Today, so many (especially girls) remain undiagnosed. The reasons for that are often lack of awareness, prejudices and the fact that many still see autism as a “disease” or something that has to hold you back. 2/7
Today is #AutismAwarenessDay. At the age of 12 I was diagnosed with Asperger, a form of autism. At that time I had no idea what it meant. When I and my parents told people I was autistic, they always reacted with shock since I didn’t fit into the stereotype of autistic people.1/7
The fact that this aspect doesn’t even exist in the debate when we talk about vaccination and “going back to normal” says it all...
This is truly shameful. twitter.com/nytimes/status…
School strike week 137.
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #FaceTheClimateEmergency
"Om man då jämför med coronapandemin: vad var det som fick oss att agera? Var det hoppfulla historier om Agda, 95, som överlevde, trots allt? Kanske inte. Det var snarare att vi måste göra det här för att undvika något annat."
Intervju i @p1konflikt
I made a video where I talk about some small things we ALL can and should do to stop the climate crisis.
We are in this together, and everyone is needed. YOU get to decide what future you’ll live in.
So please watch, share and start doing your part today!
Well you all know what day it is...
Wow! Really impressed by yesterday’s #NetZeroSummit . The ambitious #NetZero emissions targets now being set by our leaders really show that we’ve entered a new era on climate, with less talk - and more action.
I'm so happy to say that the Paris Agreement is finally within reach! twitter.com/IEA/status/137…
Interview in @FT by @lesliehook , plus a 16 minute video.
“We need to stop focusing on dates and numbers and actually accept and acknowledge the fact that we need to reduce our emissions right now. We can talk about 2030 or 2040 as much as we want. But it is what we are doing now that really matters."
"Vi kan hålla på och fiffla med siffror bara för att framstå som bra. Men det fungerar inte i längden för utsläppen finns där trots allt, oavsett om vi räknar dem eller inte." twitter.com/Natursidan/sta…
In the EU many are frustrated about the slow speed of vaccinations. And that’s very understandable. But why is no one talking about the aspect of equity? And why can we never see the whole picture?
We can of course not solve these global crises we face without global cooperation.
"Countries that are now vaccinating younger, healthy people at low risk of disease, are doing so at the cost of the lives of health workers, older people and other at-risk groups in other countries."
twitter.com/DrTedros/statu… ->
I don’t get it. Why is it seen as a success that richer countries vaccinate 10s of millions healthy young people, if that leads to further delays of vaccinating risk groups and frontline workers in other parts of the world? Surely solidarity and common sense must come first? -> twitter.com/wellcometrust/…
The world needs to stand in solidarity with the protesters fighting for their rights in Myanmar. #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar twitter.com/AJEnglish/stat…
Picture taken by Suez Canal Authority via Reuters
You say that you listen to us young people. You say that you care.
Now you must prove it.
The only morally right thing to do is to #WithdrawTheCAP and you know that. How do you wish to be remembered?
@TimmermansEU @vonderleyen @EU_Commission @EUAgri @2021PortugalEU
I am asking @TimmermansEU, @vonderleyen, @2021PortugalEU and @EUAgri to #WithdrawTheCAP
This CAP (EU’s common agricultural policy) will lock in 7 further years of climate- and environmental destruction.
Your legacies are at stake.
We say #NoMoreEmptyPromises
Today on #ClimateStrike week 136 I strike outside the EU Commission’s representation in Sweden.
Ahead of our meeting with @TimmermansEU and the super trilogue we’re again asking the European Commission to #WithDrawTheCAP as it violates the Paris Agreement
See you all at the next climate strike:) twitter.com/SkyNews/status…
"China continues to build coal-fired power plants at a rate that outpaces the rest of the world combined. In 2020, China brought 38.4 gigawatts of new coal-fired power into operation, more than three times what was brought on line everywhere else."
“...people were suggesting planting trees in natural grasslands, savannah, and tundra. I think that would be a terrible mistake because, as our results imply, there is a very large potential to increase soil carbon storage in grasslands."