REAL Danger of China CCP Huawei BRI #5G #AI Global Grid Agenda 中共華為5G AI「一帶一路」網絡系統的真正威脅 — 塞瑞斯·A.帕薩 請轉推 RETWEET-Share Everywhere 👇…
DO NOT TRUST FOXES @FoxNews 不要相信福克斯新聞的狐狸們
是我们曝光了中共用AI猎捕香港年轻人,强奸他们、被自杀。中共非常邪恶。#HongKong For the Chinese. It was us that exposed Hong Kong CCP Fake Suicide Rapes, Oct 2019- Look 6:30 Seconds.
CIA AND FBI Directors should both be fired. They failed to protect the nation on China CCP. I would have done a 10 Times better Job! CIA和FBI局長兩人都應該被炒魷魚。他們在中共問題上辜負了國家。 我會比他們做的好十倍!
VOTE: PRES. DONALD J. TRUMP!!! ***** 投選:唐纳德·J·川普總統!!!
9 Reasons China CCP is an International Terrorist Organization 1. Nuclear Weapons Smuggler 2. Unsafe 5G Developer 3. Prostitution-Human Trafficking 4. IP Theft 5. Plagarizing thieves 6. Professional Liars 7. Drug Traffickers 8. Murderers Rapists 9. Created CCP Virus
Bioweapon Staged As Accident 中共投放生物武器卻弄得像意外!
Spy China AI Sex Tapes of NBA Players. Our investigation Published Last Year, Oct, 23, 2019 中共特務利用AI秘拍NBA球員偷腥錄像,我們的調查於2019年10月23日發布…
Close Down All Chinese Embassies Now! Trojan Horse! 現在就關閉所有中共使領館! 特洛伊木馬! @realDonaldTrump @VP @SecPompeo @FBIWFO RETWEET! RETWEET! RETWEET!
人的生命的原初設計是道德、高貴和純潔的。 共產主義剝奪人們的信仰,在頭腦中注入恐懼, 心中注入憤怒,遮住他們的慧眼, 弱化、進而消滅他們的精神。 文明要延續,回歸道德! 塞瑞斯.
Do Not Fear The Chinese Communist Party, Make It Fear You. 別怕中共。让它怕你。 Cyrus A. Parsa, The AI Organization. 塞瑞斯, AI组织
CCP planned assassination of Trump, Congress using poison (virus), unleashed to world. How did I know and publish it one year ahead of time?? 中共策劃用毒藥(病毒)暗杀特朗普(川普)和国會議员,散佈了全世界。我是如何提前一年掌握情報並公諸於世的???!!!…
Strong Mind=Strong Body! TRUMP! 強大的心靈,強壯的身體!川普
Vote Trump, End Organ Harvesting! 投票給川普,終止活摘器官!
Biden money deals link to Death Camps, China- Per Genocide Convention, Nuremberg and U.S laws, he is a National Security Threat, not allowed for Presidency! RT! 拜登涉中共死亡營,威脅國安不得當總統! @realDonaldTrump @JoeBiden @TheJusticeDept @FBIWFO @DHS_Wolf @ChanelRion
If Biden doesn't allow for proper fraud investigations, I will refile the Crimes Against Humanity Lawsuit with his name first and have all the victims come forward to testify!
Hunter Biden under federal Sex investigation! Children in China that were sex trafficked!
PRESIDENT UNDER SEIGE! 陷入重圍的總統! @POTUS @Cabinet @SecretService
Every Human Being is Special! 每一個人都不一般!…
Vote Trump, End Pedophilia!
ELECTION FRAUD IS A FORM OF ELECTION TERRORISM! Election Fraud is an attempt to Subvert the State, the Nation and all of its Governing Apparatus, not to Exclude the Nations Military. Those involved, aiding or complicit are liable to state and federal crimes!