Misha Collins(@mishacollins)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

I have a feeling @simplyrecipes will never invite our family to dinner again. We left a mess & didn't even wash the dishes when we were done. adventurouseatersclub.com PS: 100% of our profits go to charity! twitter.com/simplyrecipes/…
You guys never cease to amaze me. This season, #GISH participants are helping to provide over 5,000 meals (and counting) to families in need, just by signing up to play my strange game. Thanks. Come play: bit.ly/GISHSchwagMC twitter.com/GISH/status/12…
What a difference 20 years makes, Lindsey. History will not be kind to you. twitter.com/grantstern/sta…
Less than 2 weeks left until Christmas! I know how hectic this time of year is, so as your personal shopper I've taken the liberty of picking out the perfect gifts for everyone on your list: adventurouseatersclub.com/shop
Can we tack on some additional articles of impeachment? Asking for a disgusted country. nytimes.com/2019/12/10/nyr…
10-year challenge. We have evidently made no progress. twitter.com/JensenAckles/s…
Every #Speightmas, the cast & crew of #SPN goes caroling. youtu.be/Iewn_s1dhHc
@dicksp8jr @JensenAckles @jarpad @Alex8Calvert Just in case you’ve forgotten the lyrics to this time-honored holiday classic: youtu.be/RD3LpUMdElI
When I’m traveling, I just text everyone I know in town to meet up. I texted these guys to come meet me this afternoon at the @artinstitutechi. Text me if you want me to let you know when I’m in your hometown: (323) 405-9939
Stand up for the rule of law tonight & make your voice heard.  RSVP at act.standupamerica.com/Impeachment-Pr… or text PROTEST to 21333. #ImpeachAndRemove #DefendOurDemocracy
Finally, there's a way to keep all the impeachment info you need tucked right into your hip pocket. (This must be how Trump feels about @senatemajldr.) impeachtrumpapp.com
I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there are impeachment rallies happening tonight all over America. If you text PROTEST to 21333, they’ll tell you where the rally nearest you is. Get out there & let your reps know you support the rule of law! #ImpeachAndRemove
This must be so satisfying for you, Donny. After lying about it for years, you can finally honestly say you’re able to draw a huge crowd. cnn.com/2019/12/18/us/…
I wore out my hips running with a condition called “dysplasia,” which is not as sexy as it sounds. Today I got a hip replacement from Dr. Berger in Chicago. Thanks to this team & all who make a career of bringing health to others. Can’t wait to play kickball with my kids again!
Tonight history was made & Trump was impeached, which was just the pick-me-up I needed after surgery. Thanks to those reps who stuck up for the country & voted to impeach. (Not you, @TulsiGabbard; nothing says “patriot” like voting, “I dunno, who cares?”)
@realDonaldTrump Nothing conveys “not guilty” like the measured, well-reasoned response of an all caps-locked Twitter rant.
Hey! @mattcohen4real is in @NewYorker magazine! As usual, he's pushing his Christmas/Hanukkah agenda. (I don't like feeling this kind of jealousy.) newyorker.com/magazine/2019/…
Democratic Rep, @TulsiGabbard, has been echoing Putin, defending Trump, & she may be coordinating with Republicans to run as a third-party spoiler like @DrJillStein did in 2016. Yesterday Gabbard did NOT vote to impeach. Watch out for this trojan horse. latimes.com/opinion/story/…
An old friend sent this song and said, "this is what it's been like being friends with you all these years." I'm Ed. youtube.com/watch?v=0c8BEu…
Impeaching @realDonaldTrump wasn’t partisanship, it was patriotism. Not surprisingly, Putin condemns impeachment, while Moscow Mitch (@senatemajldr) tries to stop the President’s National Security Advisor from truthfully testifying before the the Senate. wsj.com/articles/putin…
Soon. Now that I have titanium in me I’m going to be long-distance lightning. How’s November for you? twitter.com/jarpad/status/…
I can’t imagine why any Christian would criticize you, Donald "Grab ‘Em By the Pussy” Trump. Maybe they’re upset about you paying off porn stars to hide your affairs, or lying daily, or praising murderous dictators, or stealing from your own charity... twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
@feliciaday Sounds like a piñata, which is appropriate for end-of-year celebrations!
This is your very last chance to get a copy in time for the holidays! The first printing sold out, but the second printing has arrived in bookstores and online is stocked! bit.ly/AEClub_AZ (All profits go to charity!)
A perk of airport wheelchair service is the butts’-eye-view you get of your fellow travelers. No-one ever talked about that.