"If a company or individual says to me they are net-zero I know it is complete crap. I wish our climate leaders would say the same. Demonstrate the climate challenge, not the art of the greenwash."
Read this thread about today's so-called "net zero" twitter.com/Peters_Glen/st…
"The basic problem with this idea is that the technologies supposed to deliver these “negative emissions” currently do not exist at any meaningful scale." twitter.com/dwallacewells/…
“Forestry and bioenergy criteria have moved from being science-based to being Sweden-based”
Being referred to as the opposite of science is a clear sign that you're doing something wrong...
This Taskforce, and other schemes like it, are scams that could trash the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1,5°C.
We are a part of nature. If we protect nature, we protect ourselves. We do not protect ourselves with dangerous climate lies like offsets.
If you want to support the cause, you can add your name to this petition:
Over 300 000 people have already signed.
Stand for peace, human rights and the climate.
Reject Russian fuels. Reject this taxonomy. twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…
High income nations donating vaccines to low- and middle income nations (once they've vaccinated most of their own populations) might be seen as a nice gesture. But it sure isn't solidarity. #VaccineEquity twitter.com/OurWorldInData…
"That includes emissions from its own operations and from the energy products it sells."
THIS detail is what makes this a game changer. Imagine what this could mean for oil producing/exporting nations like USA, Saudi Arabia, UK, Qatar, Canada and Norway...
Hello stranded assets! twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…
"We’re going to need to use every tool in the toolbox if we’re going to solve this problem."
Great interview with @MichaelEMann in @RollingStone rollingstone.com/politics/polit…
"The industry’s plan is to allow the emissions from aircraft not just to rebound after the pandemic but actually to continue growing, peaking in the mid 2030s.”
Climate Live is live now as part of their 40 hour global live stream, conisiting of music events from 14 countries. You can watch it live at clmt.lv/live or over on @climatelive2021.
It's a bit like as if they would report on pandemics using only pictures of families in lockdown, happily cuddling up in the sofa watching movies and eating popcorn.
Right now the EU is in final negotiations around the #EUForestStrategy
Meanwhile Sweden’s forest industry is waging war against independent science. Word is politicians are siding with them.
@YlvaJohansson, surely you will be on the right side of history?
I will not earn any money from this book as my copyright belongs to the Greta Thunberg Foundation. So all royalties go to charity.
Reality puts the tech discussion into perspective. Of course we can't do this without technology. But, needless to say, it will not be the whole solution. #MindTheGap twitter.com/dwallacewells/…
"klimatfrågan skulle användas som förevändning att öka produktionen inom skogsbruket."
Here's one of the main reasons why we're still not getting anywhere. When leaders...
- Make (insufficient) targets way into the future:
Lots of headlines and oh so hopeful!
- Get caught not even trying to reach those (insufficient) targets:
#MindTheGap twitter.com/James_BG/statu…
"Idag på samernas nationaldag vill vi med denna text uttrycka vårt stöd för Sápmi. Att det Svenska skogsbruket skulle vara klimatanpassat och rättvist är som Samebyarna uttrycker det, mycket riktigt en bluff."
#StandWithSápmi #IndigenousRights #Sápmi aftonbladet.se/debatt/a/gWLbO…
Tonight @isabelle_ax, @EllJarl and I will meet with the EU commissioner for the environment and oceans Virginijus Sinkevičius @VSinkevicius to discuss the climate- and ecological emergency and the fairytale of the so-called "sustainable" Swedish forestry. #StopFakeRenewables
Not to mention how media so often fail to tell the stories of the most affected people in the most affected areas whose suffering mostly goes unheard.
"Without a specific timeframe, the final language would be weaker than a commitment G7 environment ministers made in May."
Smittan ökar och nya rekommendationer införs. Följ dem!
Det är orimligt att skolor stängs, att redan hårt pressad vårdpersonal får ytterligare ökad arbetsbörda och ännu flers liv & hälsa riskeras för att ett fåtal inte tar sitt ansvar. Undvik resor. Bär munskydd. Håll avstånd.
Idag är jag gästande chefredaktör för @dagensnyheter
Du kan läsa hela dagens tidning gratis i PDF-format. Ladda ner här dn.se/sverige/sa-kan…
Tack till alla som har bidragit och hjälpt till!