[Trans] Japan FC Magazine Vol 9. Keyword Bloom Q: When do you feel happiness as if  flowers are blooming in your heart? 🐰: When I stand on the stage as an artist. Although it's physically demanding it's a very happy time. Personally,  it's when I brush my teeth+ twitter.com/amabile_suga/s…
🐰: take a shower  feeling all refreshed, and drink beer as I cool myself? (laughs) . I feel happiness in these little things. I also feel happy when I'm praised, also when work goes well and days when I'm in good condition. I also feel happy when the weather is good. +
Q: To Jungkook, how would you compare flowers in full bloom to life? 🐰:  I think a person who follows through with the things they have to do is a cool person.  So in that sense, I still have yet to think of myself as an "adult". It's true that there are things only I can do+
🐰: but I don't think of myself as a person who is complete/accomplished yet. There are many things as an artist that I want to do and I have a lot of dreams. I also like to draw, and exercise as well, lately the things I want to do are increasing+
Q: If one is to apply to Jungkook what water and the sun are to flowers then what will it be? (t/n: just like water and sun provide sustenance to flowers, what provides sustenance to Jungkook?) 🐰: I can certainly say it's ARMY, it can only be this! the next is self-respect+
🐰: So there's still a long way to go before it's in full-bloom. (laughs)+
🐰:I thought I was a person who lacked self-respect but on talking to acquaintances I realised it wasn't self-respect that I lacked but self-confidence. Until now, I wasn't concentrating on anything other than music and standing/being on the stage but now+
🐰: I'm trying out various things . If it doesn't work out then I stop halfway, and if I want to do it again I pick it up/start again. I was able to grow at many levels thanks to such repetitions+
🐰: If I apply such positivity to myself , my own power will increase . At the same time, as an artist, I think I can deliver my power through the messages I put into music, melody, singing and lyrics.
Q: I think Jungkook has the power to brighten the surroundings up like flowers do. What's the secret to delivering such bright power? 🐰: I think it's about liking what you like and disliking what you don't like.  Humans appear bright when they are positive right?+
[Trans] Japan FC Magazine Vol 9.Keyword. Believe. Q: What future of BTS' do you believe in? 🐿: I hope everyone stays healthy without getting sick or injured, and are artists who love their work. I would like to continue to work together forever as we do now but it's twitter.com/amabile_suga/s…
Q: What do you think is the reason that so many ARMY believe in BTS? 🐿: I think it's extremely important that we were sincere. Amongst the things we have done till now, for example, concerts,  music productions and the love to ARMY, all of them were done with sincerity. +
🐨:  I think that's what acceptance is. And it isn't based on being right or wrong but just understanding that this person is different from me. That's what I have learned the most about living together.  That everyone is different and that it isn't necessary for us to be same.
bts will probably be leaving for the states soon given the AMAs are on the 21st. hope they have an amazing stage and an amazing concert 😊
[FULL TRANS] JAPAN FC MAGAZINE VOL 9 . you can find the complete translation in this compilation. twitter.com/i/events/14577…
[Trans] Japan FC Magazine Vol 9. BE, MYSELF INTERVIEW I posted this as a thread yesterday but here's the complete interview. Will be adding this to the moments compilation later! twitter.com/amabile_suga/s…
ARMY CALENDAR. EP 5. Mini-Bowling Match 🎳 translating from 0:59 🐿: I can't even do normal bowling,  and I'll be doing mini-bowling? 🐥: *takes game out* everyone, BGM please BTS: *sings* 🐿: the BGM's are different  😂+ twitter.com/ssujams/status…
BTS LAND EP 5 🐯: hello ARMY 🐯🐰: welcome to 🐯: V 🐰: and Jungkook's BTS Land! 🐰: this corner is Balance Hero 🐯: Balance Hero 🐰: Balance Hero is a title that I very much want to get . 🐯: oh~ 🐰: what's the relation between the spaghetti we have here and this octopus?+ twitter.com/Sv__________v2…
🐰: but it hasn't fallen 🐯: okay so the win of the first round is... 🐰: V 🐯: is me *2nd round* 🐰: the 🐙 falls really easily than I thought it would 🐯: *sets* it's okay to not use all of this (the spaghetti) . okay? +
hope the wifi works wherever bts will be staying at 🥲✌
Japan FC- Snack Time . Jimin pull out the sticks of the palm tree and answer the question number attached to the monkey that fall down. 🐥: no 13 fell.  Q: If you could use only one emoji for the rest of your life which one will it be? + twitter.com/Sv__________v2…
highest acceptance rate....very university of them
Almost 😭 not 100 but quite close 🥲✌ but got a nice message from Jungkook 😂 🐰: amazing(that you got a) high score ♩will keep cheering for you till you get a 100♡ (T/N: it's from the Japan FC ARMY quiz/test Vol 2!)
Special Message on getting full marks on the BTS Test Vol 2 (for Japan FC) 🐨: congratulations ♡ The questions are random so please try as many times as you like! 🐱: congrats on getting full marks! (seems like) you know about us quite well right?☆+ twitter.com/ssujams/status…
AWA (a jpn streaming site) announced their annual ranking of the most listened artists (and songs) of 2021 and BTS is #2 (artist) with Dynamite as 2nd and Butter at 9th amongst the top ten most listened songs of the year twitter.com/AWA_official/s…