みんな!ちゃんとお水を飲んでね!がんぼるぞい!! translation: Hello everyone. Please drink a lot of water.
これは触覚が長いカミキリムシ。 僕は顔が長い犬。 がんぼるぞい! translation: This is a long-horned beetle. I'm a long-face dog.Longboi!
カブトムシみたいなかっこいいツノがほしい!がんぼるぞい! translation: I want a cool horn like a beetle!
クワガタこわい… くうちゃん強い… がんぼるぞい… translation: The stag beetles are scared. Kuu is strong.
笑顔でいきましょう。がんぼるぞい! translation: Let's spend a smile.
くうちゃんは美味しいものを見ると何故か寝たふりをかします。がんぼるぞい! translation: Kuu pretends to be sleeping for some reason when he sees something delicious.
(*ΦωΦ*){デカイ犬は雷が怖いって泣いてます。 ∪・ω・){がんぼるぞい… translation: 🐈 A big dog is crying because of fear of lightning. 🐕I want to do my best.
僕は臆病。くうちゃんは勇敢。 がんぼるぞい! translation: I am timid. Kuu is brave.
多分仲良しです。がんぼるぞい! translation: We are probably on good terms.
鼻が曲がっちゃうー。 がんぼるぞい! translation: I have a bent nose.
僕達はファッションショーに出たい。がんぼるぞい! translation: We want to appear at Fashion Week.
1枚目→子犬っぽい 2枚目→単純に顔がデカい。 がんぼるぞい! translation: 1 → It looks like a puppy. 2 → The face is simply big.
🐈掻くの下手すぎ。 🐕がんぼるぞい!! translation: 🐈 You are not good at scratching. 🐕I am doing my best.
動かざること山の如し translation: Be immovable like a mountain. (Shingen Takeda/Samurai)
地域の子供達の安全を見守っています!がんぼるぞい! translation: I watch over the safety of local children.
なでろー!!!がんぼるぞい! translation: Stroke my head!
会議中です。僕たちは仕事ができる男ですから。がんぼるぞい! translation: We are having a meeting. We are good at work.
大きいキノコ見つけた!(毒キノコだそうです。食べないでください。)がんぼるぞい! translation: I found a big mushroom! (Do not eat this as it is poisonous.)
夢の中でダンスしてます。がんぼるぞい! translation: I'm dancing in a dream.
仲良く出勤です!がんぼるぞい! translation: We go to work together.
お洒落をしました。鼻水ですらお洒落です。がんぼるぞい! translation: I'm fashionable. Even a runny nose is fashionable.
ヘッドスパって気持ちいいよねー。がんぼるぞい! translation: The scalp massage feels good.
早く食べたい!がんぼるぞい! translation: Let me eat soon!
嬉しい時の顔!がんぼるぞい! translation: Facial expression when I am very happy!
鼻が長い。がんぼるぞい! translation: I have a long nose.