Hur ska vi kunna lösa - eller ens diskutera - en kris som vi till två tredjedelar ignorerar...?
Anmärkningsvärt att DN totalt missar nyhetsvinkeln.
"Inkluderas utsläppen från hela Sveriges ekonomi är utsläppen snarare över 150 miljoner ton – än de 51 miljoner ton som rapporteras."
Sveriges utsläpp är alltså ca 200% mer än vad vi påstår, om vi inte bara inkluderar territoriella fossila CO2 utsläpp.
Wealthiest 1% produce double the combined CO2 emissions of poorest 50%.
"We have got to cut over-consumption and the best place to start is over-consumption among the polluting elites who contribute by far more than their share of carbon emissions."
Scientific evidence is being sacrificed ”to win a political compromise”, says the head of the group advising the European Union on its green finance taxonomy.
”Nine of the EU’s advisors have threatened to quit over the Commission’s latest proposal”
"Japan says it will release more than one million tonnes of contaminated water from the ruined Fukushima nuclear power station back into the sea"
"I Sverige hugger vi inte ner träd för att elda upp dem, påstår biobränsleförespråkare – och Sveriges landsbygdsminister. Men en fjärdedel av allt svenskt skogsbiobränsle görs direkt av trädstammar."
The moment I met Sir David Attenborough in person for the first time to discuss the climate crisis.
Greta Thunberg: A Year to Change the World / @BBCiPlayer (UK Only)
Episode 1 airing on BBC One tonight at 9pm @bbcstudios
"Om man ska försöka dra ned på utsläppen under de närmaste 50 åren så är det bättre att låta skogen stå kvar. Det gäller även om man ersätter olja och kol med biomassan – klimatproblemen ökar."
DN granskar myten om "hållbart biobränsle".
A big shoutout to all exploring and extracting fossil fuel companies who are going “net zero 2050” for showing the true value of this “target”. This could save us many coming years of government greenwash!!
Today at 3pm GMT together with @VanessaNakate1 @rosereyde @BriannaFruean and @NickiBecker I'll talk about Youth Organizing as part of the #JustRecoveryGathering that @350 is organising.
join us: justrecoverygathering.org/?source=ptnr.f…
School strike week 138.
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #FaceTheClimateEmergency
And a digital solution is of course far from optimal. High speed internet connection and access to computers is extremely unequal in the world.
In that case we would lack representation from those whose voices need to be heard the most when it comes to the climate crisis.
But if current trends continue and the #cop26 has to be delayed that doesn’t mean we have to delay the urgent action required.
We don’t have to wait for conferences nor anyone or anything else to dramatically start reducing our emissions. Solidarity and action can start today.
Inequality and climate injustice is already the heart of the climate crisis. If people can’t be vaccinated and travel to be represented equally that’s undemocratic and would worsen the problem.
Vaccine nationalism won’t solve the pandemic. Global problems need global solutions.->
Of course I would love to attend the Glasgow #COP26
But not unless everyone can take part on the same terms. Right now many countries are vaccinating healthy young people, often at the expense of risk groups and front line workers (mainly from global south, as usual...).
Thread-> twitter.com/BBCNews/status…
"Carbon emissions from England's roads plan '100 times greater than government claims' "
On Monday 12/4 9pm BST episode 1 of “A Year To Change The World” will air on @BBCOne .
It’s a documentary series in 3 parts which followed me during my year off school and explores the science behind the climate crisis. @bbcstudios
"Climate is not like a footy match where you lose and it is game over. The climate game continues, so even if the 1.5C game is lost, it is still game-on for 1.6C and 1.7C. /.../every fraction of a degree, every year and every choice matters."
Is this is confirmed, then it is truly groundbreaking to say the least.
And I don’t mean that in a good way... twitter.com/CO2_earth/stat…
So the ”biggest line item” of Biden's climate focused $2 trillion infrastructure plan will ”fund repairs and renovations to the country’s roads, bridges and airports” with “sustainable and innovative” materials.
It simply means that you are a bit different from everyone else. And in a world where everyone strives to act, think and look the same - being different is truly something to be proud of.
Thats why I’m very proud to be autistic. 7/7
#AutisticAndProud #AspiePower #ActuallyAutistic
So let’s all join in spreading awareness. It could literally save lives. Autism is not a disease. It’s not something you ”have”. It’s definitely not ”caused” by anything like vaccine or diet. 6/7
Sadly, today the level of awareness is so low. So many go undiagnosed and will therefore not receive the help they need and may go their whole life believing something is wrong with them. 5/7
Almost everywhere there are very limited resources to give autistic people the necessary support. Without these adjustments autism can turn into a disability. But under the right circumstances it can truly be a gift and turn into something you - and society - can benefit from.4/7
That more people are diagnosed with autism etc isn’t because there is an “inflation” in diagnoses but since awareness is increasing and many highly sensitive people experience stress related problems in modern society which gives them reason to suspect they’re on the spectrum.3/7