Older people need to make sacrifices to protect the future, says @TimmermansEU vice-president of the EU commission.
It's hopeful when politicians are slowly starting to speak more realistic about the climate crisis.
You say that you listen to us young people. You say that you care.
Now you must prove it.
The only morally right thing to do is to #WithdrawTheCAP and you know that. How do you wish to be remembered?
@TimmermansEU @vonderleyen @EU_Commission @EUAgri @2021PortugalEU
It's very hopeful to see how far and wide this text has spread! Imagine if we for once actually listened to what scientists say, rather than just repeat phrases like "listen to the science" while still primarily listening to companies and billionaires. Just imagine.
#MindTheGap twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…
Demonstration 1a Oktober kl 13 på Medborgarplatsen.
Vi kan inte vara neutrala när politiken sätter liv på spel. Makthavare sparkar neråt, marginaliserade grupper görs till syndabockar. Gör motstånd. Stå upp för antifascism, antirasism och klimaträttvisa.
"A 2018 study estimated it would take 40-100 years or more for forests to recapture the carbon emissions from burning the wood pellets, if ever, because forests are subject to hazards like disease and fires."
This is one of many loopholes making net zero targets insufficient. 3/3
It was a real pleasure to discuss with you, as always! twitter.com/Schwarzenegger…
We urge everyone to join the International Day of Solidarity with Sudan against military oppression through all peaceful means of protest.
We stand in solidarity with the Sudanese people and send our support to fellow activists at Fridays For Future Sudan.
Antarctica demanding #NoMoreEmptyPromises !
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike twitter.com/AWIs4Future/st…
A big congratulations and thank you to Fridays For Future Bangladesh and all other climate activists who have been pushing for this! twitter.com/TRF_Climate/st…
The fact that the aspect of equity is considered "subjective" at this level tells you a lot about current climate policies... But that's not all. Read this important thread. #COP26 twitter.com/KanitkarT/stat…
"In other words, the Government has just committed to reducing less than 1 percent of the country's emissions by 2025".
Text explaining New Zealand's so-called climate emergency declaration. This is of course nothing unique to any nation. #FightFor1Point5
"Russian and Ukrainian environmental activists have made a joint call for a European embargo on Russian oil, gas and coal"
#PeopleNotProfit theguardian.com/environment/20…
Burning biomass is considered "climate neutral" since the forests eventually absorb the carbon again. But in the timeframe we have for reaching the Paris Agreement - and avoid setting off irreversible feedback loops - this is nowhere near the case. 2/3
The EU said at COP26 they want to "lead global change to protect our planet".
We assume this means the European Parliament will #VoteThisCAPDown next week, as the proposed CAP would be disastrous to the climate and environment and is not nearly in line with the Paris Agreement. twitter.com/WithdrawThisCA…
And as if 2°C rather than 1.5°C was acceptable...
If you needed more proof that our so called "climate targets" are insufficient.
Sorry to rain on the parade, but “according to the IEA, the total land area devoted to bioenergy production would need to increase by 25% to reach 410 million hectares in 2050, an area the size of India and Pakistan combined.”
”China’s coal production reached record levels last year as the state encouraged miners to ramp up their fossil fuel output to safeguard the country’s energy supplies through the winter gas crisis.”
This thread is a must read ahead of the UN Climate Ambition Summit today - and for anyone interested in a having a somewhat decent future... #FightFor1Point5 twitter.com/PatrikErdes/st…
We stand in solidarity with prisoners of conscience in Egypt & joined @copcivicspace petition urging Egypt to open civic space and release everyone arbitrarily detained ahead of #COP27
Sign the petition urging @AlsisiOfficial @COP27P to #FreeThemAll
"The new politics swirling around net zero targets is rapidly becoming a confusing and dangerous mix of pragmatism, self-delusion and weapons-grade greenwash."
Important summary of one of the greatest threats to our future; deceptive carbon accounting.
Almost everywhere there are very limited resources to give autistic people the necessary support. Without these adjustments autism can turn into a disability. But under the right circumstances it can truly be a gift and turn into something you - and society - can benefit from.4/7
As long as we continue to ignore the actual content and the root causes of the climate crisis we will not be able to avoid the worst consequences. And by doing so we are giving a death sentence to countless of people, especially in the most affected ares. 3/4
Congratulations my great friend @borisherrmann on finishing top 5 in the toughest race on earth! Solo nonstop around the world.
We couldn’t be more proud of you! Welcome home! #VendeeGlobe2020
Tomorrow @Ahl_Alexander_ @AldeFermskog @AntonFoley4 and I will have a meeting with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven to discuss the climate- and ecological emergency.