Best Mom Eva(@mombot)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Summon - Doomtrain 👈
You may have heard about the Chinese war dramas that feature Japanese soldiers dying by the dozen. But weak villains get boring fast. This has had an anime-like power creep effect. So, now we have Japanese ninja super soldiers for the heroes to fight.
Ashiya Municipal Hospital in Hyogo, Japan is using VR to ease the fears of end-stage cancer patients. VR allows them to relive their memories or see their homes. In the future, passing away may just be a matter of slipping into VR dream.…
I still think about this.
I think normal people are starting to notice that Randy Pitchford is a jerk. Even the people who pretended to like him because he pooped on gamers are mad at him now.
I sent a DM to @arstechnica for a statement about their employee who tried to molest a 7-year-old girl. No reply. Not seeing any game or tech journalists talking about it publicly.
I have no idea what any of these controversies were about, and I follow this stuff out of perverse curiosity. Perhaps only some or none of them were ever spoken of outside of resetERA.
Hideaki Hatta, the CEO of Kyoto Animation, has announced that a memorial park will be built on the site of the animation studio which was burned in Thursday morning's attack.…
Netflix, standing back to look at their work: "There, perfect."
This game is still missing after the Chinese government pressured Steam to remove it. I am following this closely and waiting to hear from the developers (@redcandlegames) or someone involved.…
Detective Pikachu took first place this weekend, keeping Avengers from grabbing 1st place again.
ResetERA had a thread about the TotalBiscuit documentary. All 5 pages are amazing. Recommended reading. This is my favorite interaction.
Russ Pitts has finally escaped from the Escapist after Zoe Quinn broke his brain for sassing her. He was a jerk, and called the old Escapist staff bad names, but he finally learned the hard lesson: the internet is garbage. Fly free my child.
Toko University has developed brain-wave visors that can tell if you are daydreaming. I'd rather see them put to use on our politicians than school children.
"I saw a tweet that said something along the lines of 'female otaku don't exist; it's fabricated history', so here's a picture of Comiket from 1977."…
The English voice actress for Catherine is in an unenviable position. She is imploring these upset trans kids to play the game before judging it, but she herself has mild issues with the game's portrayal of queers and is fearful those issues will be drowned out by extremists.
Limited Run threw their own publisher under the bus to morally ingratiate themselves with a handful of unpleasable weirdos. Business management sure is weird in the early 21st century.
Listen: we've had this same argument for 5 years. It always ends with: Side A: "Anita did not say 'censor games'. She tried to use social media to pressure companies into censoring games." Side B: "Nuh uh." Just stop. It's embarassing.…
This psycho-horror adventure game called "還願 DEVOTION" by Taiwanese game developers looks pretty interesting. It's getting high reviews here in Asia.
In the Spanish version of Terminator 2, instead of "hasta la vista", the Terminator says "sayonara".…
Bright's articles are still live on @arstechnica, including this report which he wrote while he was actually in the process of soliciting the mother (undercover agent) to allow him to molest her 7-year-old daughter.
From January 2022 "Gaming Disorder" will be an illness officially recognized by the World Health Organization. Here are the details.
We did it Gamers!