Nathan Law 羅冠聰(@nathanlawkc)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Publishing #Freedom means a lot to me. I’ve been trying different ways to raise awareness for the Hong Kong protests. Depicting it from personal insight and making it easy to read for international audiences has always been part of the goals -- “Freedom” indeed achieved it.
For the past 4 months, we have had numerous nights bursting into tears and worries. But we have never been so proud of Hong Kong, of HongKongers. Today, we stand out and fight against the totalitarian power together. #928
昨晚我聽到戰友在荔枝角的聲援,萬分感謝。請告訴他們:我很好!我很堅強!但請大家把聲援的精力放在大街小巷上,與共產黨打最徹底的宣傳戰!要定期到街頭演講,向市民喊話,而非政治犯們。我們心懷感激,但你們有更重要的任務。 聰 19/8/2017 Photo credit:東方日報
BREAKING: Earlier today, the pro-Beijing triad gangsters were cheering for the police when they were marching out. This is another proof of thug-police collusion. #antiELAB #freedomHK #FreeHK
Merry Christmas!🎄 With everyone spending quality time with family, millions of refugees are forcefully separated from loved ones. This is my third Christmas without my family, and it's especially disheartening when it's a time for joy and love. Sending my regards to all of you.
It's hypocritical to counter "anti-Asian hate" but defend China's human rights record. Millions of Uyghurs are suffering in concertion camps now. They can only get away from it by equating "criticizing China" to "advancing US imperialism." I can't even explain how lame it is.…
Thanks for the interview and glad to chat about my journey in the democratic movement!…
3. Our Ukrainian friends have been supporting our struggles against dictatorship. It’s time that we support their fight. Talk to your Ukrainian friends, shop Ukrainian products, follow the news, and most importantly, urge the international community to act. #StandWithUkraine
National anthem to-be.…
Winston has been a force of good in helping Hong Kong people in the UK and voicing support to the democratic movement. Really thankful for his commitment to helping the people in need. #StandwithHongKong…
What are the Chinese Communist Party afraid of? They failed everyone in the world.… via @hongkongfp
1/ 「中國示威群眾在爭取些甚麼?」「他們清楚自己的目標嗎?」 非常重要,卻難以準確回答的問題,畢竟任何公正的群眾研究是幾乎不可能進行的。由要求解封到呼籲政制改革,示威群眾有寬闊的口號,也有個別參加者呼籲不要摻和挑戰大一統、政權的想法。
Non-jury trial is set for one of the most most iconic National Security Law cases. Rule of law is violated, and these defendants are charged because of running in a primary election —what an absurd development. My blessing is with all the defendants, including @joshuawongcf.
3. The international front is what Hong Kongers must still defend — in parallel to street activism — even as the risk of doing so locally are now immeasurably high. Multiple articles of the new NSL target this kind of work I have undertaken for years.
3. The event went smoothly. Yet, the attack shows how CCP aggression threatens our cherished values. The other schools may not stand as firmly as Uchicago did. I hope the govt can look into signs of infiltration in these CSSA and to ACT to protect the FREEDOMS in YOUR country.
He chanted political slogans and jailed for 5 years and 9 months. 2100 days. Wonder who else would still call Hong Kong a FREE city. It's worse than most authoritarian countries. #HongKong Hong Kong jails protester for chanting political slogans…
Democracy was a cherished dream in Hong Kong. Over the years, we have seen the repeated efforts of activists, lawmakers, colleagues, friends, and loved ones fight to save the Hong Kong they love. We cannot let their efforts go in vain.…
We had demonstration in front of the Chinese Embassy today. 1 October will be the 70th anniversary of PRC. 2 things for them: 1. CCP is the most anti-China regime. They have killed more Chinese people than any other regimes. 2. Tyranny does not last long. 70 years, it’s enough.
2. Once again, It’s another blatant attack on the HK activists, whose wishes are solely bringing democracy to Hong Kong. Beijing never fulfilled their promises Rather, they have politically suppressed tens of thousands of protestors who are chanting for their legitimate claims.
An analysis that I wrote with prof. Brancati. Great first step to understand Hong Kong protest. Why Have the Hong Kong Protests Lasted So Long?…
Let's talk about workers' rights under Communist China. The answer is -- no. There are no independent workers' unions, and more critical voices are eliminated. Hong Kong’s biggest teachers’ union to disband after officials severed ties… via @SCMPNews
Stand with Hong Kong, no matter what. #HongKong
The "three-fingered salute" is the common language of us, and we are connected to each of our democratic fights immediately. Thank you, @CBSNews, for reporting. Hunger Games "three fingered salute" now a widely-used protest symbol in... via @YouTube
7. So much has changed — not least my own departure from home — since I last met Pompeo in Washington with Martin Lee, Margaret Ng, and other pro-democracy leaders in May 2019. I thank @USAinUK and @hk_watch who made the arrangements for he and I to catch up. THREAD ENDS.