$1.5 Billion China CCP dollars for Bidens! Any CCP Regime money linked to concentration camps where women were gang raped, tortured and killed for their organs while alive? 拜登父子收取中共15億美元! 該政權的這些錢是否和集中營有關?在那裡,婦女被輪姦、酷刑、活摘器官!
China CCP creating Cybernetically enhanced Soldiers to Kill with A.I. The regime is ruthless: Butchering People for organs in slave camps! Interview aired Aug, 2020
It's not over! Who controls the Constitution? YOU DO!
WHO, U.N, WTO China Sex Tapes RETWEET Make Viral- Many Islands, not just Epstein. 👇 twitter.com/CyrusAParsa1/s…
China CCP owes world 10 Trillion for Wuhan Bioweapon! We owe CCP, it's elimination! 中共因武漢生物武器欠世界10萬億美元! 我們欠中共的,是滅它!
AI, China 5G CCP Bio-Weapon Warnings- Published 4-15-2020. Cyrus A Parsa X22 Interview-PART 1 CLIP-Full Video at Link has Chinese Subtitles 中共的人工智能、5G和生物武器威胁 - 第1部分,中文字幕 AI组织, 点链接观看全片 ,原采访视频发布于2020年4月15日 youtube.com/watch?v=moS_7F…
Pres. TRUMP "CCP Pay Big Price! 川普總統說,中共將付出沉重代價! twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
The Pope and Vatican may get a one way ticket to Hell if they don"t Renounce their Relationship with Communist China and Expose their Crimes Against Humanity! @Pontifex @VaticanNews @AP 教皇和梵蒂岡若不放棄跟中共的勾兌、揭露其反人類罪,或將拿到通向地獄的單程車票!
WHO is the Invisible Enemy? 看不見的敵人是誰? CCP?
Google, CCP, Obama, Biden, Bill Gates Endangering World Lawsuit Translated for Chinese Audience Feb, 24th, 2020, Amended Federal Complaint. 起訴谷歌,中共,奧巴馬,拜登,比爾蓋茨危害人類的2020年2月24號修正案的中文版面世了 zh.theaiorganization.com/obama-google-b…
CYRUS Published Trump Family can get poisoned by virus from China 2019 Book! RETWEET To send Cyrus to WH NOW! @realDonaldTrump @jack @joerogan @FLOTUS 塞瑞斯去年在書中提出川普和家人可能被投放來自中國的病毒.轉推,現在就送塞瑞斯去白宮! Evidence. Book! amazon.com/ARTIFICIAL-INT…
Nancy Pelosi led politically motivated impeachment Hunts on Trump, preventing the administration to focus on my China virus-bioweapon warnings. As a President, how can you accurately prevent a Pandemic when half of Congress is attacking you? Is Pelosi liable for Covid deaths?
According to my intel, Bidens Millions taken from China CCP was money from ogan traffickers in Chinese concentration camps during his Vice Presidency! Joe Biden Cannot be President!
I AM the ONLY person in the world that warned y'all before the CCP virus/COVID19 outbreak with my books, articles and lawsuit - an undeniable fact! 我是在中共病毒疫情爆發之前通過著書寫作和起訴案反复警告世人的唯一一人,這是不爭的事實。
Delay U.S Presidental Election by 4 Years Because Under Obama China CCP Stole Bio-Weapon Iran Regime got 150 Billion Biden got 1.5 Billion ISIS Slaughtered Entire Villages Complicit China Death Camps Obama Hunted a Sitting President Obama Now Instigating Race Wars TREASON.
China CCP Behind Witch Hunts of Trump and Gen. Flynn! @realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn @IvankaTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @FBIWFO @CIA @NSAGov @AP @GOP @TheDemocrats 中共是針對川普總統及弗林將軍獵巫行動的幕後黑手! 18/37👇 theaiorganization.com/pawn-game-18-a… Entire Video👇 m.youtube.com/watch?v=50wa-u…
If no Trump, World Enslaved by A.I.
CHINESE COMMUNIST PLAGUE! =CCP 中國共產主義瘟疫! =CCP Cyrus A. Parsa, Oct, 1, 2020! ✍
INVISIBLE ENEMY! 不見的敵人! 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 🥀 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 CCPVIRUS!
"China CCP Planned Poison Trump Cabinet Advisor-Congress-World" Trump Advisor got CCP Virus. I Reported Secret Service Spring 2019. Part in my book CCP Stopped Media Interview me 中共策劃投毒川普、內閣、國會和世界.川普顧問染疫.去年春我報告特勤局,後寫入書中 中共阻止媒體採訪