Ryan Ho Kilpatrick 何松濤(@rhokilpatrick)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

This screen-cap from Winter on Fire, coupled with a Ming Pao photo of police searching commuters on a Hong Kong bus tonight, is circulating on Telegram. The subtitles read: “They tried to humiliate him, but humiliated themselves."
Two residents in Tuen Mun were hospitalised this afternoon after what is believed to be tear gas wafted through Leung King Estate from the direction of direction of the police’s Tai Hing Operational Base 疑似催淚煙散播 屯門良景邨多人不適 至少兩人送院 hk01.com/article/391431
Chinese netizens have accused pop idol Hebe Tien of S.H.E. fame of supporting Nancy Pelosi because—wait for it—she posted a picture of herself eating pasta on IG yesterday and Pelosi has Italian ancestry. You cannot tell me these things are unrelated. appledaily.com.tw/entertainment/…
Five police vehicles and four units patrolling the Cenotaph after Hong Kong people threaten to *checks notes* lay flowers to commemorate the war dead on Liberation Day (the now-defunct holiday that until 1997 marked the return of British rule and the end of Japanese occupation.
Like 2019 itself, the exhibition “Be Water, Be Fire, Be a Voice” in Kaohsiung’s Pier 2 art district is an emotional rollercoaster that made me beam and tear up in turns.
An army of riot police and raptors are chasing protesters down Nathan Road. By the looks of it they may have the protesters outnumbered.
Incredible scene from an hour ago as dozens of cornered protesters had to climb over the Hung Hom Bypass onto an adjacent walkway to escape police. Some even had to go around the side, atop a gap tens of meters high. Even during a legal march they’d rather risk death than arrest.
Placing 60 million people on lockdown didn’t create panic, the US withdrawing some consular staff did. twitter.com/zlj517/status/…
Everywhere I go in Taipei I signs of solidarity with Hong Kong: a shrine to Alex Chow Tzs-lok and the suicides that have occurred since 12June; a Lennon Wall on the billboard ad for DPP parliamentary candidate; local businesses showing their support for the protest movement.
I’m not sure which is more distressing: this scene, or the fact that so many commuters are just casually walking past. The sight of masked police officers forcefully arresting schoolchildren has become the new normal in Hong Kong. twitter.com/hkfp/status/12…
Following a call-out issued on LIHKG, protesters are gathering at TST East Centenary Garden, collecting food onations for students trapped at PolyU and conducting a silent sit-in opposite police lines. Legislators Claudia Mo, Ted Hui, Ray Chan, and Longhair are all in attendance.
There was no warning before police used pepper spray and tear gas. Both journalists and cops were hit with no masks or protection on, and were begging for water. Protesters tried to shield us with umbrellas and volunteer medics cared for everyone effected.
The arrestee appears to be engaging in “defensive resistance,” justifying the use of pepper spray, hard empty hand techniques and takedowns. But internal training documents leaked to @washingtonpost list “do not strike the head, neck or back” as the 1st principle of baton use. twitter.com/danielchsuen/s…
It’s a very open secret that journalists at state-affiliated media like WWP/TKP are weaponised to harass pro-democracy figures. I worked for one whose home for staked out for months—the point is almost moot. Curiously, it’s one instance police are happy to defend the free press. twitter.com/austinramzy/st…
HK judges: a baton isn’t a weapon, but a water bottle is. twitter.com/antd/status/14…
A trend we’ve been observing lately is that these “shopping” protests have turned violent not when protesters begin vandalising pro-governments businesses (as claimed) but when clashes are sparked by the provocative presence of so many undercover cops—which might be the point.
Hong Kong netizens are using the hashtag #HKLastWord in response to news that the government is considering invoking the Emergency Regulations Ordinance, which would enable the Chief Executive to cut off the city’s internet like in Xinjiang—and it is heartbreaking pit of despair.
Seeing「時代革命」(“revolution of our time”) written atop a judiciously buttered slice of Hong Kong-style French toast is a dream you, too, can realise at pro-democracy bing sutt 行運冰室 Lucky Cafe in Taipei.
The only good way to conclude this thread.
An uneasy stalemate outside Times Square as protesters move forward to meet the retreating police line. Inside, the luxury shopping mall has become an air conditioned refuge.
The Hong Kong police officer who recently tested positive for coronavirus refused to wear a mask as requested when she was getting her blood work done, according to reports. Now, two hospital workers who helped her are being tested for the virus after showing symptoms.
This isn’t even Orchid Island, it’s Sanxiantai in Taitung. These people claim Taiwan as their property yet know absolutely nothing about it. It reminds me of “Formosa Betrayed” when the mainlander put in charge of Taiwan’s pineapple industry couldn’t even recognise a pineapple.
#AntiELAB protesters are filling up Central’s Chater Garden yet again today for a rally calling on US Congress to pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, a proposed bill to freeze the assets of local officials working against civic feeedoms and to bar them from the US.
Nine of Hong Kong’s most prominent—and moderate—democrats convicted for a peaceful protest. I was there too, but that’s not saying much: 1 in 4 Hongkongers was out marching that day, in spite of the torrential rain. twitter.com/rthk_enews/sta…
Over 8 million votes cast for President Tsai Ing-wen. This is the biggest election landslide since Taiwan’s first presidential election in 1996. #TaiwanElection #Taiwan2020