America is the last free country in the world. I didnt leave Iran as child to see morons lose this nation to China!
NO CIVIL WAR: Just count the legal votes, if Trump wins, protect the liberals from Vengeful Conservatives, Eliminate CCP and Build a great Future for All! Trump 2020! 不打內戰:只計合法選票,如果川普贏了,保護自由派免受復仇的保守派的傷害。消滅中共,為大家營造偉大的未來!
The Chinese Communist Party Plagiarized western scientists' coronavirus research to create the CCP Virus. That Plagiarism spawned disaster globally. Eliminate Communist Plagiarism! 中共靠剽竊西方冠狀病毒科研成果搞出中共病毒,製造了全球性災難。 徹底剷除共匪式剽竊!
TRUMP Vs CCP VIRUS: First Round-Goes to Trump! 川普對陣中共病毒,第一回合: 川普勝!
Paul Ryan wants to save his people in congress from China sex tape exposure. This is why he doesn't want Trump to have election integrity evidence investigated by specific council! If Trump stays in power, for sure the CCP sex tapes will be released!
Cocaine Mitch thinks the sex scandal, China money, will not catch up with him after betraying Trump! For decades he has been cooking Turtle soup with corrupt Shefs!
World Dictators who enslave their People and Western Corporate Tyrants linked with China have congratulated Biden PRIOR TO END RESULT! A NATION NEEDS JUSTICE! 奴役人民的獨裁者和勾結中共的西方財閥們已經提前祝賀拜登! 一個民族需要正義!
Who is responsible for the CCP Virus? China, their people or CCP? The Chinese Communist Party!
Some Big American Media have Chinese Spies connected with editorials, pretending they are against China CCP, Manipulating America, hurting the Worlds people.. FBI will arrest you! 美國一些大媒體中有些中共特務假裝反共,涉入編輯部工作,操控美國,傷害世人。FBI會逮捕你們!
中共黨報解放日報資深編輯胡展奮目前人在洛杉磯。其老上級周稼駿(JJ),原解放日報主編,中共老牌駐外間諜,六四期間以世紀風專欄“請不要向記者開槍”一文騙取西方信任,常駐美國刺探情報 - 中共外交部歐美司副司長在其赴美前到上海面授機宜給予資金。後因勾結官商販賣人口等罪行敗露遭FBI通緝逃回中國。
Pres. Donald J. Trump has access to many sex tapes of high profile people conservatives and liberals! How did I know and Expose Bidens on July 18, 2020 to the world? Its Huge and with under age girls! It is Rape!
The World acting like a Father-less Playground with Children Fighting. If Karl Marx was a good Father, he would not teach Hate! Eliminate Marx! 這世界就像個沒有父親照看、小孩在打架的遊樂場。如果馬克思曾是個好父親,就不會教導仇恨。 消滅馬克思!
Pres. Trump wants all Nations to hold China CCP accountable for their crimes against humanity. Must Receive World Justice! 川普總統希望所有國家就中共的反人類罪追責. 必須接受全世界的正義審判!
RT. Hong Kong Students Hunted by CCP with AI based Human Detection Capabilities, Published Oct, 12, 2019, Cyrus A. Parsa, The AI Organization 中共利用人工智能人體(臉)偵測技術跟踪抓捕香港反送中學生,AI組織於2019年10月12號發表此報告…
VOTE: Trump, Pence, Pompeo!
I know how to have standing in Supreme Court because my Biden, Google, CCP lawsuit had standing! 我知道如何讓大選案子獲得訴訟資格 @LLinWood @SidneyPowell1 @RudyGiuliani @RealPNavarro @JennaEllisEsq @OANN @kayleighmcenany @newsmax @EpochTimes @Nefertari_25 @GretaLWall @AP
REDEMPTION, EXPOSE-ELIMINATE CCP-Wish for a Great Future of Enlightenment & Awakening for All! 懺悔救贖,曝光並消滅中共 並願所有人都擁有覺悟、覺醒的偉大未來!
Some Billionaires Linked with China CCP death Camps, Epstein Islands Moved from NYC recently. The 5 Eyes Can Arrest them with Laws Passed by Trump! 一些和中共死亡集中營及愛潑斯坦式小島有瓜葛的億萬富翁,最近搬離了紐約。五眼聯盟仍然可以聯合執行逮捕,特朗普近期通過的法律也如此!
.@realDonaldTrump TEAR DOWN ALL SATAN'S STATUES Trapping Children into Pedophilia World. RETWEET and Follow me for A.I. Disclosures.✍️ #TearDownSatan
Mark Zuckerberg Facebook made money by selling UR personal biometric data and family information to China through third party contracts. Money used in Facebook campaigns to interfere in U.S elections as Facebook employeed Chinese CCP Spies as FACT CHECKERS! Rigged Election!