Best Mom Eva(@mombot)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

You could do anything on 2007-2012 twitter. You could show people how to cook crack in a microwave and nothing happened. Now you can’t even [use reported speech to say that a person was erroneously suspended without being erroneously suspended].
I am a witness to this harassment! Liam Robertson quote tweeted them to call them mean names, and THEY QUOTE TWEETED HIM BACK.
Just wait until big video game companies start designing their products with Chinese government regulations in mind, like some Hollywood film studios already do.…
Ever since activists picketed a Monet exhibit in 2015 for "cultural appropriation", I've been fascinated to learn how artists "appropriated" from each-other in Monet's time. What I learned: Japanese impressionists inspired by Japonism painted lots of foreign girls in kimonos.
After some introspection, I've made the decision to focus my time and energy on being even worse.
Me before 2014 Me after 2014
If Bridget is canonically a femboy in Japan, and transgender in America, then what is Bridget in the United Arab Emirates?
What projects have enjoyed greater ROI thanks to your consultation? Can you give specific examples of successes you have brought about? Do you have some references who can vouch for how your consultation helped their game become a success?…
Real talk, in 5 to 10 years this advertisement will be a real advertisement by Nike or Ben & Jerry's or something and the woke trans community will eat it up as empowering. That's not a criticism. That's a fact.
I have updated ⚡️ “#GamerGate: Where Are They Now?” to include Peter Bright.…
The essay below provides a nuanced objection to the assertion of "男の娘-transgender interchangeability" by chronicling the 40-year history of 男の娘 subculture in Japan. Even the first few paragraphs are worth reading.…
Correct. Get off my lawn.
Sir, this is a GameStop.
"Accessibility". For some reason, I only ever hear this word come out of some people's mouths when they are mad about sucking at video games. I'm starting to suspect that they don't really give a damn about gamers with disabilities, and just want to use them as a bludgeon.
In the 2016 game DOOM an evil business refers to demons as "the mortally challenged" in a mockery of contemporary corporate compliance policy. The sort of emotionally-driven dumdums who make these policies a necessity felt mocked. They were right, and it was justified.
This is "Myakumyaku," the official mascot of the Osaka 2025 World Expo. Japanese internet users were quick to point out that he looks like a cosmic horror.
"Dead animals can't not consent."
@Kotaku_UK Exhibit A, your article's author making inflammatory posts to her social media in an attempt to cause "controversy". Exhibit B, your website reporting on said "controversy". Note the date.
It's very hypocritical of gaming and tech news outlets to publish hit pieces on developers if they express beliefs that disagree with their own, but remain silent when one of their own staff is guilty of a serious crime.
The Lawson at Dogo Onsen turned off the "L" in its sign so that it wouldn't be too bright at night for a nest of baby swallows.…
Apple's $15,000 cheese grater can consume up to 1400W. Normal power outlets in Japanese homes are only rated to 1500W. I'm not even sure if you could use this thing in a domestic setting (lights on, washing machine on, TV on) without tripping your circuit breaker.
RedBull社のE-Sports垢、「多様性がない」とアニメを叩くツイートを呟いて即ツイ消しした(笑) なるほど、でも日本でレッドブルを飲む方はオタ系の人も多いと思うんですけどね Deleted tweet of Red Bull taking a dump on anime. In Japan redbull drinkers are mostly game/anime otaku. Haha
Tweetus deleetus. Threatening to ruin some person's career over a petty slight. E3 is a magical place.
The world is 4.54 billion years old and I just had to have the luck to exist at the same time as furries.