Nathan Law 羅冠聰(@nathanlawkc)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

This is the "unlimited collaboration" between China and Russia. Yet, ironically, they proclaimed themselves as "progressive force" -- I guess it means progressing troops into other countries' territories. They are the greatest threat to our liberties and democracy.
Merry Christmas!🎄 With everyone spending quality time with family, millions of refugees are forcefully separated from loved ones. This is my third Christmas without my family, and it's especially disheartening when it's a time for joy and love. Sending my regards to all of you.
Just finished my 8 hours shift on Christmas Eve with @crisis_uk, a charity that helps people experiencing homelessness. In a time of hardship, it’s also more of a time to give and care. Very blessed to be offered an opportunity to reciprocate to the community. #CrisisatChristmas
當政權要求你「愛國」,一切聽黨走時,你有想過國家愛你嗎? 中國的白紙示威過後,很多人都在想這個問題。於2019年初,我在一場公聽會中,曾經以香港人的身份回答過。
Most importantly, he is also a British citizen. The Brit govt & intl community should speak up for him -- name and shame Chinese&HK government, put pressure on Chinese& HK representatives in the UK, and sanction more officials&entities if necessary. We need to do more.
Jimmy Lai, a 75-year-old media tycoon, is PRC's no.1 national enemy in Hong Kong. The only crime he committed was to speak up for democracy. He's been sentenced for years, and a few more political charges are pending. He may not be able to get out of prison alive.
陰謀論者成功之處不在於讓人信服,而是轉移焦點至無法證實、也難以全盤否定的猜測。 泥漿摔角既分擾心神,也讓人覺得這潭水污煙漳氣;把你拉下來的人不期望獲得支持,只希望旁人因厭倦這些爭鬥而離場。 網路生態不健康的話,不要「吃瓜」,專注做自己能做的事情。歷史的巨輪始終要向前轉。 共勉。
1/ 「中國示威群眾在爭取些甚麼?」「他們清楚自己的目標嗎?」 非常重要,卻難以準確回答的問題,畢竟任何公正的群眾研究是幾乎不可能進行的。由要求解封到呼籲政制改革,示威群眾有寬闊的口號,也有個別參加者呼籲不要摻和挑戰大一統、政權的想法。
Friends have told me that when my thread on the #Chinaprotest was forwarded to Weibo, their accounts were banned. The PRC government is so afraid of kind words to people. They are scared of the inner pursuit of freedom of humankind. Let’s continue to spread the words.
Someone is very confused in Beijing.
Rare scenes of protest in Hong Kong emerged: a group of citizens gathered in Central, the busiest commercial area, and held blank papers. Police arrived and protestors' IDs were marked. It's been a long time since protests are staged in the streets after NSL. Photo: Ming Pao
1/ Quick updates of #Chinaprotest: - Police are stationed in many main protest sites - Protestors started to be arrested by police - Some of the early patches of protestors are released - Citizens continue to pop up at street corners with blank papers
History in the making. We have no idea whether we are in the beginning, middle, or end of it. But we are sure that history will mark what you have done as something magnificent. History will treat you well. No matter what happen, your effort is not going in vain. #白紙革命
In #China, CCP censors all online platforms and sometimes shuts down the internet in protest sites. Protestors need safe and free internet access to circulate information, and the world needs to know the truth. Should @elonmusk launch Starlink to support Chinese citizens now?
Students from the elite school Tsinghua University protested with Friedmann equation. I have no idea what this equation means, but it does not matter. It's the pronunciation: it's similar to "free的man" (free man)—a spectacular and creative way to express, with intelligence.
8/ Be Water 如水 兄弟爬山,各自努力 香港人 反抗 香港人 加油 香港人 報仇 光復香港 時代革命 2019年的呼聲,在此送給你們。
7/ 「不自由,毋寧死」 自由主義的核心是多元、分權。作為一個香港人,我能給予最微小的建議(同樣是擔憂),是在挑戰政權管治威信時,也要挑戰官方為鎮壓而設的論述: 挑戰為「打擊恐怖主義」對維吾爾人而實施的反人類政策,對抗將香港人「同化」的臣民主義,更理解邊陲社群對中共中央壓逼的反抗。
6/ 人民與人民間的爭鬥是最令人難過,也是共產黨最擅長的;這時,我希望你們不要記恨,要堅持所有的一切,終將也是為了解放站在對立面的他們。 恨,放腐朽體制上: 放在為了鞏固自身權力不惜殘害人民的既得利益者,放在不公義的源頭,放在草菅人命、賤視百姓的污吏上。 你們的內心,清晰高遠。
5/ 站在街頭巷尾,這是我第一次感受到,人為了信念而不惜代價,可以如此愚蠢、天真。 所謂現實重擔,所謂識時務者,在人心底裏奔向自由的渴望被深挖出來後,就像沈重的枷鎖被捨棄了。 你們會遇到很多困難,包括旁人的不理解、政權喉舌的炮轟,甚至枕邊人轉向指責。 這些事,我們全都遇過。 請堅持。
4/ 政權會用盡一切辦法否定你們的聲音,說訴求破壞國家穩定; 政權會抹黑「領頭份子」,說他們收受黑金; 政權會採用分化策略,以原教旨主義攻擊大眾,摧毀互信; 政權會以國族主義瓦解多元、跨民族連結,孤立各個示威。 這時你必須堅持,必須堅信。要時常記起為何當初選擇站出來。 要以勇氣面對迷茫。
3/ 近日我收到很多類似的「懺悔文」,我想跟你們說聲:It’s alright. 人生而在世,到處都是枷鎖,過去的你被政權蒙敝了,眼界開闊後,決心不要再回去就好。 容我再多說一次:沒有外部勢力能「煽動」一群又一群,明知會面對數以年計牢獄,甚至「被失蹤」風險的人上街。香港群眾如是,中國群眾如是。
2/ 很多抗議浪潮的畫面,如教授挺身而出阻擋武警前進、學生在手機燈光下舉白紙示威、「重慶哥」的聲嘶力竭,這些都讓我回想起在2019年實時感受到的香港示威浪潮。 在牆內的朋友,很多都會以為香港示威是「外國煽動」、「暴徒亂港」,但或許你們現在已經感受到,那些只是為掙脫牢籠飛翔的渴望。
1/ 歷史總是幻變,潮流由意志捲動──它並非命定進程,而是由人創造的未來。 就像香港逃犯條例、突尼西亞水果商以及台灣煙販,體制暴力所引發的不公義,足可燃點人民內心對自由的渴望。烏魯木齊的大火如是。 反抗未必成功,但它彰顯人性光芒;光芒或會熄滅,但一切星火皆有印記。 我雖力弱,但不屈從。
The crowd chanted “CCP step down!” on the streets of Shanghai. It’s been a few hours since the protests started and there’re no signs of a major escalation of the situation. Still, this is a VERY significant moment.…
Many protests have spawned across China, when people oppose zero-COVID control and accountability to the government. Though it’s difficult to assess how large the protests are and whether they will end up opposing the SYSTEM, we all should support their struggles.