🏮 Zakuga Mignon Art🏮(@ZakugaMignon)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

1/4) I saw artists demystifying paintings, so I thought I would too. This is a painting I did in 2019 for Omega Academy. It took me 24-35 hours roughly to finish. This was when I was on a curve of learning to draw better (not that great at drawing) and slow
The end goal of Ai/Ml is for corporations to charge you money from nothing and pay no employees so they can maximize profits. It would be a good model if this wasn’t capitalism at its extreme of exploitation and theft.
Truly the bottom line of this all: WE DID NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO USE OUR ART IN AI
This is the second company I've seen thats marketing itself as an i2i AI gen on copyrighted art and photography. By just running any image thro they will gen it slightly different This will not save you in court. I hope every company using these gets sued into oblivion
Exactly, pro artists using imitative Ai to sell out other artists are not realizing this Ai is not meant to keep them, they are replaceable and their messages are reading clear to the companies seeing their posts. AI is stealing from you, to replace you. twitter.com/JonLamArt/stat…
“Mindless bigots” Says the man whom is actively fighting to exploit artists So tired of being told “artists can benefit from our own exploitation, free labor, and pain” Please unsubscribe from this man’s YouTube if you haven’t already #SupportHumanArtists
As someone who went to school 6 years to code, graduated cum-laude, and was a project lead developer. You sound dumb when you say: “machine learning is just like the human brain”
Ai ppl want to sue artists -the ones they are stealing artwork from (I can’t even make this up) I’m at the point where I think art should be behind paywalls #SupportHumanArtists #noaiart
Articles like this are written to push an agenda and normalize exploitation. They wrote an article about how AI should be used as covers and doing a small bit of research they are making AI generated covers, no surprise This person is trying to make a cheap buck on authors dimes
Music, will you come into this space now and fight with us? twitter.com/rpnickson/stat…
I’m so tired rn. “We can explain away the exploitation and cultural biases because….” Because you like free labor. No such thing as see we started with this sketch and made it into this: “so it’s not unethical” Ai right now is unethical. Please hire an artist twitter.com/bradfordlitfes…
It came full circle, people are saying WE should be grateful for the EXPOSURE that AI/ML gives us. So it really was at the end about stealing our work because no one believes artists should be paid fairly for our labor and years of training. #SupportHumanArtists
Slowly we are bringing change to the world, Japan is slowly becoming aware AI/ML is stealing and harassing artists ゆっくりと日本に変化をもたらしました! twitter.com/nhk_nw9/status…
You don't have to donate but its here to share gofundme.com/f/protecting-a…
日本は立ち上がる時です。Do not allow your favorite artist to be trained by Ai. Stand up for your artists. We are here waiting to help.
Please if you watch ONE video about AI let it be this one. twitter.com/adamconover/st…
If you thought any of these were real photographs you need to get off Facebook, and listen to the generation that grew up with technology. Each of these had millions of ppl believing they were real. If you cant tell with these imagine how much worse it’s going to get
Potus, please look into image generation programs that are destroying peoples lives, taking jobs, and creating an online environment that is dangerous for everyone. These programs can generate some pretty serious matters including children that should not be taken lightly. twitter.com/POTUS/status/1…
Fantia also joining non-AI movement. Depending on how Patreon handles this so far there are options as a backup: Ko-Fi FanBox Fantia twitter.com/michlayer1/sta…
Alright let’s play this little game of “democratization” What’s stopping us from just pirating your books? You what? Worked hard writing it? Ha. I don’t believe in copyright. That song? That game? Ha, I don’t believe in “hard work”, it’s actually gatekeeping.
Everyone Patreon is looking for opinions on AI/ML content. It's important that those actually putting in work to make art are the ones supported. Please let them know your thoughts: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI…
I want to address the thought that Ai looks “terrible”. These are all Ai/Ml Down to mobile apps that are simple like Dream to complex ML like Stable. If it’s not regulated everything we draw will directly go to making their ML better. You probably haven’t done the research..
Do not send me images of CP you find from imitative AI. Please write your governments about the dangers of AI Please report them to the correct spots: report.cybertip.org inhope.org/EN#hotlineRefe… support.google.com/websearch/answ…