* Europe has 600m fewer breeding birds than 40 yrs ago. 600 million.
* Skylarks, Yellow Wagtails, Starlings, & House Sparrows suffering immense losses.
Common birds becoming less & less common; slipping from eye, mind & sky.
They need protection too.theguardian.com/environment/20…
The oldest story in world literature, The Epic of Gilgamesh, tells of a ruler felling a sacred cedar wood.
Chaos follows.
4000 yrs on, @jjhorgan pursues the cutting of #FairyCreek's old-growth cedars.
Some of those trees are half as old as Gilgamesh.
Here: theguardian.com/environment/20…
The long-established right to wild camp on Dartmoor is under threat:
@Right_2Roam & I want to crowd-source memories, photos etc. from those who've camped up there (10 Tors, DofE...), to show what stands to be lost.
Pls RT––& share thoughts etc in replies.
Silver winter light out there today & the trees round here are suddenly all flame, blaze & furnace.
This is the best infographic I know explaining the biochemistry of autumn/fall's fire-palette.
All hail anthocyanins!
By the excellent @compoundchem
Send me autumn colours...
Hello parents, teachers, children—to mark #NationalPoetryDay there’s a Lost Words spell-poem writing competition launching today.🖋🪄
I’ll be judging the entries.
Open to 7-12 yos.
Enter! Spread the word! Write on!
Details here & below:
“I don’t think the average consumer knows that half the stuff they buy at the supermarket contains palm oil, & most palm oil is from illegally deforested land…”: on crucial new international efforts to curb the abuses of the palm oil industry.
“What the Government has proposed potentially tears up the most fundamental legal protections our remaining wildlife has.”
Please, please read & share this @RSPBEngland thread about the huge intensification of the war on nature that’s beginning under Truss. twitter.com/RSPBEngland/st…
Hello—it’s Midwinter Eve & the 1st episode of our @bbcworldservice audio-drama adaptation of The Dark Is Rising is out today!
A year’s work.
An episode a day for 12 days.
Pls listen along, tell us how you’re finding it, tell others!
Here: bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/w… twitter.com/RobGMacfarlane…
So: wealthy landowner takes case to High Court to exclude wild camping from his 4000-acre bloodsporty Dartmoor estate.
Wins case.
Now *sells* the right to camp back to the taxpayer, on a reduced area.
Sucks so much.
A massive step back—and a stitch-up.
This is extraordinary.
Stay the course.
Life! twitter.com/gunsnrosesgirl…
"More money is being spent destroying the UK environment than protecting it."
* UK most wildlife-depleted of G7 nations
* 25yr Environment Plan lacks robust monitoring/enforcement
* Public sector investment in conservation down 33% in 5 years.
Hello -- 5 years ago today, a book called The Lost Words by me & @JackieMorrisArt was published.
Here we are, nervous & young(er), on that day.
In our wildest dreams we couldn't have guessed what the planting of that acorn would cause to flourish.
Outstanding (breaking) news: the National Trust’s Board of Trustees has today confirmed the earlier members’ vote, & announced that it will no longer issue any "trail hunting" licences on @nationaltrust land.
👏 👏 keeptheban.uk/post/breaking-…
Planning consent granted for the destruction of a tunnel of elms, at St Marks on the Isle of Man.
Elms are nationally scarce, elm tunnels drastically scarce across UK & Europe.
Does anyone know why this is happening, & whether anything can still be done? twitter.com/manxnature/sta…
Wind In The Willows, as re-written by @SouthernWater.
Via @PrivateEyeNews
The Minister for Access to Nature, Richard Benyon, owns a 12,000-acre private estate, & oversaw the quashing of the Agnew Review into increased access to green space.🤔
So today @Right_2Roam campaigners led a peaceful mass trespass onto his land...
First global attempt to map vast underground fungal networks.
Big step in bringing fungi within conservation frames (flora, fauna *&* fungi).
As a cartophile & mycophile who wrote a book on underworlds, this story is *right* in my wheelhouse.
Writing today about this ivory figurine.
It's c. 30,000 years old; found in the Hohle Fels cave in the Swabian Jura.
A tiny Ice Age bird, wings swept back tight to its body.
Such grace of being & making.
A Diver? Goose? Cormorant?
It knows where it's going.
[Photo @uni_tue]
“It sticks in my craw. We are not accepting favours from our masters. We are not their serfs. It isn’t the 19th century. Dartmoor is not a private gentlemen’s shooting estate.” theguardian.com/environment/20…
Well this utterly delights me.
A Dadaist re-write of The Old Ways by harvest mice.
Thank you to my avant-garde collaborators!
Book become a place of shelter, words as winter nest. Sometimes that’s what writing can feel like. twitter.com/paulpowlesland…
New gov't policy is an #AttackOnNature, in an already acutely nature-depleted country.
@nationaltrust @WildlifeTrusts & @Natures_Voice (total membership 8m) are mobilising in resistance.
Pls share to show @ranil the no. of votes & depth of feeling at stake bbc.co.uk/news/science-e…
Here's a short round-up of ways to help welcome & settle Afghan refugees arriving in the UK, with particular focus on the work of @Care4Calais.
Do share and/or reply with other suggestions of organisations or ways to help; I know I'd be glad to hear them.