
🐥 Smile Award; Smile and luck will come to you 🐰 Stop Award; Stop working out
“My voice to you...” Candidate #7 I’m me Party* Heavenly Voice, Jeon Jungkook * 나는 나당 is a cuter version of 나는 나다 (I’m me)
Profile Jungkook writes Name: Jeon Jungkook Association: I’m me Party Work Experience: BTS Slogan: My voice to you... Charming points: Was young... My voice is fairly decent
Award Jungkook wants to give to Jungkook: Imagination Award This award is given since you have too many imaginations (and also many random useless thoughts) Jungkook’s self acceptance speech: I’ll work hard to do wider, more imaginations to not miss my dream and passion!!!
Awards Jungkook wants to give to members 🐨 Leader Award; the best leader 🐱 Stop-lying-down Award; He’s always lying down, leaning against something
[상 (award) is pronounced sang] 🐹 Jin Sang*; He without fail makes jokes and pranks * Scroll up to Jin’s self award to see what Jinsang means 🐿 Hang Sang**; He has a song ** A track in Hope World
🐥 Cute Award; His face, height, and fingers are all cute 🐯 Became-a-grown-up Award; He’s become more mature
this is too specific…
haven’t have a chance to listen to the song yet (tmi: life gave me a big ugly lemon so i’m preparing to throw it back) but should be able to listen to it, appreciate and digest it, and share my translation in three(-ish) hours 🚲
Goal: When feeling bored in everyday life, come to Weverse as I’m confident to make you feel healed. ARMY’s role in the team: Bangtan Sonyeondan’s Arc Reactor* * Iron Man
Name: Our beginning and end - 💜ARMY💜 Birthday: 💜2014.07.09💜 Occupation: Sometime our teacher, sometimes our friend, and sometimes our lover. Residential location: Here and there, places where Bangtan goes
* 이삐 is a satoori of 예쁘다. Jimin used to call ARMYs 이삐 in the fancafe days. The puppy he played in House of ARMY is also named 이삐.
Pet name for ARMY 🐨 Forever companion and friend 🐱 Reason for existence 🐹 ARMY is just ARMY as it can’t be replaced with any other words 🐿 My forever Achilles hill 🐥 Pretty* 🐯 My friend and partner [~=best friend] 🐰 ARMY = Love
ARMY’s special ability 🐨 To love all Bangtan and ARMY 🐱 To only look at Bangtan Sonyeondan 🐹 To play among ARMYs; watching it makes me feel proud/fondness 🐿 To stand on the same side as Bangtanies~💕 🐥 To adore Tanies 🐯 To cherish us 🐰 To feel proud
ARMY’s hobby 🐨 To make Bangtan cry and laugh 🐱 To watch Bangtan performances 6 hours a day 🐹 To count the number of records Bangtan and ARMY made 🐿 To watch today’s Bangtan 🐥 To think of Bangtan 🐯 Um.. to keep themselves well-fed, only the yummy stuff 🐰 To stay healthy
ARMY’s charming point 🐨 Even the name is so cute to start with; it’s ah-mi 🐱 Loud cheers; knows to have fun at concerts than anyone else 🐹 True geniuses 🐿 Our ARMYs are thoughtful~💕 🐥 Unstinting care, unconditional support +
🐯 The many individual characteristics, charming lovelies 🐰 So nice and kind
When we miss ARMY the most 🐨 Now.. yesterday.. no, tomorrow.. ㅠ3ㅠ 🐱 Now… 🐹 Right this moment 🐿 Now 🐥 Now 🐯 when we can’t do concerts 🐰 Before falling asleep