Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. twitter.com/UKDefJournal/s…
"Ampel-Regierung lässt Snowden im Regen stehen" Je mehr sich die Dinge ändern, um so mehr bleiben sie sich gleich. twitter.com/netzpolitik_or…
"Even as President Biden said publicly a rapid collapse was unlikely to happen... the drumbeat of warnings over the summer raise questions about why they seemed ill-prepared." nytimes.com/2021/08/17/us/…
Please don't miss this chance to hear the father of American whistleblowing, @DanielEllsberg, LIVE in just an hour and a half. I'll be in conversation with him as well. (TODAY, 5/1 @ 1:30PM Eastern) twitter.com/DanielEllsberg…
After a couple months of using it, I've got to say—I'm glad @SubstackInc exists. It's hard to find a more thoughtful collection of writers and readers right now, and harder still to find a platform committed to freedom of speech. Halcyon days.
#Brexit seems to be going about as well as expected. I'm surprised I haven't seen "Bare Shelves Boris" trending. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
À Noël, pensez à faire un don de dernière minute à @4TheRefugees. Je prie pour que le gouvernement du Canada réunisse les familles qui m'ont protégé et met enfin fin aux menaces contre elles. Link: fortherefugees.com/donate/ Story: ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/14475…
Love is to journey through miles and years, blistered and dusty, and still smile at the road ahead. May it never end. twitter.com/lsjourneys/sta…
P.S. @GIMP_Official, I'm really hoping for a major UI overhaul. You guys could be eating Adobe's lunch.
"How can we have prosecutions under a law with a dead concept at its core — a concept that defendants and juries cannot intuitively comprehend?" washingtonpost.com/outlook/2022/0…
Issuing a currency is easy. Getting people to accept it is hard. twitter.com/viewsofac/stat…
@CL207 it's all fun and games until NSA gives the IRS a corkboard of ct pfps, a big chart showing the movements of every phone number that repeatedly intersected with the locations of whale ct parties (CO-TRAVELER), and a manila folder labeled "dms and discord" washingtonpost.com/world/national…
Update on the Metam*sk/Infura controversy: Their parent (Consensys) says they have never/won't sell data (what about share?), will aim for 7-day data retention, and promise a "comprehensive redesign" of their privacy policy. Good start, but keep going. consensys.net/blog/news/cons…
I'm just imagining some dude spending his last moments on earth drafting an unfinished tweet about M&Ms. Carpe diem.
Here's the full Ellsberg piece, for those interested: theguardian.com/commentisfree/…
change the meta
Painfully relevant article today: twitter.com/Snowden/status…
The hardest work was done by @bunniestudios. In the end, we freely published our research in an academic journal (you can read here: tjoe.org/pub/direct-rad…) so anybody from the mobile industry (and the third-party gadget ecosystem) could adopt and commercialize the techniques. twitter.com/SamRoseAuthor/…
Not to be overlooked: twitter.com/CraigMWhitlock…
"Gas prices are coming off their seventh straight weekly advance." news.yahoo.com/here-comes-7-g…
PROTIP: You can leave the phone from your bag here and forget to do the same with the one in your pocket, or vice versa—an easy mistake for those with two phones, or carrying an aide's phone. Sometimes this makes it hard to freeze the public out of public policy discussions. twitter.com/christianjhall…