Incredible. Get in on this, guys!
We’re going to have some fun & do a little good in the process: gish.com
#COVID #StayHome twitter.com/GISH/status/12…
Our strength is in this family we've built. Please join us in our COVID relief efforts by ordering this final season tee. 100% of profits will be donated. And remember, ILY. ShopStands.com
My friend @dariusmarder braved the woods to check in on the wild, unpredictable creature that lives there: my mom. (Luckily, he still had an old, used mask he couldn’t donate to wear.)
Check in on the elderly & immunocompromised around you, too — from a safe distance!
So embarrassing... I forgot we were “on the record” and overshared again.
(Get in on this, guys. We’re helping kids impacted by COVID related school closures! gish.com) twitter.com/nerdist/status…
Hey, @AlainaHuffman, remember that time when we were in a ‘90s grunge band together? (I’ll never forget your cover of “MMMBop.” So haunting.) Happy bday. 🎂
Want to come to my place for breakfast? Me & my friend @gilesduley (a brilliant photographer & one of the most resilient people I know) will be chatting about overcoming adversity & coping in isolation. 8 AM PT on Instagram LIVE. Join us: instagram.com/misha
Incredible. Just by signing up for my strange little 1-day #PlayAtHome scavenger hunt, we’ll be able to provide over 100,000 meals to kids going hungry due to #COVID-related hardship. Proud of you, guys. Thanks.
GO SIGN UP if you haven’t already! gish.com
After a few short weeks in captivity, we’re turning into animals. We just did the @dybrkr Saturday morning animal-themed Zoom dance party, dancing on the dining table like beasts.
I had a heart-to-heart with @thedad on Instagram this morning about my upcoming at-home, all-ages friendly @GISH scavenger hunt, the soul-crushing burden of shelter-in-place dishwashing, & how I’ve trained my kids to be my servants while in quarantine: instagram.com/thedad
Folks have been asking me for tips on managing quarantine harmoniously with kids. I’m no expert, but I’ve found that this routine works well for me:
Wake up at 5:30 AM, never stop cleaning or moving until you fall asleep crying at 11.
Repeat infinity times.
Hope this helps!
These uncooked tubers are trying to weasel their way into my Twitter feed. #EveryoneHasAnAgenda
Before quarantine, I used to look forward to Sunday, Tuesday, or Thursday… now, every day feels like “Blursday.”
If your days are all starting to run together too, do this to shake things up for the better: gish.com twitter.com/babyrabies/sta…
Who the hell has been spying on me? How does @TVGuide know I’ve turned to unhealthy habits in quarantine? Is nothing sacred?
If you’re at your wit’s end with quarantine like I am, join my #PlayAtHome scavenger hunt! Final days to register. Get on it, guys! gish.com
Hazel is vicious. Watch this with the sound on. gish.com
I picked up something lovely for @RuthieConnell's birthday, but I'm not sure if I should ship it. Let me know, guys. (And happy bday, Ruthie.)
Licks speak louder than words. gish.com
Hey @seanhannity! Nice work killer!
Hats off to @robhayter for donating this #SPN stunt department cap to @RandomActsOrg — and to @jarpad, @JensenAckles & @Alex8Calvert for signing it with me. Thanks, guys.
Want it? bit.ly/RAAuction_MC twitter.com/RandomActsOrg/…
Parenting tip: To establish trust, give your children sharp instruments and full control over your appearance. #ChildrenOfTheComb
I made this dinner for the kids. And very sweetly, Maison said, “If I had to choose between this and nothing, I guess I would choose this.” #QuarantineGratitude