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If you were to express BTS 8 characters?
🐨 International sunshine
🐱 They’re such lovely young men
🐿 BTS is full of life~♥♥♥💪🏼
🐥 Ah I really love you.
🐻 We live busily
🐰 The students/disciples of teachers/masters
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BTS awards
(just a heads-up that all of these award names are puns!)
🐨 Fatal Wound to the Chest Award (member who makes your heart race) - 3 votes
🐱 Above Average Award (member who is above average in everything) - 3 votes
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BTS awards
(just a heads-up that all of these award names are puns!)
🐹 Sculpture Award (member who is sculpture-like) - 5 votes
🐿 Fantasy Award (member who is fantastically cool) - 4 votes
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BTS awards
(just a heads-up that all of these award names are puns!)
🐥 Daily Award (member you wanna spend a special day with) - 3 votes
🐻 Subject of Study Award (member you wanna study) - 3 votes
🐰 Extraordinary Award (member who’ll fly to higher places) - 3 votes
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🐨 “You’ve Worked Hard Award"
8 years — to all [my] members who worked hard without a hitch over an enor~mous amount of time that almost reaches 3,000 days. Guys — ah! An award I really want to give! You’ve worked hard!!
- Award from RM to BTS
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🐱 “Always Award”
For always being the same, working hard like always, I award. you with the “Always Award”
- Award from Suga to BTS
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🐹 “Attendance Award”
For not being late or absent in schedules, for working hard rather than running away, I award you this certificate.
- Award from Jin to BTS
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🐿 “Undying Love Award”
Because the above members generously love and cherish each other, and are overflowing with love for fans, I present to you this award~♥️♥️
- Award from J-Hope to BTS
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🐥 “Your Afterimage Award”
Only beautiful afterimages remained on the paths you took, so I present to you this award.
- Award from Jimin to BTS
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🐻 “Understanding Award”
We use up a lot of energy lately because of our schedules, we’re worried about a lot of things, and we can’t see ARMYs despite missing the, I completely understand*
Kim Taehyung
- Award from V to BTS
* the last part was a pun!
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🐰 “You Did a Great Job Award”
I give you this award because for 8 years post-debut, you moved forward bravely together with ARMYs.
- Award from Jungkook to BTs
📌 It looks like the individual profile posters are parodies of 🇰🇷political candidate campaign posters!
🇰🇷 political party names end in ~당 (dang), and if you can read hangul, you’ll notice that the captions for each member poster has this character.
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“ARMY is me
Me is ARMY”
1️⃣ Awesome, cute and cool special grade candidate KIM NAMJOON
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Name: Kim Namjoon
Affiliation: Awesome [Party]
Career/history: “BTS”
Slogan: ARMY is me, me is ARMY
Charm appeal point:
1. Cute
2. Also cool
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Award that RM wants to give to RM
“Namu Award!!” (reference to how J-fans sometimes call him Namu-san, since award = 상/sang)
A 181cm tree that, unchangingly, gazed at BTS and ARMYs this year as well. I give you the Namu Award!!
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RM’s thoughts
No..to give me “Namu”..
I’m not worthy of such a title..
I sincerely thank the committe..
And I’ll live lo~ng like a tree!!! 🌳
- Kim Namu/Tree -
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Awards that RM would like to give to the members
🐱 Salt Pretending To Be Sugar Award. The saltiest sugar in the world..for that gap difference, I give you the Salt Award.
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Awards that RM would like to give to the members
🐹 Obnoxious Person Award!! Your face’s existence itself is so dazzling. For blinding ARMYs..you’re the greatest Obnoxious Person Award!!
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Awards that RM would like to give to the members
🐿 Morning Sun* Award!! That drink depends on personal preference, but — your smile is, quite simply, morning sunshine..☀️
* it looks like he’s referring to a rice drink called 아침햇살 (Morning Sunshine)? 🤔
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Awards that RM would like to give to the members
🐥 Puppy Face Award. I think you’re looking more like a puppy these days..
🐻 Worldwide Handsome Guy #0. This year, you rose up one level, so I present you with not the #1 but #0 award. - rest is the same as above -
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Awards that RM would like to give to the members
🐰 Jongkook Award?! Am I just imagining things, or is your body becoming more and more like that person’s body…?! Jongkook Award!!!
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“I want to be your sugar…”
2️⃣ Soonggooridangdang*, sweet candidate MIN SUGA
* this doesn’t actually mean anything, it’s just a phrase made up by Korean comedian that happens to end in ~당 (dang)
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Name: Min Suga
Affiliation: Soonggooridangdang [Party]
Career/history: Bangtan Sonyeondan
Slogan: I want to be your sugar…
Charm appeal point: Realistic, rational
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Award that Suga wants to give to Suga
“Magical Powers/Spell* Award”
An award given to those with magical power/spell-like attractiveness
(please refer to my next tweet for a translation note!)
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(RIP I’M SORRY the last 2 tweets were for page 15!)
Suga’s thoughts
Whew…my attrativeness…anyway, thank you