I’m glad you were finally able to get a diagnosis, @realDonaldTrump. “Trump Derangement Syndrome” sounds awful. Out of curiosity, is testing for TDS in America going to be available to people with symptoms? Unlike Covid? twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
My dear friend has had a fever, cough & headache for days, but is being told he can’t get tested unless he’s a first responder or in critical condition. Under-testing is keeping official infection numbers in the US at a fraction of the truth. Trump wants to keep the tally low.
Maison just told me if she lived in the wild and didn’t have money to buy a house she’d just need 3 things: a stove, a fruit grabber pole and a sword.
Fact check: Your opposition to mail-in ballots during a pandemic is horrifying. People will get sick & die going to the polls this year. There is no voter fraud in America. You simply want to make voting difficult because the more people who vote the worse republicans do. Period. twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
Even though testing is proven to save lives and reduce infection rates, Trump is ending federal Covid testing at the height of the pandemic because he wants to keep the official numbers artificially low.
He’d rather save face than save lies.
I want to start a trend: #LettersOfGratitude. I’ll start, then you write one to someone from your past — because right now, people who have done good deserve to be reminded of it.
Read mine: bit.ly/LettersOfGrati…
Are you really measuring your success by the RATINGS OF YOUR BRIEFINGS?!!
(And, PS: people watch your briefings for the same reasons they watch horror movies or car crashes.) twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
It’s about time we had more competent, strong, diverse leaders like this in government (with or without makeup). Show us how you do! #FlipTheTexasHouse #RunLikeAGirl twitter.com/elizabethforTX…
Homeschooling might undo me. I need to talk to someone who is NOT in elementary school. Text me if you’re as bored as I am. I need someone to chat with. (323) 405-9939
This is what resilience sounds like. nytimes.com/interactive/20…
I know there’s nothing more tone-deaf than celebrities showing off their opulent lives during a crisis, but I can’t help being a stereotype right now. I’ve used my wealth & influence to acquire the best thing money can buy: a Bob Ross pancake maker. #ThePicturePerfectQuarantine.
It is terrifying that our lives are in the hands of this man. twitter.com/Alyssa_Milano/…
I hired my son to help me install a ceiling fixture, but I should have checked his references first. As I was uploading this, I noticed he stole cash from my desk halfway through the job!
My daughter Maison has been communing with wildcats. (She wears polka-dot camouflage so they’ll accept her as one of their own.)
Please note: We did this @EW cover shoot before “social distancing” was a thing.
This behind the scenes footage shows the REAL reason production was halted on #Supernatural last month... youtu.be/5l62WEppBkQ
There’s a quote from you in this article, about you pulling funding from the World Health Organization in the middle of the worst pandemic humanity has seen in 100 years to shift blame from yourself. You would rather save face than save lives. apple.news/AJoNwqieKSFS0U… twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
If your one of those people for whom slow-motion panning shots of old buildings and empty streets brings tears to your eyes, watch this. youtube.com/watch?v=JJzlXh…
Your stimulus check is going to be delayed by several days so the US treasury could change the computer coding to print @realDonaldTrump’s megalomaniacal name on them. No President has ever done this. washingtonpost.com/politics/comin…
Maison just said, “Dad, what inventions were invented since you were a kid?” I said, “iPhones! And computers. We didn’t have those!” She looked astonished then asked, “What about balloons? Did you have those? Or Dream catchers?”
This is a reminder of why we’re doing what we’re doing.
(Do you recognize the voice?)
#StayHome #NextThanksgiving
Please retweet.
I’m running a 1-day, virtual, QUARANTINE SCAVENGER HUNT! Let’s create, connect (and maybe do a little good). Don’t just #StayAtHome —play at home! bit.ly/HomeHuntMC
Kids and teachers may be stuck at home, but SCHOOL IS IN SESSION.... twitter.com/baratunde/stat…