Nathan Law 羅冠聰(@nathanlawkc)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Autonomy, democracy and the rule of law are the fundamental values that Beijing promised to implement in Hong Kong. We are asking them for honor their words, nothing more, nothing less. #HongKong #HKHRDA
The bipartisan support of the Hong Kong Human Rights Act is overwhelming. It’s been an exhausting but fruitful trip!💪
The Police are arresting first aiders. This is a SHAME and utter abuse of power. The international community should condemn the series of humanitarian crisis happening in HONG KONG. #FreeHongKong Credit: USP JIMMY LAM
The first time @joshuawongcf brought up the issue of Hong Kong Human rights Act was 5 years ago. For now, the passage of the bill seems reachable. I am glad that the @demosisto trio is here to continue the struggle. @jeffreychngo, the most knowledgeable one, is our treasure.
I will be testifying on Thursday in the East Asia subcommittee of Senate Foreign Relations committee. Everyone stay tuned. #HongKong
My deepest gratitude is to Chairman @RepEliotEngel, Ranking Member @RepMcCaul, and their House Foreign Affairs Committee for unanimously passing the bill this morning. As we move forward, now is the time for unwavering bipartisan support in both chambers of Congress. #HongKong
Come join our 28Sept Washington DC, 29Sept New York rallies! #Globalantitotalitarianism
SENATE HEARING: //As we approach first of October, which marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, I hope to remind Beijing that: Hearts and minds cannot be simply bought off with heavily-orchestrated ceremonies.// #HongKong
It’s been 5 years since we initiated Umbrella Movement. Now we come back with much stronger determination and wilful power. #HongKong
We fight for freedom. Stand up as a Hongkonger. #928 #DC
For the past 4 months, we have had numerous nights bursting into tears and worries. But we have never been so proud of Hong Kong, of HongKongers. Today, we stand out and fight against the totalitarian power together. #928
Dear Friends and the world: Now Hong Kong is a genuine police state. Dialogue is merely a decoration. Undercover police are beating protesters and using firearms. Source: Ming Pao
Crazy police. No captions needed. Photo: STANDNEWS
During the New York assembly, a cute dog was biting the Winnie the pooh. Sorry for the cute toy but as an action of opposing Emperor Xi, that’s quite symbolic. #HongKong
We had demonstration in front of the Chinese Embassy today. 1 October will be the 70th anniversary of PRC. 2 things for them: 1. CCP is the most anti-China regime. They have killed more Chinese people than any other regimes. 2. Tyranny does not last long. 70 years, it’s enough.
The actor Gregory Wong was arrested at his home this morning for charges related to the Legislative Council incident on July 1. He is now in detention at the Wan Chai police headquarters. More details to follow once we hear from his lawyers.
URGENT: YOU CAN SUPPORT HONGKONG NOW! Learn, Record, Upload, Tag friends and #shout4HK Lets #Shout4HK ! Support HongKongers to fight for freedom. To understand more: Facebook: Twitter:
5 demands, not one less. We march on, Hongkongers
Stand with Hong Kong, no matter what. #HongKong
Hong Kong government is celebrating the National Day by locking down the city, shutting down the malls and deploying riot police on nearly every street corner. “Today XinJiang, tomorrow HongKong” is not an exaggeration.
HK police is celebrating the PRC national day by shooting a young activist. Big prize to communist party? Disgusting. Shame on the police.…
No one now cares about the massive ceremony on the Tiananman and all the trash talks from Emperor Xi. All we care is the safety of freedom fighters in Hong Kong, especially the kid got shooted on the chest. Only shame on China in their 70th celebration. Xi, You earned it.
Listen to our voices from HK activists: @joshuawongcf @hoccgoomusic, and @BrianLeungKP. We fight for autonomy and democracy. We fight for 5 demands. We are Hongkongers. We are at the forefront of a global fight -- defending the liberal values.…