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Awards that Suga would like to give to the members
🐨 Hot Body Award. Giving you this award because you have such a hot body these days.
🐹 Unfair Award. Giving you this award because you feel falsely targeted when we do stuff.
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Awards that Suga would like to give to the members
🐿 Smile Award. Giving you this award because you smile even when you’re serious.
🐥 Extreme Award. Giving you this award because you do extreme things to be funny.
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Awards that Suga would like to give to the members
🐻 David Award. Giving you this award because you look like the Statue of David.
🐰 Actually Award. Giving you this award because once you actually start doing something, you don’t do it.
ok i’m gonna sleep but seokjin’s poster slogan is cracking me up
“the man who makes mirrors happy
who is that?
it’s me, kim seokjin”
the last hashtag says “until the spring day comes again 🌱” 🥺💜 twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
2021 ARMY Profile by BTS / Translation Thread
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ARMY’s goal: To come and hang out on Weverse when they feel that their [individual] lives are boring, [we] have the confidence to heal them
ARMY’s position within the team: Bangtan’s Arc Reactor*
* Iron Man reference?
2021 ARMY Profile by BTS / Translation Thread
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ARMY’s nickname
🐨 Forever companion and friend
🐱 Reason for existence
🐹 ARMY is just ARMY, they can’t be replaced with other words
🐿 My forever Achilles heel~♥♥
🐥 Pretties
🐻 My friend, best friend
🐰 ARMY = Love
2021 ARMY Profile by BTS / Translation Thread
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ARMY’s specialty
🐨 Loving all [of] BTS and ARMYs
🐱 Only looking at BTS
🐹 ARMYs have fun among themselves, watching them makes me proud
🐿 Being on BTS’ side~♥♥
2021 ARMY Profile by BTS / Translation Thread
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ARMY’s specialty
🐥 Adoring Tannies/hold Tannies dearly
🐻 Cherishing us
🐰 Being proud [of us]
2021 ARMY Profile by BTS / Translation Thread
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ARMY’s hobby
🐨 Making BTS cry / making BTS laugh
🐱 Watch BTS’ performances 6 hours/day
🐹 Setting records for BTS and ARMYs
🐿 Watching today’s BTS~!!
2021 ARMY Profile by BTS / Translation Thread
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ARMY’s hobby
🐥 Thinking about Tannies
🐻 Hm..eating only delicious things
🐰 Taking care of their health
yoongi’s handwriting 🥲
2021 ARMY Profile by BTS / Translation Thread
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ARMY’s attractive point
🐨 Starting from their name, they’re exploding with cuteness; I mean, AR-MY
🐱 Has more fun than anyone else in a loud/lively concert hall
🐹 Genius, seriously
🐿 Our ARMYs are thougtful~♥
2021 ARMY Profile by BTS / Translation Thread
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ARMY’s attractive point
🐥 Generous consideration, priceless support/cheers
🐻 So many ARMYs’ individual characteristics; people with lots of charm
🐰 So nice
2021 ARMY Profile by BTS / Translation Thread
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When you miss ARMY the most
🐨 Now..yesterday..no, tomorrow..ㅠ3ㅠ
🐱 Now…
🐹 This moment right now
🐿 Now.
🐥 Now
🐻 When I can’t see them at concerts
🐰 Before I fall asleep
2021 ARMY Profile by BTS / Translation Thread
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Thing I wanna do the most with ARMY
🐨 Concerts. Cheers. Sympathizing with each other.
🐱 Concert!!
🐹 Crying together at a concert
🐿 Jumping around and having fun in our own space~!!
2021 ARMY Profile by BTS / Translation Thread
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Thing I wanna do the most with ARMY
🐥 Singing and dancing and talking with each other while making eye contact
🐻 Concert
🐰 Concert
2021 ARMY Profile by BTS / Translation Thread
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Describe ARMY in 8 characters?
🐨 Such beautiful people
🐱 Everything in our lives!
🐿 BTS’ “hope” 🍀
2021 ARMY Profile by BTS / Translation Thread
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Describe ARMY in 8 characters?
🐥 What would I do without you
🐻 Very extremely close friend
🐰 My one and only mentor (because they help me grow continusouly)
I’ll be ending my thread here because I have to go (s..sorry….)! Please wait for other translators to post their work 💜
thank you for reading my translations, random typos and all !!!!!!! they’re not much but i hope they help you enjoy this year’s festa 🥺