
We sincerely thank everyone who loves Butter, and we’ll strive to be Bangtan Sonyeondan that always gives you hot, sweet, and cool music.”
love and support from many people that we were able to have the honor to earn the fourth No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. We thank everyone. If listening to Butter helps you recharge yourself and regain energy, there won’t be a better present for us. +
🐿 jjwan ㅋ come out quick [we’re] waiting [for you outside]
🐹 don’t bother me
in a meeting
For "Profiles that we write" and the members' awards to BTS, see @doyou__bangtan's translations here:…
[#2021BTSFESTA] ♾603 2021 @BTS_twt Profile : Profiles that we write, Profiles that I write…
"ARMY is me, me is ARMY" Candidate #1, Awesome Party, Cute and Cool, Extra Good Candidate Kim Namjoon
Profile that RM writes: Name: Kim Namjoon Association: Awesome Party Work Experience: "BTS" Slogan: ARMY is me, me is ARMY Charming points: 1. Cute; 2. and Cool
RM's self acceptance speech: Oh wow.. you're calling me a "tree".. Such a title is more than what I deserve.. With my sincere thanks to the committee.. I'll live long like a tree!!!🌳 -Kim Namu-
Award that RM wants to give to RM: Namu Sang* [* Namu means tree, sang means award; 나무상 (Namu san) is also how J-ARMYs affectionately call RM] A 181cm-tall tree that still looks over Bangtan and ARMY this year as well. I give NAMU SANG?! to you..
Awards RM wants give: 🐱 Salt-pretending-to-be-sugar Award; Sugar with the world’s saltiest taste.. I give you this Salt Award for that duality 🐹 Jin Sang!! Your face is so dazzling by simply existing. You committed the sin of blinding ARMYs’ eyes.. You’re the best Jin Sang!
🐿 Morning Sunshine-award!! While whether you like that drink* or not depends on individual taste, you smile truly is morning sunshine.. ☀️ * 아침햇살 (morning sunshine) is a rice beverage made of white/brown rice
🐥 Puppy Award*; You look more and more like a puppy these days.. [*상, which means award, can also be face/look (physiognomy)] 🐯 World’s No. 0 Handsome Man Award; Since you’ve taken another step up this year, I’m giving you the No. 0, not No. 1, award. -The rest is the same-**
[**a presenter would say this when giving the same or similar awards to multiple people and the remaining text is the same] 🐰 Jongkook*** Award!; Is it just me that feels like his [Jungkook’s] body is becoming like his [Jongkook’s] body..?! Jongkook Award!!! [*** Kim Jongkook]
“I wish to be your sugar...” Candidate #2 Abracadabra* Party, Sweet Candidate Min SUGA * 숭구리당당 is a signature phrase/dance by a comedian in the early 90s, a gibberish word similar to abracadabra ** Political parties are called -당 in Korea.
Profile that SUGA writes Name: Min SUGA Association: Abracadabra Work Experience: BangtanSonyeondan Slogan: I wish to be your sugar... Charming points: Realistic; Rational
Award SUGA wants to give to SUGA: Magic Award* An award given to someone who possesses magical charm [* it’s funny because 마상 is an acronym/slang to say one’s feeling hurt in a comical way] SUGA’s self acceptance speech: Ha... my charm... Thank you anyway
🐨 Hot Body Award; since you have such a hot body these days, I’m giving you this award 🐹 Unfair Award; since you complain it’s unfair when we do anything, I’m giving you this award
🐿 Smile Award*; Since you have a smiling face even when you’re serious, I’m giving you this award * as explained somewhere above 상 can be face/look in addition to award 🐥 Going-to-far Award; Because you go too far in an attempt to make others laugh, I’m giving you this award
🐯 David Award*; Because you look like the David Statue, I’m giving you this award * 상 can also be statue 🐰 Actually Award**; Since you don’t do it once you actually start something, I’m giving you this award ** another wordplay because the word 막상 (actually) has 상 in it
“The man who makes mirrors happy. Who’s that man? That’s Me. Kim Seokjin” Candidate #3 Dope Party Worldwide Handsome Jin
Profile that Jin writes Name: Jin Association: Dope Party Work Experience: I’ve opened the door; I’ve heard that I’m good looking* Slogan: The man who makes mirrors happy. Who’s that man? That’s Me. Kim Seokjin Charming point: Worldwide handsome * car door guy