This year’s @G7 Summit will be all about how we #BuildBackBetter
At this @G7 Summit Britain will work alongside our kindred democracies to #BuildBackBetter
My article: gov.uk/government/spe…
The success of our vaccine programme means we can donate at least 100m surplus doses in the next year to those who need them.
I hope my fellow @G7 leaders will make similar pledges so that, together, we can vaccinate the world by the end of next year.
#G7UK #BuildBackBetter
It was a pleasure to welcome you to Cornwall Mr President. Together we’re going to build back better from the pandemic, help to vaccinate the world and make 2021 the decisive moment in the fight against climate change. twitter.com/POTUS/status/1…
Eighty years ago Churchill and Roosevelt stood together promising a better future. Today @POTUS Joe Biden and I do the same 🇬🇧🇺🇸
➔ gov.uk/government/pub…
Fantastic to welcome @POTUS Joe Biden and @FLOTUS Jill Biden to Cornwall with @carrielbjohnson today.
The UK-US partnership is more important than ever as we #BuildBackBetter and greener from the pandemic 🇬🇧🇺🇸
Together we will #BuildBackBetter 🇬🇧🇺🇸
At the @G7 I’ll be urging leaders to cut emissions and preserve our planet.
But we all need to be part of this conversation. Schools around the UK can use @COP26’s new education packs to help get young people involved: together-for-our-planet.ukcop26.org/schools-pack-g…
Britain is blessed with alliances that keep us safe and advance our values, and we are putting all of this to work for the benefit of the British people 🇬🇧
My article ahead of my meetings with @POTUS, the @G7 and @NATO: gov.uk/government/spe…
As the world builds back better from coronavirus, Cornwall will lead the way.
#G7UK #G7Cornwall #BuildBackBetter
➔ gov.uk/government/new…
6 months.
68,800,879 doses given.
40,573,517 first jabs.
28,227,362 second jabs.
1000s of volunteers.
1 United Kingdom.
Let’s finish the job. Please keep coming forward to get vaccinated when it’s your turn.
On #WorldOceansDay and ahead of the @G7 in Carbis Bay, I’d like to recognise Steve & Monika for their fantastic work preserving the natural beauty of Cornwall’s coastline.
I’m proud the UK has protected more than 4.3million sq km of the world's oceans.
It was fantastic to visit sunny Chesham and Amersham this morning with our great candidate Peter Fleet.
He’ll work with me to deliver on the people’s priorities in Chesham and Amersham.
Vote for @pdfleet on 17 June.
This #CarersWeek I want to take a moment to thank care workers and everyone caring for family, friends and loved ones.
Your selflessness and devotion to helping others is an inspiration to us all.
Many congratulations to The Duke & Duchess of Sussex on the birth of their daughter.
As General Eisenhower said, when Allied troops landed on Normandy’s beaches that June morning in 1944 the eyes of the world were upon them. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere marched with them.
77 years on, we thank and remember them. #DDay
At the @G7 next week, I will ask my fellow leaders to help vaccinate the world by the end of next year.
We have a responsibility to do everything we can to defeat COVID around the world.
In just six months 40 million people have received at least one dose of the vaccine.
Thank you to everyone who has been instrumental in getting us here. Please keep coming forward for both doses.
Great to see Japan and the Republic of Korea sign up to the #LeadersPledge4Nature today, joining our collective efforts to halt biodiversity loss. Next week @G7 we’ll be working with international partners to accelerate action to protect our planet. #WorldEnvironmentDay twitter.com/WWF/status/140…
You can have prosperity whilst respecting the environment.
Together we can #BuildBackGreener from coronavirus and make 2021 and @COP26 the moment of decisive change in the fight against climate change.
This #VolunteersWeek, I want to thank all volunteers who have played a vital role throughout the pandemic – from supporting the vulnerable during lockdown, to helping rollout the vaccine programme.
Your contribution has been invaluable.
Half of the UK adult population are now fully vaccinated. It’s a remarkable achievement, made possible by every one of you coming forward.
Now let’s finish the job. When it’s your turn, get the jab.