If you object to this particular act of violence, Hurt-Feelings Reports are available at the following organizational resource. Have a blessed day.
The head of Hong Kong's Department of Justice--if such a department can still be said to exist--appears to have personally intervened to deny representation to the lawyer who aided me there, in a case that seems ever-more-obviously constructed to chase him out of the territory. twitter.com/JeromeTaylor/s…
“We should have known what was to come and, looking back at the public record, I think that on an intellectual level many of us did know. But the elite relentlessly repeated that the choice here was obvious: a guarantee of life or a certainty of death.” theguardian.com/world/2021/sep…
We're live in half an hour. twitter.com/PleasrDAO/stat…
"My troubles began with my father being an intellectual and a writer, so I can say all of my troubles resulted from reading books." Great interview with the extraordinary @aiww: nytimes.com/2020/12/31/boo…
2022. It's right there, watching you.
Roskomnadzor should immediately reverse this dangerous and self-defeating decision.
Just as when they tried (and failed) to block Telegram, efforts to block @torproject won't stop criminals, but it will absolutely hurt ordinary people who depend on it for privacy. This is wrong. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
Don't believe their lies. twitter.com/darrenboey/sta…
Read about it here: theintercept.com/drone-papers/
I've said before that of all the journalists I worked with to break the mass surveillance story, none of them took operational security or source protection as seriously as Laura. I never once saw her cut a corner or break a rule. She was the only one who could make me feel lax.
One way to view my life's work is a struggle against the dangers of centralized power, so watching the accelerating adoption of decentralization as a strategy for ensuring fairness—and increasingly, as a source of philanthropy—is tremendously gratifying.
Thank you, @FFDWeb! twitter.com/FFDWeb/status/…
Don't tell me @telegram didn't know about the scam-ring running this account, either: they were contacted by the media about it ages ago, which even wrote a story about it.
What did @telegram do when asked for comment? They refused to even respond! twitter.com/MikaelThalen/s…
This story is coming out right as Trump reannounces candidacy, granting a tailwind, bc the institutional press refused to reckon with it during (or even after) the administration.
I fear they'll continue to ignore it, and so it will become a *nightmare* in the general election. twitter.com/mtaibbi/status…
No. If you see one, it's fake. twitter.com/eduarjonam/sta…
The greatest happiness never comes in a box. twitter.com/lsjourneys/sta…
Within five minutes of posting this, I see agreements written in Spanish (Mexico), Italian, German, and French. Not a great sign. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
My public key on Nostr:
Check it out at snort.social, iris.to (which looks like the only one working in the Tor Browser), or via one of the iOS/Android apps like github.com/vitorpamplona/…
Below is the latest chapter in the White House's increasingly Soviet refusal to speak of the nation's biggest press freedom case—a case new reports say was only brought to grant legal cover for a CIA rendition op.
They have stone-walled for months.
(cf: mediaite.com/tv/i-emailed-y…) twitter.com/KimberlyHalket…
@TwitterSupport @elonmusk It seems to me the result of an algorithm run amok, rather than human decision. Wife asks me if she should just give up, delete the pic and move on. I say no--because how many others have been victimized by the same stupid algo?
This is a problem, and it needs to be fixed.
FIVE POINT FIVE MILLION from @PleasrDAO. It feels like the whole staff of @FreedomofPress is watching live, and we've never seen anything like this. This is more than a spectacle -- this is drama. All eyes turn to the dark horse. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
@elonmusk There's a selective blindness in for-profit, or for-state news. Most paid very little attention to her case, despite her receiving the widest sentence for the narrowest (most curated) disclosure.
Hard to excuse, because her mother campaigned relentlessly to make sure they knew.
Data as filtered by what calls itself the media—as opposed to data as filtered by an individual—should be better, but isn’t.
It would be funny if it weren't so sad. He doesn't need ridicule—he needs help. twitter.com/cobie/status/1…
He has since issued a statement drafted by his staff: