Taiwan is tightening residency conditions for HK applicants, asking whether they’ve worked for/pledged allegiance to the SAR—an anti-infiltration safeguard akin to those applied to mainland applicants.
They now view the HK gov’t as equivalent to Beijing. hk.appledaily.com/china/20210612…
Chinese state media is actively spreading disinformation about Taiwan’s COVID-19 outbreak.
Taipei is not experiencing a shortage of beds (cna.com.tw/news/firstnews…) and these were set up not for treatment but for symptomatic patients to await PCR results (news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/brea…). twitter.com/globaltimesnew…
Hitting a water barricade with a hiking pole: 4 years in prison.
Stabbing people with a meat cleaver: 3 years, 9 months (bbc.com/news/world-asi…). twitter.com/rthk_enews/sta…
Ironically, framing Taiwan as a land on the precipice of war serves both Beijing—keen to scare off growing int’l invest and interest in the country—and Western Sinophobes who view it as nothing more than a political pawn.
It does an incredible disservice to the Taiwanese people. twitter.com/TheEconomist/s…
A Hong Kong history textbook covering the retreat of the ROC to Taiwan has been “corrected” to replace references to “the ROC gov’t led by CKS” with “the KMT led by CKS” so as to reflect mainland orthodoxy that the ROC must not be acknowledged as a gov’t.
Taichung’s cavernous Lennon Tunnel, still going strong after two years.
On this heartbreaking day for Taiwan, a poignant reminder that Hong Kong is still in the thoughts and prayers of many here, and as Hongkongers the least we can do right now is return that favour.
Nine of Hong Kong’s most prominent—and moderate—democrats convicted for a peaceful protest. I was there too, but that’s not saying much: 1 in 4 Hongkongers was out marching that day, in spite of the torrential rain. twitter.com/rthk_enews/sta…
For years, Hong Kong has promoted itself as a global art hub.
Now, the legality of artwork in the city will now be determined by a secretive, opaque new arm of the police accountable only to Beijing, and tasked making arrests for political crimes.
Let that sink in for a moment. twitter.com/rthk_enews/sta…
47 opposition figures in HK charged with “inciting subversion” under the NSL today and denied bail, all because they tried to win an election.
How appropriate that this is happening as Taiwan marks the anniversary of the 228 Incident and the White Terror. tw.appledaily.com/international/…
Something worth pointing out to casual observers:
It is not just that this exhibition could not take place in HK due to political pressure—à la the June 4th Museum—or pandemic measures.
Under the NSL, displaying any of these materials in HK now could mean up to life in prison. twitter.com/rhokilpatrick/…
Taiwan reports this AM that 5 million Covid‑19 vaccines ordered from Pfizer–BioNTech last year have been “intercepted” due to “Chinese political intervention”: cna.com.tw/news/firstnews…
How’s that "campaign to win hearts of Taiwanese” (reuters.com/article/us-tai…) with vaccines going?
Add pro-democracy business owners to the growing list of those targeted today.
Along with rice and snacks from Thailand, Aboutthai sold copies of the popular pro-democracy paper @appledaily_hk when other stores in cartel-dominated HK were pressured to take it off the shelves. twitter.com/TMclaughlin3/s…
Media raids now extended to @appledaily_hk and @inmediahk as Albert Ho’s law firm is also raided and lawyer John Clancey has been arrested in today’s ever-widening dragnet.
As well as arresting legal scholar Benny Tai and @hkporihkpop director Robert Chung, police have also appeared at the @StandNewsHK newsroom demanding docs from the EIC.
Lawyers, academics, journalists—no one is safe. They truly are coming for everyone.
At the time of the primaries authorities warned that democrats’ strategy to win a legislative majority was illegal under the new Beijing-imposed law.
It sounded like a joke but today we see they truly meant it: Trying to win an election can now land you in prison for life in HK. twitter.com/rhokilpatrick/…
Their act of “subversion” was participating in primaries to determine democratic candidates for the 2020 Legislative Council elections, subsequently cancelled by Chief Executive Carrie Lam.
If convicted, they could face life in prison under the draconian National Security Law. twitter.com/HKDemocrats/st…
Shocking news out of Hong Kong this morning as “at least 50” pan-democrats are arrested, many for “subverting state power” under the NSL.
大批泛民遭警上門拘捕 疑與民主派初選有關 涉顛覆國家政權罪
Sentences handed down to the 12 Hongkongers detained in Shenzhen range from 2 and 3 years for those charged with organising the alleged escape attempt and 7 months for the others. The 2 minutes implicated were repatriated back to HK earlier today. ott-news.i-cable.com/zh-hk/l/open-c…
.@joshuawongcf sentenced to 13.5 months in prison while @chowtingagnes receives 10 months and Ivan Lam seven months over 21 June 2019 demo outside police HQ.
This will be the third time Wong, 24, has been imprisoned for his activism. hk01.com/article/556415…