Nathan Law 羅冠聰(@nathanlawkc)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

3. By arresting executives, journalists and freezing the asserts, the companies cannot pay their staffers, and staffers are afraid of being arrested. The paper with a history of 26 years is gone. The companies and the arresstees are not even trialed yet.
6. No matter what the future will be, I will continue speaking out for Hong Kong. Just like what I pledged four years ago as the youngest lawmaker: I will use my whole life to serve the people of Hong Kong, but not tyranny. Don’t lose hope in the darkness. Let’s fight. -END
2/ 很多抗議浪潮的畫面,如教授挺身而出阻擋武警前進、學生在手機燈光下舉白紙示威、「重慶哥」的聲嘶力竭,這些都讓我回想起在2019年實時感受到的香港示威浪潮。 在牆內的朋友,很多都會以為香港示威是「外國煽動」、「暴徒亂港」,但或許你們現在已經感受到,那些只是為掙脫牢籠飛翔的渴望。
Free Hong Kong! Go get the #MeiWithHongKong t-shirt and flyers! #BlizzCon…
For anyone who says there's freedom of speech in Hong Kong -- this is what speech crime looks like. Tales are not allowed in the city anymore. Hong Kong therapists convicted of sedition over children’s books…
4. Francis was wanted under the military rule that arbitrarily deprives people of their basic rights of protesting and speech. It’s obvious that the authority intended to intimidate the other protestors by setting Francis as an example. This charge could put him in jail for life.
During the New York assembly, a cute dog was biting the Winnie the pooh. Sorry for the cute toy but as an action of opposing Emperor Xi, that’s quite symbolic. #HongKong
5. In the cafeteria, the protestors reminded each other to pay for what they have taken. "I am sorry for bothering," "Pay at the basket =>." The basket in the fridge which the sign is pointing at was full of bills that the protestors left, when they took a can of soda out.
6. The protestors who entered the building were civilized and well-mannered. They were fighting for a better society and social justice. They were demanding an unelected government to implement a fair and open electoral system. These mark the differences. -END
We need to safeguard our shared democratic values together. #StandwithHongKong…
Thanks for having me @MTYoungBar and @middletemple for the belated 2020 annual dinner! Won't be a better event to mark my first black-tie appearance. Hope my speech made all of you proud. With my friends @MichaelPolakLaw @benedictrogers @MahmutRahima @WilsonLeungWS #StandwithHK
Thread on #NBA protest: 1. The #NBA #Morey incident shows how China uses its money to export authoritarianism and silence individuals and companies that support freedom and Hong Kong’s struggle. CCP wants to isolate Hong Kong internationally but it is obviously back-fired.
Exciting news -- I will be in the US in early December to present the US edition of "Freedom." The struggles of Hong Kong are an important lesson to the free world. Let me know if you are interested in having a review, an event or an interview covering it! #StandwithHongKong
Now here’s the story…
Pro-Beijing group in a racist form.…
//“I still want to be a reporter from the bottom of my heart. I’m not afraid to sit in prison. But how about the people who work with me? Will they sit in, too, because of my work? ”// ‘We fought the good fight’: journalists in Hong Kong reel from assault…
#MilkTeaAlliance #StandWithThailand Thailand protesters clash with riot police over handling of Covid…
BRAVE. That's what a top player should act like.…
Thanks everyone for coming this yellow cake shop❤️…
It’s been a year since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. These historic meetings emerged, representing the world we're living in. Dictators work together, and democracies resist. We are one, and we persist. #SlavaUkraini #HongKongstandwithUkraine
Had a great interview with @GenevaSummit, which detailed my growing-up experience and life as a prominent activist. Stay tuned for my appearance at the Geneva Summit. #StandwithHongKong…
2.President Reagan delivered the famous “Tear down this wall” speech in front of the gate in 1987; two years later, the wall collapsed. History teaches us not to lose hope and keep the faith in freedom and democracy. Hope the people inside the other wall could enjoy freedom soon.
Friends in Japan — get in the cinema and watch it!…
"My life will be full if I realize the dream of democracy and freedom in Hong Kong. But my life is not empty without it, and I am always proud of the hurdles I have overcome ... The result does not define you as a person; the process does." @wjcollege
1/Myanmar’s resistance against military dictatorship has been two years, and still continuing. As of Jan 30, 2023, the military had killed 2,901, arrested 17,492 (282 children), and 13,719 remained in detention, according to Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma).