RT if you think @JoeBiden needs to get arrested for his financial roles in Chinese death camps!
OBAMAGATE! 🇨🇳 奧巴馬門!
Complicity to China CCP Organ Harvesting and Concentration camps is a crime under Article 3 of Genocide Convention Punishable by local tribunal and International criminal courts! 與中共的集中營、活摘器官共犯,是適用《群體滅絕罪公約》第3條的罪行,可由當地法庭和國際刑事法庭懲辦!
TRUMP vs. Biden Freedom vs. Tyranny Constitution vs. Communism U.S vs China CCP Humans vs Machines Righteousness vs. Manipulation Hope vs. Disheartened Order vs. Chaos Creation Vs. Programming Free Will vs. A Program Life vs. CCP Virus TRUMP WON-HONOR WIN!
2019 Cyrus Predictions, Disclosures that came True in 2020! 1. CCP Virus 2. Lockdown 3. Attempted Great Reset 4. Trump-associates hit with CCP Virus 5. Biden and Others Sex Tapes 6. AI/5G/UFO,Millions Spies 1000s of others disclosures Rate of Accuracy=100% Happy New Year!
Google Trained China CCP Surveillance system to track Hunt Quarantine, Kill Chinese Citizens in Slave Camps with A.I. Google Must Pay, Repent, Expose CCP! 谷歌多年來培訓中共用AI技術打造監控系統,以追踪、獵捕、拘禁和殺害中國人 谷歌必須悔罪並曝光中共! theaiorganization.com/how-google-big…
Trump Banning Tik Tok Executive Order Destroy CCP! 👍👍 👏👉 @POTUS 特朗普在发布行政令禁用抖音海外版。 摧毁中共。 cnbc.com/amp/2020/07/31…
CCP @elonmusk Brain Chip Implant with NanoTech Enslave Humanity on 5G AI 中共和埃隆∙馬斯克用量子科技植入腦芯片, 將藉由5G AI奴役人類 @realDonaldTrump @VP @RepMikeJohnson @SecondLady @Ch_JesusChrist @IRF_Ambassador @RobertKennedyJr @hrw 👇Virus-10-2019 amazon.com/ARTIFICIAL-INT…
Just tell Congress if they don't pay $5,000 each month to every American family, you will release all their China Sex Tapes by Executive Order pulled from @ODNIgov and 5 eyes access files. They will sign rightaway! twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
Vote Trump, Bankrupt Fake News!
Groups connected to Vatican and China CCP are connected to Election Fraud! Why would the Pope support Communist China and Biden? How did the Vatican obtain so much Gold, Money and influence if they are supposed to be a place of worship and truth? International Election Fraud!
Vote for He who is against China CCP. Vote with your Mind, Heart and Pen, for He.. The Fate of the World depend on it! 投票給反對中共的那人. 用你的思想、心與筆投給..「他」 世界的信心有賴於此!
U.S Begins to Expell #HUAWEI #5G as "National Security Threat and Arm of CCP!" 美國開始驅逐華為,視之為「國家安全威脅和中共的武器!」 state.gov/the-united-sta…
China CCP wanted to Kill Pres. Trump. I am the only person in the world that has a track of published evidence and more not revealed publicly pointing to Bio-Weapon plan of CCP against the U.S and Trump that came true in exact time that I predicted! twitter.com/CyrusAParsa1/s…
China CCP Top Spies read my book, followed me, realizing Trump would destroy CCP, they launched operations to interfere in U.S elections for Biden! They are caught in so many ways! It all leads back to the Jiang Zeming (Dictator) Family!
CCP NUKE THIS! Through just one proxy agent CCP purchased over 20 million acres of land in North America. We shared this intel with FBI three years ago. @realDonaldTrump @FBIWFO @AP @GOP 中共僅通過一處代理人就在北美購買了兩千多萬英畝土地。三年前我們與聯邦調查局分享了該情報。
Supreme Court Justices need @USMarshalsHQ protection 24/7 next 2 months to prevent mysterious deaths while election is being investigated as they may play a deciding role! @realDonaldTrump PROTECT SUPREME COURT JUSTICES!
The President of the United States @realDonaldTrump got hit with a Bioweapon/Virus right before the election! War Powers Act and Election Interference by CCP!
Fair Elections GAURANTEED by U.S CONSTITUTION rooted in 2500 years of history from Cyrus The Great(Persia) Greeks, Founding Father's: All Shed with Blood! "WE THE PEOPLE" HONOR IT OR LOSE EVERYTHING!
When CCP Connects Huawei on 5G, they can release the worlds private sex tapes in a way that cannot be stopped! Must Eliminate CCP! 當中共在全球連通華為5G時,它們可以無法阻擋的方式發布各國人士的性醜聞錄像帶。 必須消滅中共!
China CCP has no Ethics: RAPES Experiments on people, Mixing Humans and Animals with A.I. Interview Conducted on 3-30-20 中共毫無倫理道德:它們強姦民眾、做人體實驗,用AI將人獸混合」(20年3月採訪)
Some Vatican Pope's Bishops link to China CCP Organ Transplant Tourism-$. Suitcase of Cash, Rome to China? @GiuseppeConteIT @ItalyMFA Investigate..Arrest, take back organs! 梵蒂岡教皇手下一些主教涉中共器官移植旅遊,成箱美鈔從羅馬運中國?調查,全體逮捕,追回器官!
What Secretary of State Pompeo has been saying, as have I: China CCP uses racial tensions and injustices within our multiculturalism to divide us, while China takes over globally! CCP fools us into fighting each other, so they can enslave world with Chinese nationalism and A.I.
Illegal Takeover of #HongKong by CCP is a Fatal Mistake that will lead to the Toad Regimes Demise! 中共非法佔領香港是致命錯誤,會導致蛤蟆政權垮台!