Edward Snowden(@Snowden)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Adults are at times farther from comprehending the world than children. Children have yet to educated, but remain open to learning, while adults have often been 𝘮𝘪𝘴-educated, and so jealously guard the granite of their preconception from being cracked by a contrary truth.
Got some bad news, Jimbo. twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/sta…
This is absolutely tyrannical. The EU is trying to outlaw any cash transaction over €10,000—which at the current rate of inflation will probably buy you half a shawarma in a decade. They're claiming this is to protect you. To protect you! consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press…
Six trillion dollars? This is good for Bitcoin.
Bonne chance. Le monde en a besoin. twitter.com/BenjMathieu/st…
please tell me the white house did not spend the month of february scrambling jets to fire $400,000 missiles at the local hobby club's TWELVE DOLLAR BALLOON lord have mercy aviationweek.com/defense-space/…
I'm thankful for the Internet. One day it will be free and open, edge to edge.
separation of money and state
My thinking on the Assange pardon is very simple: setting aside all else, Trump will either be remembered as the first President since JFK who from his first to last day in office was hated by the NSA, CIA, and FBI, or as the one who caved to pressure at the very last moment.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. The only solution is taking platforms out of the moderation game. The content-layer of the internet should be moved to neutral protocols. *You* should be the one who decides what you can read. Not a company. Not a government. twitter.com/mtaibbi/status…
Somebody sounds nervous. twitter.com/AFP/status/148…
Everything Going Great
Even at protests, your phone is emitting a beacon, one that’s invisible to the human eye. This signal is captured and collected, sometimes many times per minute, and keeps broadcasting long after the protesters head to their homes and take off their masks. nytimes.com/interactive/20…
Merry Christmas, internet.
Unbelievable: @Apple now circulating a propaganda letter describing the internet-wide opposition to their decision to start checking the private files on every iPhone against a secret government blacklist as "the screeching voices of the minority." This has become a scandal. twitter.com/kaepora/status…
CNN badly misreported this. A) This is not a settlement; I didn't agree to it. B) The judgement from this censorship case is not enforceable while I am in exile, but I've never had that much money anyway. Better headline: "US could gain up to $5m by pardoning Edward Snowden." twitter.com/CNNPolitics/st…
Social distancing is underrated.
Do you remember the "institutional" and social media corpo response in the first half of 2020 when someone contradicted the consensus? They were punished for the "crime" of "disinformation." Corporations must never again be permitted to police speech. wsj.com/articles/covid…
Stop what you're doing and read this. The CIA developed plans to kill or kidnap an award-winning journalist whose work they did not like — before they charged him with a crime. The case against Julian Assange must be dropped—and condemned. news.yahoo.com/kidnapping-ass…
America's political power struggle has never been about conservative versus liberal as much as the owner versus the owned. The whole Washington opera consists of two costumes shared by the same club—and you'll never be a member. Don't let them divide you from your neighbor.
🚨🚨 Apple says to "protect children," they're updating every iPhone to continuously compare your photos and cloud storage against a secret blacklist. If it finds a hit, they call the cops. iOS will also tell your parents if you view a nude in iMessage. eff.org/deeplinks/2021…
Almost six million people watched this. twitter.com/Snowden/status…
We really could have handled the 2008 Great Financial Crisis better. twitter.com/histories_arch…