Supper Mario Broth(@MarioBrothBlog)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

In the New Super Mario Bros. U game style of Super Mario Maker 2, clearing a course hoists a flag with the player character's symbol on the flagpole. For an unknown reason, the sprites used for Luigi's flag are half the resolution of all other flags.
The German name for Tiny-Huge Island in Super Mario 64 is a very appropriate literary reference: Gulliver Gumba ("Gumba" being German for "Goomba"), referencing the 1726 novel Gulliver's Travels, where the main character visits both a land of tiny people and a land of giants.
In WarioWare: Twisted, a box of Mona Pizza appears briefly during Mona's story intro. In the international versions, the box is decorated with an elaborate logo and drawing of Mona as the Mona Lisa (left). In the Japanese version, however, the design is more amateurish (right).
Official artwork of Wario with and without his mustache from Nintendo of Japan's website for Wario Land 2. The Japanese release included mustache-shaped stickers; the website jokes that Wario does not actually have a mustache and is using the enclosed stickers to fake having one.
In the data of Paper Mario, an unused battle against four Amazy Dayzees can be found, intended to have a very small chance of appearing in Flower Fields. This was likely cut due to being too deadly; if all Amazy Dayzees attack on the first turn, Mario will die even at maximum HP.
Left idle for a minute in Super Mario Sunshine, Mario will adjust FLUDD's belt (left). However, the same animation is also used when Mario is not wearing FLUDD (e.g. in the file select screen or in the secret courses), leading him to still adjust his nonexistent belt (right).
The Question Blocks in Super Mario Galaxy are decorated with rivets (left). These are 12-sided prisms and would each take 36 triangles to render separately; however, a trick is used where opposite rivets are actually two ends of a long rod (right), halving the number of polygons.
Wario: Master of Disguise and Mario vs. Donkey Kong share a particular similarity: both begin with a character watching TV and then changing the channel away from something he would normally find interesting. Wario is bored with a show about himself, and DK is bored with bananas.
Rare official art of Wart from Super Mario Bros. 2, found on a 1989 Nintendo of America sticker. This design resembles King Koopa from the Super Mario Bros. Super Show; it is possible that this was a rejected cartoon design for Wart before King Koopa was chosen as the villain.
One of the defeat animations in Mario Party 8 causes the characters to shrink until they vanish. Viewing the animation in the game's debug mode shows that it shrinks the characters' models unevenly, with the effect being most pronounced for Wario (note his extremely small legs).
During the battle against Exor in Super Mario RPG, his mouth is called "Neosquid" (left). This name was added in the localization, as the original Japanese version calls it "くち", which translates to "mouth" (right). To this day, no explanation for this name was ever found.
In the intro to WarioWare Gold, Penny is seen picking up a giant pink phone receiver (top). The phone is never seen in-game again, making it a one-off joke. However, a post-release animation on Nintendo of Japan's YouTube channel finally shows the phone in full (bottom).
In a section of Flipsville Galaxy in Super Mario Galaxy 2, Chomps can be seen rolling by through a window (left). Moving the camera inside the building (right) reveals that unlike the regular Chomp model, these particular Chomps have no visible teeth separation.
The area lighting specifications in the data of Super Mario Galaxy were never updated if an area was deleted, leading to the lighting file containing names of 34 deleted zones and galaxies. Some, like "ChristmasBattleZone", do not resemble anything found in the finished game.
The Fishin' Boo is an enemy that appeared in Super Mario World and has always been considered a ghost (Super Mario Encyclopedia entry, left). However, defeating a Fishin' Boo in Super Mario Run using a Super Star shows it is merely a Toad-like character wearing a sheet (right).
A 1994 Super Mario Land 2 manga adds context to the hippo statue found in that game's overworld (left). The reason the hippo statue is the access point to the Space Zone is because it was created to honor a hippo astronaut (right).
Extremely rare partial screenshot of an early build of Super Mario RPG, showing Croco's original design and the default standing pose of Mario's early sprite, seen mostly in action poses in other pre-release material. Sprites from the final version are provided for comparison.
The data for Super Mario World contains 6 sprites for the Big Boo enemy. The first four are seen in regular gameplay, the fifth (bottom middle) is used for an Easter egg when Mario looks at the Big Boo for 25 in-game seconds, and the last one (bottom right) is completely unused.
Illustration of Donkey Kong performing a breakdance from the Chilean official Club Nintendo magazine, used for a Donkey Kong Country soundtrack CD giveaway promotion.
"POWERFUL WARIO GAME 2004" sticker distributed with a limited edition release of Wario World in Japan. I had previously posted a low-quality image of it in 2017; this high-resolution scan has recently become available.
Panel from an official 2006 Super Princess Peach manga. In order to win Toad Shot, a minigame where the player must originally defeat enemies by touching them with the stylus, Peach produces a machine gun to shoot them faster. She is saying "まかせて!", or "Leave it to me!"
In 2016, Nintendo published a gift coupon book in PDF format on their website (top). Decompiling the PDF shows that instead of raster images, it contains the original vector versions of Mario character artwork, which can be further separated into its constituent layers (bottom).
At the end of Level 1-4 of Donkey Kong Country Returns, there is a shipwreck in the background (top). Just below the surface of the water behind it, there are giant letters spelling out "DONKEY KONG" (bottom), likely intended to rise from the water in an unused Easter egg event.
In the data of Super Mario Maker, early unused sprites of the Stretch enemy can be found in three of the four game styles. The sprites suggest they were intended to have two states, like regular Boos. This was later added to the nighttime Ground theme in Super Mario Maker 2.
In Super Mario Galaxy, whenever Mario is caught in a tornado, his arms begin to twirl extremely quickly. Pausing the game during this reveals that Mario's model gains two extra arms in this animation to create the illusion of them twirling even faster.