馬?ヤギ?多分、犬です…。がんぼるぞい。 translation: Horse? Goat? No, maybe a dog.
今日のごはんはとっても豪華!!!イエーーーイ!!!!!がんぼるぞい!!! え? ……え? translation: Today is a very luxurious meal! I did it! Excuse me? What is that?
僕を怒らせると怖いぞ!怖いんだぞ!がんぼるぞい!! translation: You get scared when I get angry. I give you fear.
僕のの髭で遊ぶな!がんぼるぞい! translation: Don't play with my beard.
僕は温厚な犬だと思います。がんぼるぞい。 translation: I think I'm a kind dog.
風を浴びるとイケメン度が増しますよね。(こんなギタリストいそう。) がんぼるぞい! translation: I'm even more handsome when exposed to the wind. (It looks like a guitarist like this.)
フリーダムな寝姿。がんぼるぞい! translation: This is a freedom sleep.
仕留められました…がんぼるぞい… translation: He slayed me.
閉じ込められた!?がんぼるぞい!! translation: I'm trapped!
美味しそうなものを見ると鼻が曲がります。がんぼるぞい! translation: When I see something that looks delicious, my nose bends.
毎日ビクビクしながら生きています。がんぼるぞい。 translation: I'm scared every day.
一瞬、悪魔が降臨します。がんぼるぞい! translation: For a moment, the devil dwelled on me.
鼻で押したら気持ちいいぐらい潰れるんだろうなぁ。やりたいけどがまん。がんぼるぞい! translation: If I push this chick with my nose, it will easily collapse. I want to try it, but I don't.
寝ぼけて自分の肉球を食べてました。がんぼるぞい。 translation: I was asleep and ate my paws.
仲の良さそうな写真が撮れました。実際はそんなに仲良くありません。がんぼるぞい。 translation: Looking at this picture, we are good friend. Not really.
今日は僕の勝ち!(多分。) がんぼるぞい!!!! translation: I won today (Perhaps.)
∪・ω・){食べちゃうぞ!がんぼるぞい! (*ΦωΦ*){ごめんなさい。 translation: 🐕 I eat you. 🐈I'm sorry.
がんぼるぞい! …でも、暑いから何もしたくない。 translation: I will do my best. But I don't want to do anything because it's hot.
ボイトレです。低い声と高い声を出す練習です。がんぼるぞい!! translation: This is voice training. I practice practicing low and high voices.
何かの卵ですか?恐竜が産まれますか?がんぼるぞい! translation: Is this some egg? Will this give birth to dinosaurs?
肉が食べたい!がんぼるぞい! translation: I want to eat beef!
撮影の瞬間に目を閉じてしまった残念な写真です。がんぼるぞい! translation: This is a disappointing photo with my eyes closed at the moment of shooting.
退屈なので鼻を曲げたりウインクしたり眉毛をピクピクさせます。がんぼるぞい! translation: I am bored. I bend my nose, wink and move my eyebrows.
脂が乗って美味しそう!がんぼるぞい! translation: He is fat and looks delicious.
ゆっくり寝たい。がんぼるぞい… translation: I want to sleep soundly.