“Countries pouring money into fossil fuels to fight recession”.
So this is what our leaders mean when they talk about a so-called “green recovery” and “listening to the children”.
No one is coming to our rescue.
It’s up to us.
We’re on our own.
On Monday 12/4 9pm BST episode 1 of “A Year To Change The World” will air on @BBCOne .
It’s a documentary series in 3 parts which followed me during my year off school and explores the science behind the climate crisis. @bbcstudios
"Indigenous nations were not part of the negotiations despite the fact that 80% of the planet’s biodiversity survives in our territories. The problem is not only the blah, blah, blah of politicians, but the bang, bang, bang of greenwashing..." theguardian.com/environment/20…
We can now announce that the next global climate strike will be on March 25th!
Join us and strike for climate reparations and justice, demand that the people in power prioritise #PeopleNotProfit !
Find out more at fridaysforfuture.org/March25
@Fridays4future #FridaysForFuture
Sadly, today the level of awareness is so low. So many go undiagnosed and will therefore not receive the help they need and may go their whole life believing something is wrong with them. 5/7
”More than 90% of rainforest carbon offsets by biggest provider are worthless, analysis shows”
”Investigation into Verra carbon standard finds most are ‘phantom credits’ and may worsen global heating”
This is the ugly truth of “carbon offsetting”.
”Brussels Airlines makes 3,000 unnecessary flights to maintain airport slots”
The EU surely is in a climate emergency mode…
This is outrageous. We stand in solidarity with @joshuawongcf and our friends in Hong Kong. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
I’ve invited over 100 leading voices from around the world - scientists, experts, activists and authors to create a book that covers the climate- and ecological crisis from a holistic perspective. The Climate Book will be released in October.
"It's dire. The whole town is on fire. It took, like, a whole 15 minutes from the first sign of smoke to, all of a sudden, there being fire everywhere."
After 3 days of historic heat records - now the town of Lytton, British Columbia is on fire. twitter.com/cbcnewsbc/stat…
"The climate- ecological- and health crisis are all interlinked. But we no longer see the links between them.
I would like to connect the dots. Because let's face it - if we don't change, we are f*cked."
#ForNature @MercyForAnimals @tommustill
Don't worry! They are all electric and run on 100% renewable, sustainable and climate neutral unicorn fairy dust.
#BuildBackBetter #GreenIndustrialRevolution #GreenRecovery twitter.com/Reuters/status…
This week the European Parliament voted for a new 7yr Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that will be disastrous for climate, biodiversity and sustainable farming.
But it’s not over yet.
Sign the open letter demanding the
to #WithdrawTheCAP
"Earth is exactly at the crossover point; in the year 2020 (± 6), the anthropogenic mass, which has recently doubled roughly every 20 years, will surpass all global living biomass."
Human made mass now outweighs all living biomass.
Some of those who have done the most for the climate and the living world are journalists and news outlets, and they deserve our deepest respect and gratitude.
This is a rough quick introduction explaining why technology alone won't "solve" the climate crisis.
Do we need it? - Yes.
Should we invest every possible resource? - Yes, as long as it's holistically sustainable.
Will it be enough? - No, far from it.
People in power are now trying to act responsibly, saying lots of beautiful words. Everyone seems to forget that they are the ones responsible for putting us on a pathway towards a several degrees hotter and destabilized planet.
School strike week 120. Because of the ongoing pandemic we are doing #climatestrikeonline .
If you do physical strikes, remember to keep social distance and follow COVID-19 restrictions and recommendations.
#fridaysforfuture #flattenthecurve #FaceTheClimateEmergency
This is the temperature change globally from 1850, in Sweden from 1860 and in the Arctic Ocean from 1893.
It seems we're almost running out of colours...
Find the stripes for your region at showyourstripes.info , an initiative by the University of Reading.
Today is #WorldWildlifeDay . It should be a day of celebration, but instead we've turned it into day of sorrow.
The loss of wildlife habitat and biodiversity is still being completely ignored in every aspect of our lives and societies. twitter.com/BellaLack/stat…
"One of the UK’s most eminent environmental scientists has called the government’s failure to block a new coalmine in Cumbria 'absolutely ridiculous'".
This is worth sharing for the picture alone!
This is exactly what approving a new coal mine looks like.theguardian.com/environment/20…
So much for "carbon offsets"... twitter.com/jjaron/status/…
”UK set to ‘torpedo climate action’ by approving six new North Sea oil and gas fields”