A new CO2 budget created by scientists from Uppsala University and WWF shows that, if Sweden is to fulfill our part of the Paris Agreement, our emissions need to reduce more than 20% - already this year...
Tonight 19:30 PST/04:30 ECT you can watch a live conversation between me, HH Dalai Lama, Dr Diana Chapman Walsh, Dr Susan Natali, Dr William R. Moomaw, Susan Bauer-Wu and Dr Thupten Jinpa Langri for 'A Conversation on the Crisis of Climate Feedback Loops.'
To those who still choose to support dirty energy, do you know what you’re doing to people on the ground?
#NoMoreEmptyPromises #CleanUpStandardChartered #FaceTheClimateEmergency twitter.com/Fridays4future…
Thank you for all the incredible response last week! Tonight 9pm BST the second episode of “A Year To Change The World” will air on @BBCOne and is available on @BBCiPlayer twitter.com/bbcstudios/sta…
"Only about a tenth of the $17tn in bailouts provided by governments since the start of the pandemic was spent on activities that reduced greenhouse gas emissions or restored the natural world."
#MindTheGap between words and action.
I just realized how many times I've unknowingly asked myself this question. twitter.com/ronnui_/status…
. @EUparliament @EU_Commission we count on you to stand your ground during tonight’s #RED trilogue.
Biomass burning is harmful to the climate, environment and human rights. In this existential crisis, we cannot afford the EU to further fuel the flames. #StopFakeRenewables
The quote below has been changed to:
"Thanks to human disturbance, the Amazon rainforest appears now to be releasing more climate-warming gases than it stores."
And although this is a major study it doesn't - as always - necessarily make it 100% true. twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…
Support activists from Afghanistan! Today marks a year since the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan. As a global community and a movement we must listen to the voices of our activists and support them through: fff-arz.org/donate
"Developers/.../expect to extract 150 million barrels of oil — roughly equivalent to operating 16 coal-fired power stations for a year."
The UK set to approve a new oilfield. The "green industrial revolution" is proving to be a huge success...
As the commission failed to withdraw the CAP it's now up to the European Parliament to #VoteThisCAPdown
Otherwise we will lose another 7 years. If this doesn't change, reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement will be impossible. As the politicians responsible are well aware of. twitter.com/G_Schwaderer/s…
The EUs so called "55% reduction target by 2030" has got nothing to do with a real 55% emission reduction.
Our article from October explains why all the proposed EU targets are far from being in line with the #ParisAgreement
#FightFor1point5 gretathunberg.medium.com/the-eu-is-chea…
“The European Union will not update its emission reduction plan next year, the Commission said Wednesday”
So much for the yearly updated NDCs - the big “success” of #COP26 …
Since some people seem to be upset that my foundation is donating money I would once again like to remind that this money comes from awards and prizes. I don't receive any money for my activism nor do have an interest in philanthropy. Book royalties etc I give to my foundation.
Today, so many (especially girls) remain undiagnosed. The reasons for that are often lack of awareness, prejudices and the fact that many still see autism as a “disease” or something that has to hold you back. 2/7
If believing that we can change our system and our way of thinking in order to safeguard future living conditions for life on earth as we know it is considered “naive”, then what do you call believing that “net zero” from these “climate leaders” will save us?
#MindTheGap twitter.com/ENERGY/status/…
Today the #Youth4Climate #PreCOP conference in Milan starts. @vanessa_vash and I will hold keynote speeches during the opening morning session. twitter.com/Y4Cofficial/st…
"If Norway also continues to drill as planned, the total emissions from its known oil and gas reserves will amount to roughly 15 gigatons CO2, according to CICERO, a Norwegian climate research institute. That would eat up 6.5% of the remaining carbon budget for the whole world."
"There's a perspective that humans did this damage and it's our job to fix it ... Another view is that forest restoration is fundamentally natural, and that humans can assist it, but ultimately it should be governed by natural processes."
"German energy company Uniper has confirmed its intention to sue the Dutch government over the country’s planned coal phase-out."
Uniper is owned by Finnish state owned Fortum.
I shared my #climatechangedme story with @ifrc
Join me and many others all around the world! Tell your story to make governments and decision makers see that the climate crisis is here and we must act now.
Learn more at climatechanged.me
"Popular debate has often pitted ‘behaviour change’ and ‘system change’ against each other, presented as a trade-off between two choices. As this chapter illustrates, however, system change and behaviour change are two sides of the same coin."
United Nations emissions #GapReport
"Flera ledande profiler inom skog- och klimatforskningen sitter själva i bolagsstyrelser eller konsultbolag med skogsbolag som kunder."
Häpnadsväckande läsning.