Misha Collins(@mishacollins)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

I’m calling registered Gishers right now… If you get an call from an unknown number it could be me! bit.ly/JoinGISH (This is a stock photo of me on the phone. It's not where i am right now, but I am on the phone.)
Just had a great chat with Anne. Thanks for joining #GISH! (And say hi to your grandmother for me.) bit.ly/JoinGISH
I want to talk to more of you, but the kids are making too much noise! So I'm gonna be on the #GISH App DMing random registered Gishers for a while. I'm "MishaCollins" on the app. Meet you there: bit.ly/GetGISHapp
The world’s a more vibrant place when everyone’s included. Happy #PrideMonth!
America, this is not who we are... twitter.com/AOC/status/114…
I wasn’t worried until I saw this sign, but come to think of it... it has been a while since I had my period... Ug. (And don’t worry, mom, I’m just here for a jogging injury. Nothing serious.)
Tomorrow is Independence Day! If you love America like I do, read this by my idol, @Bobosphere. Whatever your politics, democracy itself is worth fighting for—so let's celebrate by reinforcing the ideological pillars of our country: usatoday.com/story/opinion/…
Once you’re done reading that, read THIS: purplefordemocracy.org
Guys! Thoughts and prayers really do work!! twitter.com/Angry_Staffer/…
I’m partnering with my friend @gilesduley to help save 25 family farms in Laos. Will you help me? gish.com/help-25-famili…
Come chat with me & my dear friend @gilesduley! We're live on my Facebook right now, talking about the perils of playing pétanque: facebook.com/officialmisha/…
If you have kids, or know someone with kids, or were ever a kid yourself, you should read this. apple.news/AOn0YPC0WSA6YM…
Get on it, guys: GISH.com
Before we shot the photos for this TV Guide cover, the Supernatural cast all agreed to @TVGuideMagazine’s demand that we get plastic surgery to enhance our chin clefts. #WBSDCC #SDCC2019
On Reddit, someone shared this about #GISH—6 years later & it's still the weirdest thing they’ve ever seen. This makes me feel like I'm doing something right with my life: bit.ly/RedditOnGISH PS: Registration is open. Come traumatize people with me: GISH.com
I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm giving away the GISHBUS, the crown jewel in the #GISH fleet of non-operable mobile luxury transportation vessels. Want it? bit.ly/WinGISHBUS
An Antichrist and an angel walk into a bar... Feels like a #GoodOmen to me. twitter.com/elijahdaniel/s…
And this is when the VP is touring with press for a photo op. Imagine what we are not seeing. twitter.com/BradleyWhitfor…
Don’t let regret sour your summer. Register right now! 2 days left! twitter.com/GISH/status/11…
People keep saying, “This isn’t America. We’re better than this.” I’ve said it myself. But the grim reality is, this IS America right now. Today. So the question we need to ask ourselves is, “What are we going to do about it? Today?" 1/5
Here's what we can do: 1. Wherever you are, donate to immigrant aid organizations such as Val Verde Border Humanitarian Coalition: app.clovergive.com/app/giving/val… 2/5
2. Then, contact your Congresspeople & let them know that if they don’t take action to ensure all humans within our borders are treated humanely, they lose your vote. Period. 3/5
3. If you are near the #TrumpCamps, I urge you to go there in peaceful protest. Bring food, water, hand sanitizer, & other supplies if you can—maybe NOW they will accept them for these people. 4/5
Because this ISN'T who we really are, America. But it’s who a few corrupt officials are trying to make us be. They want something revolting? Fine! Let’s revolt—a revolution predicated on our true American values of compassion & just treatment for all. 5/5