embassy-Retreive Sex Tapes! @FBIWFO @GOPLeader @HouseIntelComm @mehdirhasan @RichardGrenell
NEW TWEET- President Trump Defund the U.N. Take all the Money Back for a New World & Charge them for Complicity in Human, Organ, Sex Trafficking, Terrorism & Take Out their Boss China CCP. @realDonaldTrump Respectfully, Cyrus and All the Good People that Exist. RETWEET
If soldiers stay at Trump Hotel, they can have great steaks, see diversity of Trumps employees! Jamaican, Afghan, Mexican, Jewish, Iranian, French, Black, White! Soldiers will wonder, to what degree media unfairly labeled Trump personally a racist to hurt his Presidency!
Judge Roberts and more Lin Wood doesn't know! Release All! Trump has the Tapes!…
Breaking: The Trump administration passes Executive order to protect Americans against Drones, including Chinese DJI drones disclosed in 2019 Book!…
China CCP wants to enslave the worlds people with their 5G-6G grid systems on BRI powered by AI Really Important to Share!…