くうちゃんの倍の重さの白菜!がんぼるぞい! translation: This Chinese cabbage is twice as heavy as Kuu.
くうちゃんの攻撃を避けるために鼻を曲げています!がんぼるぞい!! translation: My nose bends. This is to avoid Kuu's attack.
フェンス壊してごめんなさい!反省してまーす!がんぼるぞい! translation: I'm sorry to break the fence! I regret it!
何故かヨーグルトがついています。がんぼるぞい! translation: For some reason, my face has yogurt on it.
食べきれないなら僕が手伝おうか?がんぼるぞい!! translation: If you can't eat, can I help you?
寒い…。暖かくしてね。 がんぼるぞい! translation: It's cold. Stay warm.
魔法使いです。がんぼるぞい! translation: I'm a wizard.
雪がすき!!!!!!がんぼるぞい!!! translation: I love snow! !!
くねくねくねくね がんぼるぞい! translation: wiggle waggle
昨日の不審者は倒しておいた。がんぼるぞい! translation: I defeated the suspicious person yesterday.
なんか変な人きた!がんぼるぞい!! translation: There is a strange person here!
曲がっちゃう。がんぼるぞい! translation: It bends.
顔が長いから鼻にしかピントが合いません。がんぼるぞい! translation: I can't focus because my face is long.
僕は強い。がんぼるぞい! translation: I'm strong.
走ってる時の顔。がんぼるぞい! translation: The face when I'm running.
箱の中には危険がいっぱいです。 translation: When you open the box, there may be danger inside.
暴れ犬。がんぼるぞい! translation: Rampage doggo.
さつまいも大好き!がんぼるぞい! translation: I love sweet potato!
心地よい光。がんぼるぞい! translation: Pleasant light.
みかんの検品がんぼるぞい! translation: I am investigating the quality of mandarin oranges.
みかんを装備してがんぼるぞい! translation: I equipped a mandarin orange to do my best.
よく狩られます。がんぼるぞい! translation: I am often hunted.
ヘタクソ。がんぼるぞい! translation: Poor.
ぴょーんぴょーん!がんぼるぞい! translation: boing boing
悪戯しすぎて頭に何か貼られました。だれがキョンシーや。がんぼるぞい! translation: I had a lot of mischief. The owner put something on my head.