Robert Macfarlane(@RobGMacfarlane)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

This Giant Sequoia, the largest tree by volume in the world, now threatened by wildfire, was prob. alive when the Giant Pyramid at Giza was completed. I dislike referring to it as "General Sherman"; can people tell me if it has any other names?…
"Big old trees are the keystone structures of forests on which many species depend...forked, twisted, lightning-struck, rotten [they] harbour the most life" @GeorgeMonbiot on valuing "slow ecologies". Send images/stories of gnarled old trees & their lives.…
Hello -- just to say that, in case you'd be interested to listen in, I'll be the castaway on Desert Island Discs this coming Sunday. Guesses at the 8 tracks, book & luxury welcome (but I can neither confirm nor deny, etc...). @laurenlaverne was the best!…
Xavi Buo's astonishing 'Ornithography' photographs use collage-imagery to track the flight-paths of different birds (Raven, Alpine Swift & Starling below). Swoops, loops, braids & scribbles: what dreamwork! More here in this @lottielimb interview with him.…
Nan Shepherd was born OTD 130 yrs ago. In case of interest, The Living Mountain—a 30-min radio love-letter to the Cairngorms & Nan’s writing I made in 2013––is back up on @BBCSounds. Some extraordinary things happened up in the hills as we recorded this……
Please make time to read/share this vital, brilliant piece by @OliverBullough abt the tragic, slow, dirty death of our rivers, after decades of improvement: what we know, why it’s happening, who’s fighting it, & why criminality is being so richly rewarded.…
Hello — just to say that I’m @laurenlaverne’s Castaway on today’s edition of Desert Island Discs, going out 11am, @BBCRadio4. I think I prefer rocky islands to sandy ones. Islands of light are pretty cool too. View from the Pembrokeshire cliffs last night.…
Jaw-dropping discovery: Iraqi & British archaeologists find 4500yo Sumerian palace in Girsu, one of the oldest known cities. Palace thought to contain shrine to Gilgamesh & cuneiform tablets which cd fill gaps in the Epic itself. Thrilling work. Details:…
“It is not the swimmer who poisons our rivers, nor the rambler who burns the moorland; when they took away our right to access the land, they took away our ability to protect it.” The Trespasser’s Companion, out today. More on the English access campaign:…
In case of interest, "The Living Mountain"––a 1/2-hour radio love-letter to the Cairngorms & the writing of Nan Shepherd that I made in 2013––is back up on @BBCSounds. Some extraordinary things happened up in the hills while we were recording this. Here:…
.@Kings_College has decided to ban swimming & water access at Grantchester Meadow on the River Cam & enforce with patrols. Terrible decision. The river here has been used by the community for centuries. There has to be a better solution. Petition 👇…
Striding Edge on Helvellyn was a weather-blade today, dividing light & shadow, white & green, snow & grass. Crossed it with my son. Summit plateau was polar, with blue landskeins of receding ridge-lines out towards the Irish Sea.
A quiet avian flu catastrophe is unfolding among wild birds. Details & advice here: “Anyone who finds a dead or dying wild bird, which they suspect might have the disease, should not touch it. Immediately report to Defra’s helpline – 03459 335577.”…
...The Dark Is Rising begins on Midwinter Eve, 20 December, and then unfolds over the following days, at roughly a chapter a day. The first episode of our adaptation will be broadcast on 20 December, and go out for 12 days, so you'll listen in the 'real time' of the novel...
Calling walkers, ramblers, path-followers...! The inspiring @SlowWaysUK project is looking for volunteers to help walk/grade the thousands of walking routes they're presently mapping. Pls RT/find out more/volunteer in the thread below. Help weave a webwork of walking ways!…
On the far point of the Pembrokeshire headland you can see here, someone had left a purple plastic bag of dog-shit. Why wd you both be drawn to walk to that place...& content to leave that behind? I carried it away, wished I hadn't had to. How best to solve the shit-bag problem?
If you’re under a clear sky in the UK right now, step outside & look westwards — Jupiter & Venus are glimmering in near-perfect alignment with the centre-point of the outer curve of a crescent moon. Bright & wondrous & rare.
“The resilience of aquatic seed banks is phenomenal. Given the right conditions, seeds that have been underground for decades can germinate." Great story on how re-wetting of dried-up "ghost ponds" can lead to return of rare plant species, buried in mud.…
.@WildFishCons is legally challenging government’s new & woefully inadequate Storm Overflow Reduction Strategy, which will allow water companies to continue dumping raw sewage in rivers & seas for the next…28 years. Pls follow & RT/support their challenge. Cc @WildJustice_org…
Writing about House Sparrows today; our convivial, cheery, cheeky, chattering & disappearing neighbours. Sparrow: from Old English spearwa. AKA spuggie, spadger, cuddy, roo-doo. Do you know other folk/common names for them (plus region of use)? Painting by @JackieMorrisArt
The near-future of many of the world’s forests will be decided in the next 48 hrs by MEPs. It’s utter madness to think of forest biomass burning as carbon-zero. Forest biomass must be removed from the renewable energy directive. 👇👇👇…
A month now until our 12-part audio-drama adaptation of Susan Cooper’s great novel The Dark Is Rising begins on @bbcworldservice… Short film & link to Ep 0 are out today 👇 Can you complete these lines from the novel? “Tonight will be bad, and…” “When the Dark comes rising…”…
Good news is hard to find rn. Here’s some: the Elk, Beaver, Wolf, Brown Bear, Bearded Vulture & even Humpback Whale are making strong comebacks across Europe’s land/seas. Meanwhile, our new gov. plans further devastation of our shattered biodiversity.…
The amazing indy publishers @LittleToller & @Ofmooseandmen have just launched this initiative to help the displaced children of Ukraine. They're sending 10,000 backpacks filled w/ books, torches, gloves, hats, games... Pls spread the word, donate, support.……
My friend the writer Roger Deakin (1943-2006)––author of Waterlog, Wildwood & Notes from Walnut Tree Farm––died 15 years ago today, far too young. His work still branches & ripples on in the world. Returned today to what I wrote not long after his death:…