"On the one hand, governments today are saying climate change is their priority. But on the other hand, we are seeing the second biggest emissions rise in history."
So, is this what a "green recovery" looks like in practice...?
”Prof Bill McGuire, for instance, from UCL, told me: ’The obvious acceleration of the breakdown of our stable climate simply confirms that - when it comes to the climate emergency - we are in deep, deep s***!’”
“We need to remind ourselves that we can still turn this around. It’s entirely possible if we are prepared to change. Hope is all around us.”
I wrote a text about what it will take for the #COP26 to be successful.
Ett samhälle där politiska partier systematiskt hånar och hatar barn som bara refererar till forskningen är ett sjukt samhälle. Antidemokratiska och populistiska vindar blåser starkt. Vi måste stå emot. Vi unga vädjar till er, stå på rätt sida av historien. #RöstFörRättvisa
James Hansen writes to UK:
“In leading the UK, as host to the Cop, you have a chance to change the course of our climate trajectory – or you can stick with business-almost-as-usual and be vilified in the streets of Glasgow, London and around the world.” theguardian.com/science/2021/f…
Every single day leaders have the possibility to act, and yet they actively choose not to.
Instead they set up vague hypothetical pledges and commitments way into the future.
No more excuses.
@wef #TheWorldIsWatching
Solidarity, science and common sense must always come first in every crisis.
Protect the people most affected and most vulnerable.
Both in the long- and short-term.
So once again, let's all act responsibly,
#FlattenTheCurve and #FightEveryCrisis
"...the [US] administration prepares to hold the largest offshore oil and gas lease sale in U.S. history on Nov. 17."
The USA continues to "lead on climate"...
"Despite climate emergency, the United States, Canada, and Norway 'pumping more oil than ever'". These are "three countries who like to see themselves as climate leaders".
As always - the gap between their words and actions never fails to deliver...
As devastating as this is - it can’t compare with the fact that this doesn’t dominate the news. Not even for one day. In the best case it’s just another news story among others.
As long as the crisis is not treated like a crisis the changes needed won’t be possible. twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…
The EU taxonomy today takes greenwashing to a completely new level. The people in power do not even pretend to care anymore. Now they are moving into unchartered greenwash territory.
School strike week 166. Global climate strike in Stockholm!
#UprootTheSystem #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike
It is heartbreaking and deeply shameful to watch how the world has completely failed the people in Afghanistan. It is impossible to imagine the situation they - especially women and children - now face. twitter.com/bsarwary/statu…
We can’t call for climate justice while advocating for policies and face-out-dates based on targets that exclude aspect of equity and historic emissions. The first step towards climate justice must be to include ALL (especially) high income nations emissions in the targets. 1/n
The most affected people from the most affected areas are still being silenced. The people in power still seem to be spending all their time distracting, delaying and denying the necessary changes ahead of us. The emissions of CO2 are not reducing - they are still increasing. 2/4
"By December 2020, carbon emissions were 2% higher than in the same month the year before."
Well, well, well...
Looks like the so-called "ambitious commitments to include "green" policies in the economic recovery packages" aren't really working out...
If only words, pledges and setting distant hypothetical targets actually lowered our emissions then we wouldn't still be in this mess.
The longer we pretend we can "fix this" without treating the crisis like a crisis, the more invaluable time we'll loose.
Of course I would love to attend the Glasgow #COP26
But not unless everyone can take part on the same terms. Right now many countries are vaccinating healthy young people, often at the expense of risk groups and front line workers (mainly from global south, as usual...).
Thread-> twitter.com/BBCNews/status…
The fact that this aspect doesn’t even exist in the debate when we talk about vaccination and “going back to normal” says it all...
This is truly shameful. twitter.com/nytimes/status…
"Seven new oil and gas projects approved since IPCC report called for an end to fossil fuels"
Only one week has passed…
School strike week 188. Thousands of people showed up to the climate strike in Stockholm! #FridaysForFuture #PeopleNotProfit #ClimateStrike
"Scientists have discovered a series of worrying weaknesses in the ice shelf holding back one of Antarctica’s most dangerous glaciers, suggesting that this important buttress against sea level rise could shatter within the next three to five years"
"Industry-designed bills to silence climate protests are under consideration in Arkansas, Kansas, Minnesota and Montana. More are likely to come."
Stay strong. As outrageous as this is, it means you are winning.
#KeepItInTheGround #DefendTheDefenders