Audrey Tang 唐鳳(@audreyt)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

東京オリンピックの防疫対策に協力するため、私は総統および行政院長と話し合った結果、日本への訪問をキャンセルすることにしました。 予定は変わりましたが、私にとって三つのことは変わりません。
💁 同僚の @urakagi が翻訳と吹き替えを担当してくれました。日本の皆さんのお役に立てれば幸いです。 ℹ️ 注意:この方法が使えるのは、破損していなくて汚れてもいない、室外または感染リスクの低い場所で使用されたサージカルマスクのみです。また、本消毒法は 3~5 回が限界です。
一、選手達を応援する気持ちは変わりません。 二、オリンピックをサポートすることは変わりません。 三、日本への感謝の心は変わりません。
過去一年余り、皆さんはパンデミックの脅威の下で、数々の困難を乗り越え、世界に貢献してこられました。このような共通の経験は、相互協力の重要性を改めて気付かせることとなりました。 今後機会があれば、また日本を訪問し、台湾と日本の交流に貢献したいと願っています。
🙏 請大家幫忙把這個網址 分享給「有需要購買口罩的人」。 📈 打開 #口罩供需資訊 網頁,可以看到民間社群與健保署過去兩天共同努力的成果。 ℹ️ 最後,除了再次感謝社群與健保署同仁,也提醒請把資源優先留給「有需要購買口罩的人」。 #臺灣加油 #每一個by後面都是神隊友
. @morisatwine is a quick study. Combating #Coronavirus needs #AllHandsOnDeck.🙌 Lots of bilateral conversations, no top-down authoritarianism.🆓 Watch my virtual lecture on mask revitalising with @agoerlach via @vf_institute. ▶️ Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp🇹🇼…
🇹🇼 #Taiwan is combating #Coronavirus & managing the #COVID19 pandemic. 💡 Digital Social Innovation is key! 🚀 It’s fast, open, fair & fun. 🙌 Most importantly, it needs #AllHandsOnDeck. 🕔 Take 5 with me & get up to speed. 💻 Visit & learn much more.
💕 Compassion & love know no boundaries. 😷 Join me in dedicating uncollected face masks via the NHI app & making a difference. 💪 We’re #StrongerTogether when striving for #HealthForAll. 🇹🇼 Yes! #TaiwanCares, #TaiwanShares & #TaiwanCanHelp.
The #SummitForDemocracy was stellar. 🎇 I urge all free countries to invest like #Taiwan in civic technologies to strengthen democracy. 🇹🇼 Reliable infrastructure makes our lives simpler & more convenient. Public digital infrastructure does the same for democracy. 💻 #LLAP 🖖
My #OSOSNZ prayer. Thank you all fabulous people!
#Taiwan’s digital democracy & bubble tea have a lot in common.💻🧋 They can be mixed together in any which way.🥣 They embody the spirit of open innovation & creativity.🎇 They are fast, fair & fun.🥳 They transcend time & space boundaries globally.🌐 Watch, learn & shake.🔽
Good things come to those who wait. But even better things come to those who embrace a civic hacking lifestyle. Cast a close eye over the #PresidentialHackathon2020 clip & reply with feedback. 🧑🏼‍💻 Colleague @urakagi did the 🇯🇵 voiceover. ツイッターの皆さんから見てどうですか?
«Nineteen Eighty-Four» is a cautionary tale.⚠️ But #CCP is using it as the blueprint for a totalitarian regime in #Xinjiang.🤐 Technology should be utilised to promote freedom, democracy & human rights — not censor & surveil.🔥 Read my @NAR interview.🔽…
🆕 eMask 2.0 team is launching a new feature in late April: Collect & Preorder. 🎁 This involves 10,000+ convenience stores around #Taiwan, along with @MOHW_Taiwan’s NHI & Trade-Van partners. 🎥 I joined the hardworking eMask techies in a closed beta — It went without a hitch!
Does time heal all wounds?🤔 Find out March 11, 14:46 JST, as I talk challenges & possibilities with next-gen friends from #Fukushima 10 years after the Great East #Japan Earthquake.🇯🇵 ▶️… Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp🇹🇼 support sustainable & resilient communities.
⚕ As long as #Taiwan remains safe, I would love to donate my uncollected masks to those in need, with priority given to front-line medical personnel. 在不影響防疫準備的情形下,我很願意以個人未領取的口罩響應 @MOFA_Taiwan 的人道援助,幫助需要的國際夥伴、優先提供給他們的醫護人員。…
😷 120K dedicators, 1M face masks collected. 🚀 #TeamTaiwan came through with flying colours! 🥳 I’m deeply touched & immensely proud of this response. 💕Thank you for the tenderness & love. 🖖 May we all #LiveLongAndProsper. 🇹🇼 Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp
What a way to celebrate International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia! On May 17, the Legislature voted to legalize #MarriageEquality, making #Taiwan the first country in #Asia to do so. Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue and dreams really do come true.
🙌 Combating #Coronavirus requires an #AllHandsOnDeck approach. 🙏 I’m proud to play my small part alongside @g0vtw, @MOHW_Taiwan @Taiwan_CDC and #RepublicOfCitizens. 👏 Yes! Together we can manage the #COVID19 outbreak & realise @WHO’s #HealthForAll.…
My sentiments exactly.✅ Thank you!🙏 Rest assured, #Taiwan’s 1922 vaccination appointment reservation system will put #Japan’s generous gift to good use immediately.🇹🇼🇯🇵…
🇹🇼How did democratic #Taiwan combat #Coronavirus? 🧼Soap, hand sanitizer, #CivicTech & plenty of trust. 📢Amplified social innovation truly is fast, fair & fun! 📺Watch my interview with @BBCWorld & learn more about the #TaiwanModel 👉
The proof is in the pudding — eMask 2.0 is a GO! 🚀 🏪 1st preorders can be collected March 26 ~ April 1. 📲 2nd preorders are open until 8 p.m., March 27, via or @MOHW_Taiwan’s NHI app. A huge thanks to the uber-talented & hardworking eMask 2.0 team! 🙏
Plenty of food 🥘 for thought 🧠 in this tasty tidbit from my interview with @ACichowicz of @NDRpresse. Let’s be crystal clear 💎 — In this #RepublicOfCitizens 👫, cyberspace freedom rules 🆗. #Taiwan 🇹🇼 is a perfect example that #HomoSapiens is fit for digital democracy 🗽.
@Lovememorial 可以直接回覆已送出的簡訊,例如「+2」,即表示有兩位同行者,並留存在簡訊紀錄中,作為疫調參考。 建議每個有手機的人都個別掃碼,如果確定往後可聯絡到同行的人,由一人代表亦可。