"Despite the economic recession induced by the coronavirus pandemic, more money went into the industry in 2020 than in 2016"
Since the signing of the Paris Agreement the world's 60 largest banks have invested 3.8 trillion USD in the fossil fuel industry.
However, it's becoming painfully clear that no real change will happen until this dominates the news so that the Business-As-Usual-Activists can be held accountable. Now they can get away with anything since the climate- and ecological crisis doesn't exist in the public debate.
Or could it be that they... I don't know... maybe just don't really care? And that they are doing everything in their power to maintain business-as-usual and delay real change for as long as they can get away with it?
Isn't it funny that the same people who are calling us naive for believing change is possible are the ones who believe fossil fuel companies, big polluters and oil producing nations will ”fix” the climate- and ecological crisis with their vague, distant ”net zero” commitments...?
Fossil gas and burning trees for energy will play key part in EU's so-called "Green Deal".
A leak shows the EU is surrendering to lobbyists - giving up on fulfilling their promises and on the Paris Agreement.
#NoMoreEmptyPromises #FaceTheClimateEmergency greenpeace.org/eu-unit/issues…
”UK government to allow new North Sea oil and gas exploration”
UK petroleum reserves stand at ca 5.2 billion barrels, the combustion of these fuels would add a further 2.2 gigatons CO2, but now drillers will look for more ”climate compatible” oil...
"Some countries are racing to vaccinate their entire populations, while other countries have nothing."
@DrTedros says vaccine inequality is "becoming more grotesque every day".
"The technology, known as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), could prove a cure worse than the disease, at least when it comes to water stress."
The moment we include holistic thinking we see there are no quick fixes to the climate crisis. newscientist.com/article/227022…
"This is ‘sports-wash’– when heavily polluting industries sponsor sport to appear as friends of healthy activity, when in fact they’re pumping lethal pollution into the very air that athletes have to breathe, and wrecking the climate that sport depends on"
Today on #IntlForestDay 24 NGOs and 44 indigenous communities send an open letter telling the EU to unite behind the science, remove forest biomass from the Renewable Energy Directive and protect EU’s natural forests to keep the carbon in the forests.
Picture of a clear cut forest by Swedish state-owned @sveaskog in Pajala, Sweden on Sápmi reindeer grazing land.
Photographer is Marcus Westberg.
Today is #IntlForestDay
We’re loosing 10 million acres of forest every year, at a time when we need to maximise every possible carbon sink.
In some places planting trees is a great solution but given our timeframe the most effective way is to protect and rewild existing forests.
The true face of Chevron and Big Oil.
Watch and share. #FreeDonziger twitter.com/SDonziger/stat…
To those who still choose to support dirty energy, do you know what you’re doing to people on the ground?
#NoMoreEmptyPromises #CleanUpStandardChartered #FaceTheClimateEmergency twitter.com/Fridays4future…
Are you #ReadyToRewild ?
Today is #WorldRewildingDay
To protect, restore and rewild the living world is probably the most effective solution we have at hand to fight both the climate- and ecological emergencies.
24y/o Mauritian scientist and activist Shaama Sandooyea joining the global climate strike in the Indian Ocean. Latest numbers say we striked in 1086 places all over the world yesterday! #NoMoreEmptyPromises
#fridaysforfuture #climatestrike
Picture by Tommy Trenchard Gteenpeace.
What a day! Today we striked (online or physically in small numbers) in 1068 places in 68 countries!
Soon we’ll be back on the streets again.
Thread with pictures from today->
Pakistan @FFFbalochistan
Antarctica @AWIs4Future
Germany @FridayForFuture
Sierra Leone @FFF_SierraLeone
School strike week 135. Today is the global strike! We’re striking in shifts to avoid big crowds and keep our numbers as low as possible.
#fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #FaceTheClimateEmergency #nomoreemptypromises
Antarctica demanding #NoMoreEmptyPromises !
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike twitter.com/AWIs4Future/st…
Föreställ dig för ett ögonblick att vi skulle ta klimatkrisen på minsta lilla allvar... twitter.com/SverigesNatur/…