“what’s with the back...[you] should’ve at least blurred...” 😭😭😭 twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…
Korean reporters at McDonald’s #BTSMeal 😳 twitter.com/kooktamin/stat…
the third hashtag is sending me 😭
#엄마왜영상이안끝나 = “mom, why won’t the video end” twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
ah translation time
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Something trending within the team:
- Leaving schedules (going home from work)
- Ladder game
Special note:
- No longer “boys” (referring to the “boy” part of “bulletproof boy scouts”)
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2020 self evaluation / 2021 goals
🐨 Became a new person to a certain degree (!), though the feeling of helplessness is a little tricky / More than anything, to burn without regrets. To not look back.
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2020 self evaluation / 2021 goals
🐱 Studying English / To speak English more easily
🐹 I wasn't able to stick to [my] plans, but I lived well by adapting/reacting quickly / Let’s not cry
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2020 self evaluation / 2021 goals
🐿 It was a difficult period but I survived well and worked hard, pat pat / Try more things that I wanna try~?? ♥♥
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2020 self evaluation / 2021 goals
🐥 I worked hard because I had people I miss + wanted to repay, but it was a time when I wasn’t able to look at my surroundings
(2021 goal in next tweet, translation above is his 2020 self evaluation)
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2020 self evaluation / 2021 goals
🐥 There were opportunities I was able to reflect on once it was this year. I’d like to grow/improve once again, cherishing myself + learning how to love others.
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2020 self evaluation / 2021 goals
🐻 Ah..it was good. It wasn’t bad. / Send selcas to ARMYs through Weverse.
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2020 self evaluation / 2021 goals
🐰 I think I grew and matured a lot as a human. Before, I think was always impatient and only looked forward; in 2020, I was able to look at my surroundings a bit.
(2021 goal in next tweet!)
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2020 self evaluation / 2021 goals
🐰 In 2021, I’d like to please see ARMYs, perform, and slowly, little by little, become a better person.
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BTS’ charm points
🐨 Cute but cool, nice and beautiful, sincere when it comes to ARMYs.
🐱 Friendly
🐹 Cute. Nice.
🐿 Seems really special but is unexpectedly naive (pure) and simple
🐥 Each individual’s charm/attractiveness is clear
🐻 Familiar
🐰 Sincere about music
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BTS’ motto
🐨 “ARMYs are the answer.”
🐱 Give us the stage
🐹 Let’s just do it
🐿 Seven is one~♥♥
🐥 Your happiness, my happiness
🐻 Hobie’s words are absolute
🐰 Let’s go until we get there