Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

One step forward, eight steps back. twitter.com/dnvolz/status/…
*sigh* gonna be a big week twitter.com/cameron/status…
@amazon He could even pay for a union.
Wait til somebody tells them what's planned for the dollar: edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/cbdcs
It's not OK to algorithmically blackmail parents into eradicating family photos. The idea that some random engineer's half-baked code forces you to make a choice between keeping your account or deleting your baby photos is straight-up dystopian.
This is Laura's statement: praxisfilms.org/open-letter-fr…
There has been a quiet but sharply accelerating push for turnkey tyranny by a coalition of governments. Read about it: twitter.com/matthew_d_gree…
"The text made no sound. It produced no image. It offered no warning of any kind as an iMessage delivered malware directly onto her phone — and past Apple’s security systems." edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/ns-oh-god-ho…
i can't believe edward snowden is against censorship who could have known edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/on-censorshi…
@wallstreetbets 🦍🤝💪 is the independent rediscovery of solidarity by an atomized and indentured generation apprehending the rigged nature of the system. But solidarity *alone* won't win against rule-by-decree. So when they change the rules to rug you: remember it wasn't an accident. Stay mad.
i want off mr. bones' wild ride twitter.com/historyinmemes…
Our greatest wish is that, wherever our son lives, he feels at home.
Können Sie es sich vorstellen? Haben sich die Zeiten geändert? twitter.com/skoldehoff/sta…
Another unequivocal claim by Biden that the question of war has been decided. I've been a huge skeptic, and I very much hope he's wrong, but he's putting generational credibility on the line in a way that worries even me. If he's right, stonewalling Minsk II is hard to justify. twitter.com/laurenegambino…
The U.S. Postal Service is running a "covert operation program" to monitor Americans' social media posts: news.yahoo.com/the-postal-ser…
@v3ritas1337 I'd recommend donating to the families that helped me in Hong Kong. They need it more than I do. You can find a link here: fortherefugees.com/donate/
The central property of cash is fungibility—meaning a dollar spent by a plumber is honored equally to one spent by a sex worker: they are indiscriminable. Adversarial chain analysis of Bitcoin's public ledger reduces its fungibility over time. Only privacy guarantees fungibility.
(Yes, the Star Wars thing is a parody, but the Fight Club thing is real.) theguardian.com/film/2022/jan/…
@oneKevinJohnson @wikileaks @JamesOKeefeIII The source of a given piece of information is a hell of a lot less important than if that information is true.
remember that time when congressional progressives totally caved to neoliberal pressure on the infrastructure bill and gave up absolutely every last bit of leverage they had in return for a big heaping plate of nothing and how it was definitely a good idea? twitter.com/mkraju/status/…
Children have their own gravity—one that attracts time.
With two kids under two, it feels like I have forgotten the meaning of a "free hour." Even when they're asleep, you're planning or shopping or reading for them. I don't know how parents ever get anything done.
certainly not with that attitude twitter.com/DeItaone/statu…
Asking people to pay $8/month to read tweets by NGOs and Hillary Clinton is only going to shrink the user base, because there's no audience for boring. It's short-term revenue at the cost of network itself.